Zhang Xing returned to his practice in Dongfu, and his eyes were dignified.

"This mysterious suzerain is absolutely not kind!"

Thinking that the body searched by the lord's divine thought was incomplete, Zhang Xing knew that he was searching for his secret.

In addition, the secret room was full of evil blood.

Zhang Xing foresees that he has few children in Bai Huzong's ease.

Although I don't know what kind of state the monarch's cultivation is.

But he had to be promoted to God.

Only when you reach the level of God Realm can you have the opportunity to rub your wrists with the Sovereign.

Heibao they don't need to worry, after all, fifty dragons have reached the fourteenth stage.

Even if the suzerain wants to be detrimental to them, it is not easy to succeed.

And the suzerain wants to deal with him with only one thought.

"The last three layers of Bai Huxiao Tiangong!"

Zhang Xing took three pages of manuscripts like gold leaf and turned them one by one.

Three days later, the cave where Zhang Xing was located suddenly blasted out a strong divine power.

Immediately afterwards, the clouds over the Dongfu were covered with clouds, flying sand and rocks, showing an unusual weather change.

The deputy lord of Messi was dealing with the ancestors, and suddenly his face (color) changed.

The pen in his hand fell on the table.

He got out of his body instantly, and saw at a glance the cave where Zhang Xing was located.

"how can that be?"

There was a murmur in his mouth, (body sh 影 n) flashed, appeared in the sky, looking at the sky from afar!

Elder Shi Tianen is hosting a banquet in honor of two of the six elder protectors.

They intend to build an alliance with Guan Shitianen.

Suddenly, the reception hall trembled.

"what happened?"

The three faces were surprised.

At the same time flew out of the hall and came to the sky.

"That's Zhang Xing's Dongfu!"

"What is he doing?"

"Is it ..."

The three were stunned!

The other top ten true disciples are struggling to cultivate hard, thinking that they can beat Zhang Xing as early as possible.


Their Dongfu shuddered, and several disciples almost fell to the ground.

"(Fa) what happened?"


Shadows (body sh n) flew from different directions ...

Soon after the top ten true disciples appeared, other elders, elite disciples, and ordinary disciples all appeared.

"Zhang Xing is about to hit the realm ..."

The news spread quickly among the crowd.

"What? It's impossible!"

"Nothing is impossible, because he is Zhang Xing!"


Some people are amazed, some are confused, some are jealous, some are sad!

The second elder brother, Fu Yangshu, was sad, his eyes were dull, and his mouth murmured, "Ah! The gap is getting wider and bigger, how can I chase it?"

The third elder brother Yang Tianhu has been gnawing his teeth, and his nails are almost torn.

Zhang Xing, this is the real state of promotion.

He felt that his body (sh 身 n) from the inside to the outside, including every cell, every inch of bone, every drop of blood, every hair, was completely broken, and then reborn!

Puff puff!

Blood flowers exploded from him (body sh n), and his body (body sh n) began to crack in the eyes of everyone!

"That's wrong!"

Everyone was puzzled when they saw this situation.

Messi has experienced it, and he is even more confused.

It is indeed wrong, unlike his promotion.

I have blown my body (sh n), how can I advance?

"Isn't Zhang Xing failing to attack the realm?"

I wonder who suddenly shouted.

Many people suddenly (exposed) suddenly realized God (Qing Qing).

"This sentence makes sense!"

"It should have failed!"

"I'll just say, how could such a young man be promoted to God?"


For a while, the remarks that Zhang Xing failed in the promotion came one after another.

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