Super Dragon Cultivation System

Chapter 2154: Terrifying Skyrim

"No, you see!"

As soon as the words of the two elders came to an end, a large demon exclaimed beside him and shouted.

The eyes of all the elders looked in the direction of their fingers.

"That is……"

"And there ..."

"There are also ..."

At this point, the seemingly calm Heaven-Piercing War Halberd has changed.

He is like a 10,000-year-old tree rooted in a large array.

Countless golden lights are like the whiskers of his tree roots, constantly drawing large arrays of energy.

And, this energy quickly gathers from all directions to the tip of the halberd at a speed ((rourou) rou).

Then was absorbed by the war halberd.

This large array is not difficult for Zhang Xing now.

Although the formation method is advanced, there are still many flaws in Jinbao's eyes.

But Zhang Xing thought about it once and for all.

He wants to turn the city that never sleeps into a dead city.

Even all the essence in this underground area must be sucked away!

Although the location of the war halberd is not the most critical point of the entire battle, it is a key link.

The energy of each branch matrix method needs to pass through here.

Zhang Xing just opened a mouth here, first letting the war halberds (Qing Qing) absorb the energy of the large array.

Then through the large array, absorb all the essence blood of the demon tribe, absorb the essence of the earth.

Goo Goo Goo ...

There was a faint sound of bubbles sounding from the ears of the demons.

They listened ...

But the voice disappeared quickly.

Not long, all the monsters in the city suddenly felt a little breathless. Ahref = \ "/ cdn-cgi / l / email-protection \" class = \ "__ cf_email __ \" data-cfemail = \ "9af3da \"> [emailprotected]! (爱 i) 奇 电影 .iqiwx. ¥… Read Free】

They all thought they were too nervous, and they all ripped apart their collars or loosened the spell of their armor.

But this is still useless.

It really seems like there is no air to breathe.

The city that never sleeps is vast, and the land is vast. Even if there are more monsters, it is impossible to breathe without air.

But it cannot be the cause of the big battle.

Although they were covered, the air was communicating with the outside world.

Grunt! Grunt!

Many lower-level demons started to breathe quickly.

At the same time, those high-level monsters also noticed abnormalities in the air.


Just then, a scream suddenly sounded from the demon group.

Immediately afterwards, I heard a series of gurgling sounds.

Those low-level demons (body sh n) body simmered instantly (dry gan), as if they were sucked (dry gan) by essence, only a piece of skin wrapped around a bone.

what happened?

All the big demon gods (color) stunned.

They hurriedly operated their divine power, spreading their thoughts and gazing at the demons.

After a while, they discovered a little at the same time.

There seems to be an invisible force sucking their spirit.

And these spirits gathered towards a certain point in the sky.

"It's the war halberd!"

Several monsters startled at the same time.

"Oh my God! He's absorbing our energy!"

Thousands of defenses, the start of the large array is still not defended.

Zhang Xing's war halberd is really too evil, and even after a large array, they can still take their ((xing) xing) life.

Puff puff……

All the demons below the **** realm are savage (dry gan) under this super (strong qiang) suction.

I saw the demons in the city falling down one by one.

Whether it's on the street, hiding indoors, or hiding in a secret underground room, there is no exception!

There are so many demons in the city that never sleeps. According to incomplete statistics, all the demons together add up to more than 5 billion!

They are like dominoes, starting from their place in the city and falling in all directions.

And those monsters above the **** realm can not care about other people, and they are running their divine power, offering various defense tools or artifacts to resist.

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