Super Dragon Cultivation System

Chapter 1593: Magical powers

The next day, the battle of Juxingjie began.

At this level, elders from all factions played.

The number is relatively small.

In the early days, there were dozens of people in the Starfield, a dozen in the middle, and a few in the later.

The head-to-head competition is also going on simultaneously.

Zhang Xing and Jinbao, Shengyi, Li Yixiao, Lu Yan and others all ended.

The battle with Jinbao is exactly the idol ancestor Sikouxiang just out of the gate.

Arranged against Zhang Xing is Xie Chang, the Lord of the Idol Sect.

It can be said that each of the Tai Ajian factions has been assigned a corresponding opponent.

But what they know about these people is just before.

Ever since Zhang Xing promoted them to the late stage or the peak of Juxing Realm, outsiders have no idea how high their actual combat power is.

And these elders were not idle during this time.

The task of each day is to learn from each other, from morning to midnight.

Zhang Xing's request is that he must use all his strength, regardless of life and death.

At first they were still very hesitant. What if they were killed in battle?

But then Zhang Xing gave the two elders who were seriously injured and already dying to feed a Queen of Life.

Their anxieties were dispelled.

With such a magical head guarding the Fa, it is impossible to die if you want to die, so why hesitate.

They were all fighting hard to die.

After more than half a month of life and death combat, they have basically adapted to the various discomforts brought by rapid promotion.

And can flexibly grasp the use of self (body sh n).

And what Zhang Xing taught them ... the magical power!

The elder Zeng Chi of the Tai'a sword school is one of the most active and well-learned ones.

Playing against him is a long-established elder Zhenmu Zong, Mu Chengyin.

Previously, they were the same elders, but the realm between them was two major levels.

Mu Chengyin remembers a previous event, and Zeng Chi also came to him to make a fuss.

But he didn't even look at Zeng Chi.

But now it's only been a few years, and a junior in his eyes turned out to be equal with him.

The gap in my heart is a little big, not so comfortable.

Especially now, Zeng Chi didn't even coldly (hot r) punch him, without even a trace of respect.

This made him even more depressed.

"Huh! A pheasant is a pheasant, even if it flies on a branch, it cannot become a phoenix!"

Mu Chengyin did not respond, and opened his mouth to ridicule Zeng Chi.

Zeng Chi did not want to be outdone and satirically responded.

"You are a well-known predecessor of Juxingjing Peak, but now you are playing against my junior on the same stage, you are so embarrassed!"


Immediately, Mu Chengyin's face (color) turned red, and his stomach burst into anger.

"Today, my current junior, let me teach you a junior who knows nothing!"

Zhen Wu Zong is a sect of internal and external training. Mu Chengyin's iron fists are among the best in the same realm.

He punched out with anger.

The fierce howling wind cut the air like a knife.

Zeng Chi was unmoved, and looked coldly at his twin fists.

Just when his fists were about to hit his ((chest xiong) xiong) chamber, he moved!

He moved not (body sh n), but a finger.

"One finger in the world!"


I suddenly saw a giant finger that was dozens of feet long and three meters thick in the sky.

The giant finger suddenly appeared, and came later, as if traveling through time and space, directly reaching Mu Chengyin's brows.

Mu Chengyin was frightened (colored). If he was poked, his head would not be as thin as watermelon.

(身 sh n) The body retreated in an instant and hurriedly fisted to resist.

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