Super Dragon Cultivation System

Chapter 1044: Eating in Kowloon

"Excuse me, the name of this strong man?"

Liard showed fire (hot r).

"Ben ... my name is Heibao!"

Heibao rarely communicates with outsiders. When someone asked him for his name, he just wanted to say Ben Long, but he changed his mouth immediately.

In addition, his face was (shown) a contented look.

"It turned out to be the Heibao brothers. It really was prestigious and extraordinary."

Riyad said that he paused for a moment, and looked at a flamboyant, gratifying black treasure, and knew in his heart what to say next.

"The Brother Heibao and the other eight brothers we saw just now are killing the Quartet. We are really seeing (hot r) blood boiling and admiring it."

"The horrible horror hordes of bulls and empires were called by the crying father of several brothers (kill sha), and fled into the desert.


All the words of praise that Liard could think of were used, and he boasted of Heibao.

Heibao heard it called Shutan, with a smile all over his face, (body sh n) almost lying on the back of the chair.

"Brother Heibao, Zhang San, why not invite a few other people together and have a nice meal together?"

Liard drank tea, and moistened Rundu's smoky throat.

"Haha, that's a good feeling, brothers, come in."

When Heibao heard something to eat, his eyes lighted up immediately, and he shouted at (Dian di n).

All of a sudden, the entire hall (the temple di n) shook. The people inside, except Zhang Xing, buzzed in everyone's ears.

Du (qing) couldn't help (forbidden jin) covered his ears, or quickly ran his fighting spirit to resist such a strong voice.

The celebration banquet was held in the hall.

The main hospitality targets are Zhang Xing and Jiulong.

In less than half an hour, everything was ready.

All kinds of mountain and sea food, big fish and big fish ((rourou) rou), fragrant and delicious wine set a table in front of everyone.

"On behalf of all the coalition forces, the Lord of Fort Bourne toasts three brothers with three glasses of wine."

"Thank you ten brothers for helping us defeat the enemy."

"Respect the old man (gangan)!"

Liard drank three large glasses of wine in one breath.

Others followed, honoring Zhang Xing with their three glasses of wine.

Heibao Jiulong said nothing, and murmured three drinks.

But they did not stop there. Instead, they grabbed the jar of wine from the service soldiers and poured their heads into their mouths.

Uh ...

In a moment when Liard and others were stunned, all the wine was drunk.

The Deputy Lord of Doha gave his thumbs up and just wanted to shoot a horse (Fart Pi), but he was stunned by their taste.

"Haha, good wine, good wine. Let's eat with openness."

Heibao grabbed a grilled muddy (sh n) oily, yellowish-looking devil wolf and bit it down.

After tearing, a large piece ((rourou) rou) was torn off, chewed a little twice, and then swallowed.

The food in Kowloon is the same, focusing on the fierce wolf.

I go!

Are these nine people still human? How can they look crueler than Warcraft?

Zhang Xing held the glass and tasted it slowly, while others forgot to eat and kept staring at Heibao.

At the banquet, an adult-sized roasted devil wolf is basically decorated. No matter whether it is in the middle or high ranks of the army or the nobles outside, they will not go to eat it.

One minute later, the roasted wolf all entered the belly of Kowloon.

Next, the braised pork ribs, sweet and sour carp, big lobster, etc. on the plate were all eaten by Heibao.


Heibao was still full of thoughts: "Serving wine and serving, this is not enough to jam your teeth."

Saying a rather dissatisfied glance at Lord Liadburg.

What could Liad say, he quickly summoned the guards to continue to make wine.

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