Super Dragon Cultivation System

Chapter 1278: Preparation

Mo Yushan sent a delegation headed by Ru Feng, Ru Dagang, Ru Daqiang, Feng's ancestor Feng Feng, and Zhang Xing.

Disciples under the door include Ruxian of Samsung, Feng Bao of Samsung, Ruye of four stars, and Feng undefeated of seven stars.

And some other four-star to six-star disciples.

Although Zhang Xing has a devotion to the elders (body sh n), his age and cultivation are eligible for the competition.

The venue of this competition is the largest city in the southern empire, and also the residence of Xuantianmen, the first-class martial art.

Zhang Xing came here three days in advance and found an inn in the outer city of Xuandu City.

The inner city inn was booked out early.

They are all related, and everyone understands it.

No one is angry about this, after all, the Guanguan Department of Xuandu City is not something that ordinary people can climb.

There are countless forces in the Southern Union.

Don't underestimate those second- and third-class sects, they are likely to be backed by super-class forces.

Don't look down on those first-class sects. Maybe which superpower is behind it?

Rivers and lakes, that's it.

After staying at the inn, Zhang Xing went to the inner city to find the Master Guild.

His qualification certificate was issued by the western continent and re-certification is required in the eastern continent.

That is, about the assessment.

The rules are the same, unless the Master is unable to read in the library.

Other guilds are the same, so Zhang Xing's time is tight.

Ru Feng had some friendship with the elders of these guilds.

I heard that Zhang Xing wanted to re-certify, so he took him to find an acquaintance.

Of course, other people also have to go out for a walk. Metropolis, even a piece of brick is also attractive.

The group came to the headquarters of the Southern Front Mage Guild with some jokes.

Elder Hao Wang listened to Ru Feng's explanation of the intention, and with a stern face, a high posture, arranged Zhang Xing to take the assessment.

It doesn't seem to give Elder Rufeng a face.

There is no shortage of queuing and the procedures for re-assessment.

Ru Feng had an embarrassing look. After all, Hao Wang was also an eight-star warlord and an eighth-level mage. He had a much higher status than him.

A little pride is also normal.

It's as if the governor of the place came to the palace, it was a younger brother, and he had to lower his head wherever he went.

Zhang Xing didn't care about this either. According to the procedure, he was assessed from level one to level six in one breath.

When he finished the exam, it was all evening.

Time is running out. I went to the library to read the book after I got the certificate of qualification.

There is an old administrator like a thousand-year-old tree in the library.

He just focused on reading and didn't care about anything else.

Everything inside is automated.

You can read in the sixth-level area if you have the sixth-level mage certificate.

Level 7 areas are inaccessible.

This is something Zhang Xing did not expect.

However, he is here to supplement the nutrition, and it doesn't matter that he doesn't see books of grade seven.

It is estimated that there are tens of thousands of six-level matrix books, which is enough for him to add.

Fewer people read books during the meal.

Zhang Xing didn't have to worry about anything either. He came to the bookshelf and waved his hand.

Thousands of books flew out.

Divine thought controlled the book and began to flip through it quickly.

Uh ...

The movement here quickly shocked the people around.

They dropped the books in their hands, looked up at a phantom over the sixth-level area, and walked slowly.

"What happened there (fa), why did the books fly into the air?"

"I was fascinated by reading. Did I realize the essence of the formation method on the spot, and unconsciously arranged it?

"But this movement is too big, don't you know that it will affect other people's reading?"


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