Super Dragon Cultivation System

Chapter 1447: Meng Hu and Hercules play

"Zhang Xing and his dragons won two games, and the third challenge is below."

Another fat elder like Maitreya announced.

Meng Hu slowly stood up (body sh n): "I will challenge Zhang Xing in the third game."

The fat elder nodded and said nothing.

The other disciples who shouted fists excitedly and shouted for cheering.

"Big Meng Hu will definitely win."

"Big Menghu mighty!"


Zhang Xing looked at Meng Hu and felt from the breath that he should be the saint of Samsung.

They are older than the previous two, and it is estimated that they are over fifty.

At the same time I was feeling.

In the outside world, those high-ranking upgrade bosses are not more than 400 years old.

They studied hard all their lives, but in the end it was just a state of four or five stars.

And the younger generation here, the youngest star warrior is only about 30 years old.

The larger four or five star warriors are only about a hundred years old.

As for the elders, they have lived at least five hundred years.

Really two worlds!

Meng Hu came to Zhang Xing (body sh n), his eyes were calm.

"Zhang Xing, you are very strong. Use the magic, field, and martial arts you just used. I want to teach you."

Zhang Xing smiled slightly: "As you wish, please!"

Meng Hu nodded: "I wonder which dragon do you use this time?"

Zhang Xingyi waved his hand: "Shiyi, come out and play."

Meng Hu stunned: "What dragon is Eleven?"

Black one is a black dragon, white one is a white dragon, what is eleven?

Zhang Xing knew he had misunderstood, but there was no need to explain to him.

Heart said: "Guess!"

Long Yinian's younger brother flew out (sh n).

A glance at Meng Hu, I look down on you, you look like a weak chicken.

Meng Hu was despised by Long, and his heart (qingqing) became even worse.

However, when he looked at Shiyi, he felt like the extremely fast dragon that his cousin Meng Ding said.

Flying Unicorns are not as fast as him, so naturally they cannot summon war beasts that are good at speed.

"Hercules, you have to deal with this battle."

With a wave of his hand, a huge cow appeared in the sky!

Zhang Xing couldn't help but see this giant cow.

I'm going, isn't this the Devil King?

The double horns above the head, the huge nostrils in the sky, the dumb fierce look.

Moreover, this giant bull is not like ordinary Warcraft.

He is standing.

The two front hoofs are behind (body sh n), and the two rear hoofs are standing like humans.

Slightly shaking his huge head, all thought of staring at the opposite time and space.

"I'm going! You're fine, are you bovine?"

Shiyi was also smashed by hercules who were loaded with ((bi) bi) bi.

"Yeah! Young people, your vision is not bad. Beniu has gone through many years before he has achieved his current state."

"Although you are a dragon family, but you are not yet an opponent of the Hercules, you surrender and give in."

Hercules Niu stared deeply at the sky, a style of senior superior.

"Surender and admit defeat? Admit your sister!"

At that time, he could not stand the virtues of Hercules.

(Body sh n) flickered through time and space, and instantly appeared after the Hercules Niu (Body sh n), the dragon tail flung and hit him on the back.


A dull, loud noise exploded.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

Hercules Niu Pain turned around.

Suddenly I felt a pain in my tail.

But what made him even more surprised was that this pretty cow's body was just shaking.

One tail didn't twitch!

Sure enough, it is rough ((rou) rou), thick and resistant to moth.

But as long as he can feel the pain, ten times, one hundred times.

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