Super Dragon Cultivation System

Chapter 2049: Shameless attack

Purple blood swallowing crocodile suddenly felt a feeling of palpitations.

He swept around with divine thoughts, but he couldn't even tell where the one hundred thousand and one sacred spirit of the moment was going.

Look again at Zhang Xing's body, which is also in the middle of illusory.

He dare not neglect at the moment, his pupils exhaled completely filled with blood.

Immediately after that, the clothes on (body sh n) were torn apart and shattered.

The space suddenly shook.


A dark purple (color) swallowing giant crocodile more than 100 meters long appeared in the air.

His swollen (sh n) skin was like a piece of sharp rock, from the back to the tail.

Twenty meters long tail is full of sharp spikes, which makes people look terrible.

The limbs are stout, and the sharp toe bone with a length of over one meter extended from the front end of the toes.

The triangular head is also covered with sharp spikes.

However, his eyes are still the same as in the human form, so dark (yin).

It seems very inconsistent with the five senses.

Even more frightening is the two rows of sharp giant teeth that burst out.

The hot steam was spraying in his nostril, and his mouth was tickling like lava.


Seeing this scene, everyone else was horrified, and even some junior juniors were shocked and collapsed on the spot.

Jiang Wentian and Yun Hanhai, as well as several other divine elders, hurriedly exerted their magic power, blocking the killing breath from the purple blood swallowing crocodile.

This is just a little bit of mighty power that emanates (killing sha) after the purple blood swallowing crocodile changes (body sh n).

If you face these peoples, I'm afraid they will immediately lose this (sex) and kill (sha).

Even Jiang Wentian and Yun Hanhai couldn't resist it for a long time.

Those nearer soldiers and demon soldiers get into chaos after a short time.

By the time the King of Dragons and some elders exert their divine power to rescue, more than 100,000 demon soldiers and demon will have died in the cannibalism (sha).

It can be seen how cruel the purple blood swallowed crocodile, and he didn't take the life of other little devil at all.

All demon soldiers of the dragon dragon family, including the dragon king, dare not have any complaints, only deep fear.

At the same time, the other seven monsters are also dignified.

Zhang Xing brought them not only heavy pressure, but also trembling from the soul.

Only then did they understand what Zhang Xing's confidence was.

The sixth step of the spiritual realm is coupled with an artifact that does not know the level, which makes them the eight monsters of the third order.

The purple blood swallowing crocodile ((forced bi) bi) had to change (body sh n) to face the war cautiously.

This situation only appeared when he felt the crisis of life.

It can be seen that Zhang Xing, a human junior who has only a divine spirit, is not just as simple as the general evildoers.

He was able to cross two levels in succession and challenge the demon in the third level of Divine Realm.

This is absolutely unthinkable under the Sixth Heaven.

If such a human demon evil is allowed to continue, his future is absolutely inestimable.

The seven monsters looked at each other at the same time.

They all saw the strong (sha-sha) machine from their eyes!

This ethnic young man must not let him live.

Even if the Eight Demon team up, he will kill him today.

They raised the divine thought to 120,000 points, and the divine power was full (sh n), waiting for Zhang Xingyi to show a fatal blow.


Just then, a flash of silver flashed in the sky.

Just when the purple blood swallowing crocodile just noticed it and wanted to fight back.

The silver light flashed away and the battle was over.

At the same time, the seven cold lights suddenly appeared out of thin air, and a bang blasted Zhang Xing ** standing in the distance!

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