Super Dragon Cultivation System

Chapter 216: Four dragons shot, the group killed (sha)

When Zhang Xing summarized his combat power, the ten war kings looked at Zhang Xing in shock.

Isn't this kid a special magician? How are you still a soldier?

Fellow initiates of the martial arts are just fine. You have a dragon for your life, but you are only seven years old!

And the realm is just a senior warrior. There are still two major levels away from the king of war. Did you start practicing from your last life?

God, who the **** did we mess up with?

Entrusting them to kill (sha) Zhang Xing and Heilong's two groups is blind. If you let this kid know, it will be more than just extermination. It is possible to exterminate the country!

The blood wing of the magic bat is really dangerous this time. With the revenge of this kid (qiangqiang), they will definitely chase it!

Can't fight it anymore, the original plan failed, now the only way is to escape!

Be sure to pass the news back ...

Thinking of this, the remaining ten people nodded tacitly, and suddenly flew in different directions, no matter what physical energy was saved, they were full of vigor and fled!

The magician will use floatation, and will use the auxiliary tailoring to make a magic flying carpet as a walking tool.

Warrior Ben (body sh n) can only rely on fighting to fly in addition to buying mounts. Only when you reach the King of War level can you have a strong fight to fly, but it is not long!

"Don't let go of one, all (kill sha)!"

Zhang Xing Shennian transmitted the sound to the four dragons!

As the words began to sound, four shadows flashed, and four screams came from the air immediately.

Immediately after that, six more screams came after the third breath.

Zhang Xing walked slowly to the eight living mouths.

"You're lucky, stay, or you will be killed by the first batch!"

"Tell me, who is the employer behind?"

"Just let you go if you say it, and die if you don't!"

The eight faces (colors) were pale, debilitated, and silent.

They also don't want to die, but the rules of the (kill) hand cannot be broken!

"I know that there are rules and regulations, but rules are dead, people are alive, just a few words, you can live if you say them, and give you thirty minutes to think, whoever comes first can live!

Zhang Xing finished timing.

These fighters Wang Ping (ri) have become accustomed to the high, and have not felt the threat of being threatened for many years.

But at this moment in life and death are weighing the pros and cons in their hearts.

If you break the rules of the killing group, you will die even more terribly. All your loved ones will be affected. One person will die.

Think of future generations, these war kings (dew) in the eyes (show) a firm God (color), die as you die, save the family!

When Zhang Xing found out that they were not right, these people had bleed in seven holes, and their faces (colors) were haggard.

"Zhang Xing, I didn't expect you to be so evil, we admit it, but you want to get the news of the organization from our mouths, that is dreaming."

"Hahaha, although your strength is strong, it is always just one person, a few heads of Warcraft, and the foundation of our organization is not what the world sees on the surface!"

"You just wait for us and them to chase (kill sha) endlessly ..."


The words weren't finished, the only eight people left were dead (body sh n) died!

Yo! It ’s like a man, but it ’s not worth sympathy.

Your profession is (sha), you should be ready to be (sha).

I was dying and threatened to threaten me. What's the use? After a while I found out the people behind me and killed them all.

Then go and confuse your so-called blood wing (kill sha) hand group.

So who is the employer behind?

For a moment of contemplation, I had a spectrum in my heart. One was the Thunder King of the First War Emperor of the Leiwu Empire.

The second is those headed by the royal Shelley family.

The purpose of the two groups is different, but the results are the same, they both want to kill me!

It seems to give them some color (color) to see!

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