Super Dragon Cultivation System

Chapter 2180: Shocked brother and sister

When the golden light spreads, soots lay on the ground ...

A horrible picture like **** appeared in the eyes of the brothers and sisters!

There is no living creature in the center of the huge city.

A huge crack completely collapsed the city.

But this is just the beginning!

Suddenly, there was a roar of noise under the huge crack.

Immediately after that, the crack exploded!

Like a nuclear explosion, a super (qiang) air stream violently blasted away in all directions.

Where the airflow passes, all buildings are turned into sand!

While running around the city, the demons looked back in horror.

But this air flow spreads too fast, it just hits them (body sh n) in an instant.


Regardless of the first-order or second-order Demon of Divine Realm, there was no time to resist, and it instantly became a particle in the dust.

Horrible, shudder!

After a long time, the brother and sister landed on the ground following Zhang Xing as if dreaming.

"They're all dead?"

"So this big city has disappeared?"

Brother and sister murmured sillyly.

If it weren't for their own eyes, they couldn't believe it was once a medium-sized city of the demon.

At the last moment, there are still hundreds of millions of living demons here, but now even a shadow cannot be seen!


Can this be done by anyone?

Although they cultivated low, they also knew what kind of strength the first to third order monsters had.

If you let them easily destroy a city, I'm afraid they can't do it!

So, who is this (body sh 身 n) young man in a black robe?

Why did he slaughter (sha) the demon tribe?

Is he really human?

A series of questions came to their minds ...

"You should believe that I am human this time, right?"

Hearing Zhang Xing's question, the brother and sister nodded in a hurry.

If (shasha) so many demons are not human, is it possible?

"Take me to pick up the rest of your tribe.

There is no need to hide in the ground like a mouse in the future. "

Brother and sister looked at the surrounding environment blankly, but they nodded in agreement.

But they have long lost their way, and they don't know what is north or south.

"This ... Master Zhang, we don't know where (body sh 身 n) is, we can't find the way home ..."

The brother and sister (Lu) showed an anxious look.

"Anyway, let's go back to where we were."

Zhang Xing said, rolled them up and stepped out, and when they reappeared, they had already returned to the place where they met the brother and sister.

Seeing the familiar surroundings again, the brother and sister were really stupid.

According to the elders in the clan, a demon town that is closest to where they hide (body sh n) is also three thousand miles away.

And this zhang lord who didn't know any ancestors took them one step across such a long distance!

What kind of overhaul is he?

He seems young, how did he cultivate?

"Let's go and send you to a safe place, and I will go after (kill) those fleeing demon."

Zhang Xing and airway.

"Our tribal possession (sh (n) is not far ..."

Ten minutes later, Zhang Xing met more than 300 celebrities under a stinking garbage dump.

Zhang Xing didn't say much to them, waved his hands, rolled them up, opened the door of time and space, and returned to the former site of the Demon God College.

Then they handed them over to the Emperor Zhengzheng, and then turned (sh n) and disappeared into their sight.

In a short time, these three hundred celebrities knew who Zhang Xing was, and also knew that the Demon God College had been destroyed, and that Zhang Xing was single-handedly chasing (killing) the big monsters in the west!

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