Super Dragon Cultivation System

Chapter 296: Cunning Oulu

The power of the guild and the beast hall is far more numerous than that of the star nation (Qiangqiang), and Oulu dare not neglect.

Although the current practice of these few is not very high, at most they are the king of war and the great demon teacher level, but upon beckoning, thousands of monks will come to obey.

Even some people in the Prince's Mansion will backwater.

The influence is too big, the people who have been saved or the people who have helped too much are owed.

"I don't know where the grown-ups came from? At this moment, our government is dealing with a small problem. Please wait for one or two."

Ouru politely.

Uther cleared his throat and just heard it, he heard a loud noise in the yard.

It broke and started to fight.

A few people couldn't bother talking, quickly entered the gate and walked to the inner court.

I saw Zhang Xing calmly standing in the courtyard, with a dozen soldiers lying around.

"Okay, don't let these low-level soldiers come here to test, I'm waiting for you to mobilize a large number of people, just packed up together."

"Since you refuse to confess your sins, let me declare it."

"One of the crimes is right and wrong, upside down black and white, and slandering me in the forest of Warcraft."

"You can't hide this. The Lei Wuguo Mercenary Guild was present at the time. Many students in the royal family could find out at a glance."

"Criminal two, collude with the demon blood wing (kill sha) band to stab me (kill sha)."

"Criminal three, attempting to kill me with a thousand poisonous grass pits."

When the words were set off, there was a tumult. The first thing they knew was that they wouldn't care.

But the last two are horrifying, collusion (kill sha), first prince (kill sha), duke, the owner of the Bauhinia City, this is a taboo.

Rush between nobles is not impossible, but it cannot be mixed with (killing) hands.

It is like a family of more than a dozen brothers who want to rely on their own strengths. If they all ask for foreign aid, they will be defeated in the end.

These secrets were only known to a few people, but they were announced on the spot, and everyone looked at Prince Oulu.

Lengheng said: "Yes, what do we do?"

"Your Majesty appreciates you and lifts you up, but what have you done?"

"None of the teachers and students in the college can be placed in your eyes, beat your classmates, retaliate against your mentor, and pretend that the people of the world are one."

"There is no distinction between (expensive (贱 ji n) ji n), and the status should be the same."

When he said that, he looked around, expressing his pain: "His Excellency, did you understand what Zhang Xing said?"

"He has a deep hatred for our aristocracy. What he said meant to destroy the aristocracy!"

"We're gone, does the Star Country still exist?"

"He has a star ambition and wants to shake the root of the empire!"

"Should this be (kill sha)? Are you saying that people with such thinking are aliens? Should they be hanged?"

All the nobles present were impressed after hearing Oulu's sensational speech.

The eyes of hatred immediately (shoot sh) towards Zhang Xing.

And those soldiers (sh n) civilians, low-ranking officers, and military men all bowed their heads, afraid to look directly.

Glancing at Zhang Xing, Maotou dare to play this (t 这一 o) with me, you are still tender!

Oulu sneered, this big hat clasped on your head, (killing sha) it makes sense to you.

His elder brother Keith could not come forward (stem gan), otherwise his prestige would be shaken.

The intended Zhang Xing did not refute, but stood still in his place, completely ignoring the hatred of those around him.

Humph! The young age of the city government is still very deep, waiting for those people to come over, this is your death!

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