Super Dragon Cultivation System

Chapter 1055: Will be in

Without a word, the soldiers slept peacefully.

They dreamed that they would kill the enemy on the battlefield, and they would not kill him.

Even if a sword penetrates the heart, there will be a sacred light to rescue them instantly!

At dawn, they woke up, still remembering the magical scene in their dreams.

When the rally signal sounded, they quickly stood in line.

The eyes of all the soldiers all looked at the young (body sh n) shadow above the handsome flag.

They know that everything in the dream is true.

As long as he is not killed on the spot (the death si), the bright magic of Lord Zhang will play the role of resurrection.

Invisibly, their confidence and morale are one point higher than yesterday.

Seeing this kind of morale, all the big guys in Liard couldn't be more surprised.

You know, the battle was defeated yesterday. The enemy ’s losses were negligible. There were 500 million troops!

Put away the surprised thought and look at Zhang Xing.

I saw Zhang Xing still a cold face.

He glanced over every soldier, slowly raising his arms.

All the officers and men, including Liad, thought that Zhang Xing was about to deliver an exciting speech.

They all raised their ears, expressing seriousness, staring and preparing to listen.

But Zhang Xing's arm swiped hard and pointed outside the city.

"Army attack!"

That's right ((xing) xing), directly!

Liaid and others twitched their mouths and smiled bitterly. Your kid is like gold!

When they were out of town and set off, the Jinghong Empire was also set up.

There was no nonsense on the two sides, and each took out all their strength, and it was another day of fighting until it was dark.

In this way, I have been fighting for ten days.

Zhang Xing never shot.

(Allied) The Allies lost nearly 10 million troops.

The Jinghong Emperor team lost less than four million.

If it weren't for Zhang Xing's use of bright magic, the (Allianlian) Alliance would lose more.

On the eleventh day, Jing Hongjun suddenly launched a violent attack.

Five million more troops were put on the battlefield.

Just three hours after the battle, the (Allianlian) Allies lost ground, showing a one-sided posture.

"The enemy suddenly changed the rhythm of the attack. This is to ((force bi) bi) I shot!"

"I do the same."

Zhang Xing murmured.

This is the only reason he can think of at the moment.

That's right! Jing Hongjun just wanted Heibao Kowloon to take the shot.

After ten days of observation, Jinghongjun's senior boss reached an exciting conclusion.

That is to say, the nine strongest members of the coalition camp are hurrying to restore their strength.

After their last battle, their aura was consumed so much that it was not enough to support the next battle.

Therefore, it is necessary to consume nine auras or magic powers again today!

Zhang Xing didn't know their thoughts.

Anyway, he has time to make the Dark Knight Mo Li become the size of an ordinary person every day, mixed in the army, constantly absorbing the soul.

If Heibao let them attack with all their strength, let alone fight for ten days, even if it was three days, Jinghong Army might not be willing to stay and die.

However, Zhang Xing is planning to shoot today.

It has been silent for ten days. If no more shots are taken, the morale that has been accumulated will eventually be defeated by successive failures.

"Heibao orders!"

Zhang Xing's voice spread throughout the camp.

The soldiers of the coalition eyes blinked.

For a moment, everyone who didn't participate in the war looked at Zhang Xing.

"The end is here!"

Heibao learns everything, walks out from behind, comes to Zhang Xing, kneeling with fists.

"Order you to lead eight brothers to destroy the enemy."

"Finally obey!"

Heibao took the lead, leading Eight Dragons (body sh n) to rise to the enemy.

All the soldiers in the coalition camp were excited at the same time.

"Master Zhang mighty!"

"Master Heibao is mighty!"


Cheers rose one after another, and some people were excited (Re r).

These nine people are their spiritual pillars and their source of hope. They carry too much!

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