Super Dragon Cultivation System

Chapter 236: Boss, you broke the base

Hongshi's mind is completely chaotic ...

That's a first-level formation. From the perspective of the formation, it is a magic formation.

Brother! It's a magical array, people will hallucinate when they go in, but this kid ...

Other teachers and candidates are also embarrassed ((forced bi) bi)!

Nima! I have just been admitted to the apprenticeship and entered the first-level formation. This is a continuous test!

Nor is there such an example in the history of the guild.

However, a few of them were over 20 years old, and they were ready enough to win the first-level Master.

This child is only seven years old. I heard that I just came here today and started reading after reading more than 200 books.

When did the mage become so easy to test?

Several teachers in the mist in the clouds felt that the scene in front of them seemed like a dream!

Leaving aside the others, let's just talk about this magic array. Although they are first-level array mages, they don't dare to go into battle at will.

Because this is personally arranged by the adult president. If you want to pass the assessment, there is only one way to come up with the true skills.

What pull (guanguan) department, walk through the back door, give a gift to the proctor, useless!

None of them can be cracked. What do you tell candidates?

"Look, he's out!"

No need for candidates to shout, these people are staring!

I saw Zhang Xing walk out and turned in (body sh n).


A more (strong qiang) great spiritual force came towards him!

"Well! It's okay. The changed formation is more than before."

"Go on to the next formation."

Murmured in his mouth.

He just opened his legs and stopped again.

"It seems a bit bad to do this. Change the formation of others at will, don't know if it violates the rules."

"Let's change it back. Hongguang outside is looking for the difference and can't let him grab the handle!"

After a while tossing in the magic array, returning to the original state, then returning to the basic formation method, returning the formation stone to its original position.

All the people outside really look at ((bi) bi), the formation is almost (strong qiang) is weak, I do not know what Zhang Xing is doing!

Not to mention, tossing back and forth so many times, I have a new understanding of the degree of understanding.

When I came to the second formation, I stood for a while, and after learning from Jin Bao, I started to learn again.

"Jumbo, it's your turn!"

"Boss, these low-level formations are not difficult for me, they can be broken at a glance!"

"The second-level array method seems to be high-level, but it's nothing, it's nothing more than the foundation stone material!"

"Find out the flaws. You don't have to work hard to get in and out. One punch can stop the formation and you can run with one lame!"

"Boss, there are thirteen flaws in this formation, but only two of them can be broken at once, and other places will take some effort."

"Jumbo, what do you mean, can it be broken by using the above in other places?"

"Boss, I mean as a normal person, oh no! I don't mean to say that you are abnormal ..."

"Thurse! Dare to make fun of your boss, find me!"

Zhang Xing's mouth angled, and Jinbao learned a sentence from the divine thought.

Campbell's eyeballs turned over and pretended not to hear, and took out a blood vein to study it carefully.

After making two jokes, Zhang Xing turned his attention to the flaws in the formation.

"It's better to try other points to break the array and see what effect, to fully understand!"

"Learn, don't be afraid of failure, be brave and try!"

If the people in the guild knew that he was studying the formation like this, he would be crazy!

Enter the formation method, go directly to a flaw, and then use the split sky boxing punch.



"Oh? Why did you break all the stones?"

"Boss, this team was abandoned by you (gangan)!"

"I'm going, it's so weak!"

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