Super Doctor: Become Stronger From Signing In

Chapter 93: Excision or retention?

After signing the operation consent form, the little boy was soon sent to the operating room to prepare for the operation.

The one who cooperated with Su Yang's operation was another chief resident. He looked delicate and honest, and he shouldn't be like a general resident who came to the dean to give a short report.

Before the operating table.

"Normal blood pressure"

"Normal heart rate"

"Oxygen saturation is normal"

The anesthesiologist reported the vital signs of the little boy.

"Start Surgery"

After Su Yang said loudly, the operation began.

"Electric Knife"

After Su Yang finished speaking, the instrument nurse on the side handed the electric knife to Su Yang's hand.

Because it is an acute intestinal obstruction, in order to reduce the operation time, open the abdominal cavity as soon as possible to see the situation inside, so this time Su Yang chose to cut the abdomen directly with an electric knife.

The electric knife cut to the abdomen, making a sizzling sound, and there was a smell of burning things in the air.

Soon, the abdomen was cut open, and the small intestine in the abdominal cavity was exposed in front of Su Yang and his assistant.


After Su Yang finished speaking, the instrument nurse handed the retractor to the assistant, who used the retractor to open the incision to expose more of the small intestine.

Soon, the entire obstructed small intestine appeared in front of the two of them.

The middle part, the obstructed small intestine, has been swollen, and the color has changed from ordinary pink to purple-black, which indicates that this section of the intestine has been necrotic.

Although the color at the two ends is a little lighter than the middle, it is still a little black.

"Doctor Su, do you have to remove all of them?"

The assistant asked.

"Wait for me to think about it."

Su Yang looked at the thick and black intestine in the middle. This section must be removed, but can the two ends be preserved?

Thinking of this, Su Yang turned on the system.

[System, turn on the diagnosis and treatment subsystem, evaluate the current surgical plan]

[Ding, after evaluation, the probability that both ends of the intestines remain in patients with the current surgical plan is 30%]

It is only 30%, indicating that the direct retention method is not feasible.

[System, optimized surgical plan, additional tags-healing]

[Ding, the surgical plan has been optimized. After optimization, the survival probability of the intestines at both ends of the patient is 70%. Do you want to transfer the surgical plan? 】

[Transfer it]

As soon as Su Yang's voice fell, a brand new surgical plan was transmitted to Su Yang's mind.

The plan for this operation is completely different from what Su Yang thought. The new plan is to intercept a section of the boy’s colon, recreate a section of the intestine, then remove the necrotic intestine, and connect the two ends with the reconstructed intestine.

In this case, the reconstituted intestine will have a completely normal blood supply and tissue. Slowly, the intestines at both ends may be able to survive the serious infection and eventually survive.

However, although there is a 70% success rate, this is the result of a systematic evaluation.

In reality, if Su Yang really does this, in the eyes of others, the risk is very high.

Because if you do this, the intestine is not preserved and eventually becomes necrotic, you must open the abdominal cavity again and remove the necrotic intestine.

If it does happen, it will be difficult for the patient's family members to undergo a second operation, and maybe they will have to go to the medical committee to complain that this is a medical accident.

However, it is still worth a try.

"Clamp the completely necrotic intestine in the middle and clean the abdominal cavity. I will communicate with my family and wait until I come back before continuing the operation."

Su Yang thought for a while and said to the assistant in front of him.

"Doctor Su, you?"

The assistants were all surprised, and equally surprised, there were also the instrument nurses and anesthesiologists. In their opinion, the removal of the entire intestinal tube was a fixed fact, and there was no other choice now.

"Take a section from the colon, rebuild the intestine and connect it, and hope to keep the intestines at both ends."

Su Yang said slowly.

"But Dr. Su, this is too risky, and the possibility of a second operation is very high. Family members may not be able to accept it."

At this time, the assistant persuaded Su Yang to say.

"This choice, leave it to the family members, you first perform the operation I said."

Su Yang said in a deep voice.

"I see."

Seeing that Su Yang had made up his mind, the assistant had to obey his decision.

Taking off the surgical gown, Su Yang quickly left the operating room.

As soon as he came out, the boy's mother greeted him and asked anxiously, "Doctor Su, is the operation over? How is Xiao Ming?"

"The operation is not over yet, but something happened temporarily, and you need to seek your opinion."

Su Yang said slowly.

"If something goes wrong, is Xiao Ming in danger?"

The young mother said eagerly.

"The child’s vital signs are stable, so don’t worry about it. After I opened the abdominal cavity, I saw that the intestines at both ends of the child were not completely necrotic. Therefore, I think it is possible to intercept a part of the colon and construct a new intestine to connect the two ends. In this case, Maybe the intestines at both ends of the child can be retained."

Su Yang paused, and then said: "If the intestines at both ends can be retained, the child's nutrient absorption will be normal, and short bowel syndrome will not occur."

"Doctor Su, is it true?"

The young mother used a certain degree to search for short bowel syndrome after the child went into the operation. The more searched, the more frightened. If the child really has this disease, then the latter half of her life will be almost a waste.

"It's true, but there is still a risk. If the postoperative recovery is not good, the intestines at both ends are still necrotic, the abdominal cavity must be opened again and the resection will be performed."

Su Yang had to inform her young mother of this risk. This was something she had to know, although Su Yang knew that this decision was difficult to make.

It is a difficult choice whether to keep the intestinal tube and take a gamble and face the low risk of a second operation; or to remove it directly and accept the consequences of short bowel syndrome after the operation.

"Doctor Su, if you keep it, how sure are you?"

The young mother asked earnestly.

Su Yang was silent for a while. The young mother's question was too critical. The average doctor would never give a specific probability.

Because this is actually a gambling game, there is no probability, success or unsuccess, 0 and 1, probability is only used to comfort people.

It depends on the determination of the surgeon and family members!

"Although there is a risk of a second operation, there is also great hope that the child's bowel can be preserved."

Su Yang can only say that, although in his opinion, the 70% probability given by the system is already very high, as long as the postoperative care is done well, there is basically no problem.

But he can't say that, it will make a bad start.

He promised to pack the ticket in this way, but it was passed out. There will be doctors who will perform the operation in the future, and the family members request to keep it. What should I do?

The young mother was silent. She knew that the doctor would not promise 100%, and it was unrealistic, because the human body was so complicated that no one would dare to say 100%.

However, for the sake of her children, she is willing to take a gamble.

Moreover, she could see that the doctor in front of her was very sure, but due to some consideration, she couldn't directly speak out.

"Doctor Su, I believe you, I choose to keep the baby's intestines, please!"

The young mother made a decision quickly, and she looked at Su Yang firmly.

"I see, don't worry, I will do my best."

After finishing speaking, the nurse who followed handed out an informed consent form to the young mother. The young mother picked up the pen. This pen was like a critical mass. Soon, she let out a sigh of relief and signed her name. .

"Wait at ease, trust me."

Su Yang finally said this, and walked into the door of the operating room again.

Hearing Su Yang's last words, the young mother was greatly relieved from the anxiety and tortured heart at this time. All of a sudden, with mixed feelings, she squatted on the ground and started crying low.

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