After dinner together, Huang Roujia went back happily. Now that she was not going to work in the hospital, Huang Roujia simply handed in her resignation letter, so she could go back early to take over the family business.

Seven o'clock in the evening.

This will be fairly quiet, and no patients will be sent to the inpatient department.

Therefore, Su Yang sat in the office and continued to search for treatment options for severe nerve damage to his hands. He always felt that there should be a way to keep the boy's hands, but he didn't expect it.

At this moment, Dong Xin walked in from outside and said, "Dr. Su, a patient came in from the outpatient clinic."

Su Yang raised his head and asked, "What is the patient's situation?"

"It was a patient whose finger was cut by a nail knife. He said he was sent for debridement and suture."

Dong Xin continued.

"Well, I'll go take a look."

Su Yang stood up, ready to deal with the patient.

Following Dong Xin to the dressing room, Su Yang found a beautiful girl sitting on a stool, and a middle-aged woman with good temperament was standing next to her.

"What's wrong?"

Su Yang said to the girl.

"Doctor, Xiao Juan went to manicure a few days ago, and his finger was punctured by a nail knife. Look, it's a little swollen now."

The middle-aged woman then said, it seems that she should be the girl's mother.

"Well, put your hand on the dressing tray."

After Su Yang finished speaking, he picked up a pair of rubber gloves and put them on.

"Okay, doctor."

The girl's voice is soft and waxy, and it sounds very nice.

Su Yang carefully looked at the girl's right hand that was placed on the dressing tray. The fingers were slender, slender, and very white.

"Did she learn any musical instruments?"

Su Yang asked, it looked like a piano player.

"Well, you can see the doctor. Our Xiao Juan is going to participate in the Youth Piano Competition."

The middle-aged woman said proudly.

Su Yang looked at it, and the girl's right thumb was a little red and swollen, and there was a small gap in the tip of the index finger, and there seemed to be something black in it.

"How long have you been injured specifically?"

Su Yang asked the girl.

"It's been a week."

The girl said.

"Did you have any treatment during this period?"

Su Yang instinctively felt that something was wrong with the girl's fingers. The little thing that came out of the tip of the thumb was black. Even if it was infected with pus, it should be red and white pus, not black.

"I use alcohol swabs to clean and disinfect Xiao Juan every day."

The girl's mother continued.

Su Yang picked up a pair of tweezers and gently poked the girl's thumb with the tip.

"How do you feel? Does it hurt?"

"It doesn't seem to hurt, but it's a bit numb."

The girl replied.

Su Yang took another cotton swab and pressed it on the tip of the girl's thumb. After a while, some black granular things slowly flowed out from the breach, which was a bit sticky.

Seeing this, and then thinking of poking the girl's finger with tweezers just now, she just felt numb, and Su Yang's face suddenly became abnormally solemn.

"What's wrong? Doctor?"

The girl's mother, seeing Su Yang's face suddenly become serious, asked suspiciously.

In her opinion, the daughter's finger just needs to cut a small mouth to let the pus out, wash it, take some medicine, and it will be all right for a week.

During the outpatient clinic, the receiving doctor told her the same, but because the emergency room was too busy today, there was no doctor available there, so they were invited to the general clinic.

"You said you were going to participate in the piano competition, when did you?"

Su Yang asked the girl.

"A week later, what's wrong, doctor?"

The girl also felt something wrong from Su Yang's face.

"You may not be able to go to the competition."

Su Yang said solemnly, it is not just that he can't participate this time, if his guess is true, then I don't know if he can play the piano in the future!


The girl and mother were stunned at the same time. They thought it was a small hole, just a little red and swollen. Why is it so serious?

"I'll take something first and do an emergency check. You must be mentally prepared."

Su Yang said solemnly.

Judging from the numerous signs, the girl’s fingers are likely to suffer from necrotizing fasciitis, which is a widespread and rapid soft tissue infection characterized by subcutaneous tissue and fascial necrosis, often accompanied by whole body Toxic shock.

If it is really this disease, not only the girl’s thumb may not be able to keep, but also systemic poisoning and shock will follow, which is very dangerous and extremely rare.

"Doctor, is Xiao Juan really this serious? She is going to participate in the piano competition in a week. She started practicing piano at the age of seven, and finally looked forward to this day."

The girl's mother said anxiously, her face full of trepidation.

"Doctor, I have to go to the competition."

The girl also said lowly, her face also very disturbed.

"Check first."

Su Yang didn't say any words of comfort, and gave hope at this time, waiting for the inspection result to be bad, this kind of gap is unacceptable for ordinary people. Especially the girl’s diseased part is still her right hand, and at the same time she is still practicing piano. Without her thumbs, it will be fatal!

The girl and mother, the mood suddenly fell down at this time, and they were enthusiastically preparing for the piano competition, but now it is possible that all hopes have been lost.

"It's all my fault. When Xiao Juan got it, he should see the doctor."

The girl's mother said reproachfully.

Su Yang took a little black granular secretion with a cotton swab, put it in a small transparent bag, and handed it to Dong Xin who was standing aside.

"Let the inspection over there be an expedited."

Su Yang said in a deep voice.

"Okay, Dr. Su."

Dong Xin looked at the girl, she also felt a little unbearable.

Su Yang simply bandaged the girls' fingers and asked them to sit on the benches in the corridor, waiting for the results of the inspection.

"Come and drink some water."

Su Yang got two glasses of water from the office, brought them out and handed them to the girl and mother.

"Thank you."

The girl said lowly, still not in a good mood.

Su Yang didn't know what to say at this time, and he couldn't say comforting words, because he knew that in all likelihood, a girl would suffer from necrotizing fasciitis.

This disease is extremely rare, but the clinical manifestations are very specific, so the diagnosis is not difficult.

But for treatment, it’s hard to say. First, the thumb must be incised, all exposed, the infected and necrotic parts, all removed, and drainage done. After that, it depends on the patient's own recovery.

However, it may be possible to use the system to optimize the operation plan, perhaps to preserve the girl's thumb to the greatest extent.

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