Super Dragon Cultivation System

Chapter 1470: Zhang Xing is back

The thirteenth-order ghost dragon is equivalent to the human nine-star sage.

But they are much better than ordinary nine-star sages.

The same is true of the Jiuxing Dark Ascendant.

After all, the dark warhorses they ride are also above Tier 10.

They rushed into the Meng family and fought with Meng Haosheng and others.

There are also different levels of dark creatures emerging from the ground.

The thirteenth-order ghost dragons that appeared in the first batch, the dark paladins, were no more than exactly twelve.

The number is the same as that of Meng parents.

Elder Meng Haosheng and other elders were all surprised, so it was such a coincidence?

Next came a large number of dark creatures, with more than a hundred seven-star saints.

Then there is the honorable class, and then it is the royal class.

Except for ghost dragons and dark holy knights, other creatures in these dark creatures have different forms, different from the undead.

Some dark creatures have wolf heads, but their bodies are human.

Some people have human heads, but they are not like ghosts or ghosts (body sh n).

What's more, a body seems to be pieced together by several creatures.

The dark creatures seemed cold and frightened at first sight.

The more than one hundred holy warriors remaining in the Meng family are naturally looking for rivals with considerable fanfare.

But there are too many dark creatures on the remaining levels.

They are constantly impacting the others in the Meng family.

All of a sudden, a weeping wolf howl came out of the Meng family's mouth.

They fled in horror, but there was no way to go to the sky, they just jumped into the wolf's mouth.

Meng Haosheng and others summoned thirteen different war beasts, which made them worthy of fighting with those ghost dragons and dark knights.

But they have no time (body sh 身 n) to save those juniors.

Can only watch them swallowed by darkness.

Only one skeleton remained, and they became their undead army.

Just when the juniors in the Meng family were desperate, suddenly, the air figure flashed, and a familiar face appeared.

Immediately after, he (body sh n) appeared a large number of ancient dragons.

"It's Zhang Xing! Great!"

"Zhang Xing come and save us!"

"Have your dragon come to me (sh n)."

"We promise to make you the thirteenth elder!"


For a while, the courtesy, command, and miscellaneous came out.

That's right, it's Zhang Xing and his group dragons.

After leaving Meng's house, he planned to go around, but the dark frenzy erupted just after walking.

So he rushed back to support Meng Haosheng and others.

As for the other Meng family juniors ...

Zhang Xing didn't make a shot and never looked at the Meng family juniors.

He observes those thirteenth-level ghost dragons and dark paladins from a distance.

At present, they and the elders of the Meng family are inextricably engaged.

But six of the twelve elders were just eight-star warriors, and they struggled more.

If it weren't for their thirteenth-tier war beasts, I'm afraid they have been swallowed up and turned into dark paladins.

It seems that the dragons must be upgraded.

Your own cultivation should also be quickly promoted to the nine star saints.

Like the Meng family, the Yujia and Tanjia are probably not much better.

Once one is defeated, it is equivalent to the other two extermination.

The last hope of mankind is gone.

Don't be late, bring up the lottery system ...

"Zhang Xing ... Are you deaf? Still stupid standing there (gangan), let your dragon come and save us!"

"Zhang Xing, we are wrong. Please come and save us."


At this time, the juniors of the Meng family couldn't afford the price, and they used the high posture to order Zhang Xing.

But they are just a joke in Zhang Xing's eyes.

They are all people who don't even have the qualifications to look straight.

In the distance, Meng Haosheng and others saw this scene with infinite sadness in their hearts.

They don't blame Zhang Xing for being ruthless (qingqing), but to blame only for failing to educate these offspring.

But it's too late to say anything now.

Zhang Xing's ability to return shows that he did not forget his promise.

It just seemed that his strength was not enough, and he hadn't grown up yet.

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