Super Dragon Cultivation System

Chapter 252: Illusion of fear

The easiest time for a man to lose his mind is to face a woman.

(爱 i) comes to life, the sky sinks, the sea dies.

And hate!

Hateful madness, cracked liver and gallbladder, short circuit in the brain.

SARS is a typical example of this kind of person, knowing that several people beside Zhang Xing (body sh n) may be magic pets, but he is angry and forgets them.

Zhang Xing spread his hands: "Wen Jing, Master Saas won't let you go, and I can't do anything about it, you take care of it yourself!"

Hearing this, Wen Jing smiled sweetly, but said nothing.

Saas is proud, hum! Everyone said that Zhang Xing was mighty and unyielding, didn't he bow his head when he saw Master Ben?

The weight of those aristocrats in the star country is still not enough, can't hold him back.

Long Wenjing sighed and shook her head.

The law of weak ((rou rou) rou) (strong qiang) food in Warcraft has been used to the fullest by human beings. Today, if you change to another woman or another ordinary master, you will definitely be humiliated to death.

Unlike those World of Warcrafts, he was so happy to bite and offend his stomach.

Slowly walking towards SARS, Long Wenjing converged on Wen Jing's breath, his eyes filled with violentness.

The host said that for a mess that wants you to die, then break his thoughts, (kill sha) he naturally has no thoughts.

"You ... what do you want?"

Sars took two steps back, scared by this violent look.

Even if she was angry again, she knew that this woman was stronger than him.

If it is a warrior who is lower than the junior war king, how can he shoot so fast?

Even the War King of the same level could not stun him with one kick, at most, a small loss, but he lay on the ground before he could react.

"I don't want to (do gan) anything, I just want to tear you up!"

Hearing Long Wen's quiet words, a chill straight from the feet to the heart, Saas couldn't help shivering!

A picture emerged in the brain, a double-winged, dragon-footed, bronze (color) dragon suddenly appeared in the sky.

The huge dragon claw flashed the silver (color) cold light, and with a single swipe, he would be divided into two sections.

He was even more frightened and wanted to run away and ask for mercy, but (body sh n) couldn't move and couldn't speak.

Watching the dragon breath out the dragon breath, the whole world has become a sea of ​​fire.

He lost all his thoughts and watched everything around him melt away, his hands, feet, (body sh n) body, his head, and saw his (death) die!

"No ... I can't die ..."

The scene in front of me changed, and back to reality, I found that the whole body (sh n) had been soaked with sweat.

"How could this be, how could there be such a scary picture? This is not true!"

Muttered to his mouth, like dementia.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Xing's mouth turned up, this is the magic that comes from the dragon family (body sh n).

For the weak creatures, they disdain how much power they use, and only one thought makes the other person deeply in fear.

First destroy the fighting will, let them see the most terrifying picture, and then be scared to death.

Although Saas was not scared to death, he was about to become demented. As long as he was still thinking about the picture, he would be distracted and completely become a waste.

"Brother Saas, Brother Saas ... what's wrong with you?"

He noticed that Tony was abnormal and awakened him in time.

(Body sh n) Sas, the junior war king, immediately noticed the opponent's magic, and almost went into magic.

What kind of magic is this, I have never heard of it, it is horrible!

But it must be the magic of mental attack, keep your mind steady, erupt all strength, and guard carefully.

As for why this quiet woman can do magic and martial arts, he can't think too much.

There is only one thought in her mind, she really wants to come (kill sha), what should I do?


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