Super Dragon Cultivation System

Chapter 2187: Artifact Aquarius

Wan Zhu and Wan Mei were cultivated by Wanjia ancestors to become the fourth step of a half-step miracle.

They are relatively young, and naturally they have developed a proud (body sh n).

To be honest, their rumors about Zhang Xing were dubious.

Thinking about the change of position, they consider themselves to be invincible in Mie Tian.

What's more, their sisters also have a Level 4 artifact.


The two sisters did not make nonsense, and at the same time two large and one small jade treasure bottles were displayed.

These two bottles are one (yin) and one yang.

Separately, the two bottles are only three-level artifacts.

Together, it becomes a four-level artifact.

It is said that this was accidentally acquired by the ancestors of the Wanjia family when they were in the quartet.

The two women meditated on the tactics, and their hands quickly printed.

"(Zhenzhen) Press!"

Almost at the same time as the Aquarius offering, their meditation was finished.

The two women's right hands point at Zhang Xing, and two (Jiaoji o) yell at the same time.


The two treasure jars overlapped for a moment, and they looked like two illusive and bright shadows.

The clouds in the treasure jar were like a fairyland with aura.

As the two women's voices fell, a super-qiang suction rolled at Zhang Xing.

Zhang Xingshen (color) is not scared, calm like water.

The Heavenly War Halberd immediately ran in front of (body sh n) and resisted that super (strong qiang) suction.

Since the last lesson of entering the yin board, Zhang Xing dare not easily enter other people's artifacts.

As artifact levels get higher and higher, the danger increases.

Therefore, fighting is still based on the principle of minimizing danger.

"Suddenly didn't **** Zhang Xing in?"

The second girl was shocked in her heart, and she meditated on the tactics in her heart. Her hands were like phantoms, and she made thousands of seals.

This treasure helped the two women win multiple battles in the Fourth Heaven.

Regardless of whether it is the third level of the demon godland or the triple state of the human race, as long as they sacrifice a treasure jar, they will go all the way!

Even if it is a normal fourth-order overhaul of the divine realm, once the treasure bottle is taken, the spirit will move ((d 荡 ng) d ng) uneasy, and a little carelessness will become a soulless body.

Looking at Zhang Xing's halberd in the hands, the two women knew that the level of this artifact was also quite high.

However, they did not believe that the two could not take Zhang Xing together.

"Blessed by the blood!"

The two women swipe their palms with red-colored nails.

A drop of essence blood floated out.

"Go!" [... * (爱 i) 奇文 .iqiwx. ~ & Fastest update]


Two drops of musky with musky fragrance and the sound of fairy roads instantly melted into the treasure bottle.

With a buzz, the treasure jar suddenly inflated several times.

From the original vase size to the size of a large jar.

At the same time, the fairy clouds inside rolled out like a tornado!

"Here! Me! Take it!"

The two women's silver teeth snapped and yelled word by word!


The tornado made a frightening cry, and instantly rolled Zhang Xing inside.

At this time, there was no shadow of Zhang Xing (body sh 影 n), and only a tornado about tens of feet high stood up to the sky.

The air within a kilometer was quickly drawn in by a tornado.

When all the monsters in this family saw this scene, they were all stagnation, and instantly fell into a confusion.

Before the war, they had retreated six hundred or seven hundred meters away, but as soon as the tornado appeared, they were all unstable and felt that the internal organs would fly out of their mouths uncontrollably.

And, as (body sh n) swayed, a happy, fairy-like feeling appeared in my mind.

It's as if you realize some kind of magical power or are about to break through the advanced level.

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