Super Dragon Cultivation System

Chapter 1745: Swallowed by jelly

Zhang Xing also did not expect magic to work.

Light magic Aurora is useless, other magic is probably not.

Sure enough, an ice-based and a fire-based magic did no harm to jelly creatures.

Dragon Fist Nine!

Then he played continuously.

But also useless.

Also, his field has no influence on jelly creatures.

The speed of progress is still so rapid.

Just when Zhang Xing dropped his last punch, the jelly creature arrived.

His eyes (loud) were fierce, and he swallowed Zhang Xing.

Zhang Xing could avoid it, but he didn't.

The Lord of Darkness cannot digest him.

Does this seem to have no big jelly?

Zhang Xing just wanted to go in and see what kind of existence this alien creature is.

As soon as he entered the belly of the jelly, he was suddenly blinded by a white light.

Zhang Xingsuo closed her eyes and opened her eyes to observe the surrounding situation.

It didn't matter that much, and he suddenly opened his mouth in shock.

All the divine thoughts are full of strong light energy.

And, at a glance, you can't see the edge.

In other words, the belly of this jelly creature has its own space.

At the same time, Zhou (body sh n) 's dragon gas shield is still being digested by bright energy.

But the speed of digestion is negligible.

This shows that the strength of the jelly creature is still far behind him.

Probably the strength of one star saint.

But he (body sh n) is a demigod and he doesn't know how to (kill sha) this creature.

Neither magic attacks nor physical attacks are useful.

Now he knew how the past (dian di n) Lord had disappeared out of thin air.

This thing is as pervasive as air.

No matter whether it is underground or in a cave, it can hinder his shadow.

I was thinking of how to pack this jelly creature.

Suddenly, a hurricane came from behind my head.

Immediately afterwards, a figure fell at his feet.

It's Atley!

Zhang Xing's face (color) changed.

I saw Atlihun (sh n) in the holy white light.

Still sitting cross-legged on the barrier that struck the sanctuary.

He didn't seem to know that he had been swallowed by a monster.

At the same time, all the 12 elders on the top of the mountain stood up in panic.

They looked around in horror in search of Lord Atelier.

As for Zhang Xing who disappeared one step before, how could they have that ability to manage.

"Lord Atelier (Dian di n)!"

The twelve shouted in different directions.

The scene of history repeats itself.

This time, they personally experienced it.

I can imagine the degree of shock in my heart.

Zhang Sheng suddenly disappeared in the last second, and the next second was Lord Atelier (Dian di n).

Especially the Lord Atelier (Dian di n), the divine thoughts of the twelve people have sealed off the space within a thousand kilometers.

But in this situation, people disappeared.

They all felt particularly depressed in their hearts, and they had difficulty breathing.

It's just weird!

"Search every inch of space here!"

An elder grinned hard.

Gaze returned to the belly of the jelly creature.

At this time, Atley had already seen the gate of the sanctuary and opened a gap.

In just a few more minutes, he (body sh n) can flash in.

Completely accomplish the power of the Holy One!

But suddenly the gates of the sanctuary began to blur.

In a blink of an eye he disappeared into his mind.

what happened?

Atley was anxious.

He vigorously mobilized the light in his body in an attempt to reunite the gates of the holy realm.

However, the lightness of his inner body wants to burst out of the body uncontrollably.

It was as if there was a strong suction outside his body, and he was sucking his bright air vigorously.

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