Super Dragon Cultivation System

Chapter 1831: Zelly asked to play

"The guards are too fierce!"

General Bai Hujun was almost stupid.

One round will kill the rest of the Suzaku army (kill sha), (dry gan) crisp and crisp, quickly people did not respond.

Especially the blue-faced big man, he (kill sha) Erji is like cutting vegetables!

Erji's cultivation is not weaker than that of Hachi leader. The final result is to kill people!

In the battle of Tianyuling, Zhang Xing led only one hundred and one people, and recaptured Tianyuling in a state of destruction.

One million white tigers became vase decorations.

Their role is only to clean the battlefield.

Zhang Xing suddenly felt, wasn't it a little bit fast, wasn't it too showy?

But after thinking about it, the forces are there, and they are not allowed to keep a low profile!

Fortunately, there are preparations in advance, even if the elders of the six guardians of the law suspect that there are elixir to serve as a shield.

A long play can disguise the past.

Anyone who is willing to doubt is doubtful, as long as they are not shot by the elders of the six guardians, they are not afraid of anyone.

Zhang Xing's mission is not only to recapture Tianchiling, but also to stay on it.

Suzaku will definitely send an army, but I do n’t know when it will arrive.

Three days later, when the Suzaku Army came to the bottom of the Tianying Ridge, they saw the banner that was displayed in the wind above the city wall, and they were all embarrassed ((bi) bi)!

Especially the three commanders, Qiao Fei, Solo and Bao Fei.

Last night, I just received a message from Commander Hachi saying that they were all right.

Bai Hujun didn't change much.

This morning, the herald sent by them also rushed back and recorded the situation of Tianyaoling with video stones.

That's really impossible.

But now I see another scene.

Where did Hachi lead their army of 1.8 million?

There were no signs of war on the walls.

What happened?

Can't those people disappear out of thin air?

More than three million Suzaku troops were stationed in Thirty Mile of Tianchiling.

They desperately need to know what happened.

However, no one told them that Tianyao Ling was taken down by one hundred and one guards.

Their 1.8 million people also died in the hands of the guards.

Two days later, the three Suzaku army commanders who did not hear anything decided to attack Tianchiling.

It is impossible for them to return to Suzaku-zong without doing anything.

At least when fighting with the White Tigers, I was able to capture some prisoners and torture what had happened three days ago!

The walls of Tianyingling meander like the Great Wall, and stretch over the Tianyingling Mountains.

But there are not many places that can really launch a team for fierce battle.

With more than three million people, only one million can be unfolded.

In addition, more than one million people have to fly down the straight mountain peaks for a distance before they can reach the location of the city walls.

It is even more difficult to capture Tianyao Ling in this dangerous environment.

Now the three commanders also want to learn the roundabout sneak attack on Tianchi Ridge like the Hachi commander, but that method can only be used once.

They didn't want to take risks in front of the misty Tianying Ridge.

At this time, the Tianhuling Baihu Army was stationed in the handsome battalion.

"Master, we ask for battle!"

Dozens of delegates headed by Captain Zheliv, kneeling on one knee, fists in both hands, said sincerely.

The siege war did not use them, which made them rejoicing and also felt a little bit embarrassed.

No matter how they are, they are also dignified seven-foot men, and they are also sacred-level captains.

They are not waste!

Now the Suzaku army has begun to attack. If they do not do anything, they will be laughed at by all levels of Bai Huzong.

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