Super Dragon Cultivation System

Chapter 298: First Guard of the Prince's Mansion

"Huh! I know you don't believe it, but Zhang Xing has (body sh n) a token ..."

Uther was interrupted before he finished speaking.

"Enough! I don't want to listen to your sophistry. We all have long-sighted eyes. It's true at a glance. You don't need to say more. Please go out!"

Oulu didn't look back. A group of warriors surrounded the three (body sh 身 n) and made a polite gesture.

"It's almost time, it should be time!"

Everyone was baffled by Zhang Xing's absurd words.

Immediately after, Zhang Xing saluted the three presidents: "Thanks to the three adults for their help, Zhang Xingxin took the lead."

"Since they have acknowledged it, there is nothing to say, please ask the three adults to stand away first, so as not to spray blood (body sh 身 n) for a while!"

"I will start judging them now and let everyone involved die!"

"Judgement? Want us all to die? It's up to you, a hairy boy, oh no black dragon, haha ​​..."

It's a strange landscape. I've never seen it so long, and Morris shook his head in pity.

At the scene, there were two junior emperors, senior war kings, dozens of great demon teachers, and thousands of other monks, and the guard of the mansion also arrived, bringing an imperial weapon.

I really do n’t know where you come from. Even if you hide your strength, at most you are in the realm of advanced wizards. Any one of the battle kings here can clean up you.

As for the black dragon, trapped in the formation method, so many people can defend the line, and sooner or later can surrender.

These remarks made the Third President also confused and anxious.

At this time, you can still keep calm. Does Zhang Xing have any hidden cards?

Shake his head, hey! All that was said was said, and Oulu made it clear that Zhang Xing was going to die. It was impossible for the superior guild to take the lead on behalf of a child he had never seen before.

These old guys are just right, so they have no fear.

"Look at your virtue, do you not believe what I say?"

Ignoring the ridiculed eyes of everyone, Zhang Xing looked at Oulu and Morris.

"Trust Nima! Boy, die!"

The next guard couldn't help but yelled and rushed out.

An early breath of the King of War exploded, and a violent wind blew a grin.

"The first guard of the Prince's Mansion!"

"It is said that he fought hard from the battlefield. A pair of iron fists (killing sha) have countless enemies. They are called storm bears!"

"Yeah, punching like a storm, looks like a bear, the strength of the early battle king, and the rich (sha killing) enemy experience, it is difficult to provoke the war king late.


Seeing him striding out, everyone whispered.

Being able to become the guard leader is not something that ordinary people can become, especially in the Prince's Mansion.

"So thick (kill sha)!"

The Lord Usher could not help but speak.

"Well, this person is full of blood, and it is not easy to deal with. I wonder if Zhang Xing has ever played?"

Said President Rowley worried.

"It should be all right, Zhang Xing and the dragon, it's okay to escape."

Looking at the many warriors around him, the level one can start at any time, Bond said without confidence.

They haven't seen Zhang Xing's shot, but since they can pass the third level, it shows that the strength of Ben (body sh n) is not much worse.

But where can it be? Have you ever played an experienced war king?

Don't look at the guard rushing out aggressively, in fact, I'm afraid of it in my heart, but there is no way, the responsibility lies, it can't work!

If a star suddenly summoned the black dragon to come out, there was no place to run, and he was eaten at one bite!

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