Super Dragon Cultivation System

Chapter 893: It was controlled by Warcraft

After listening to their respective briefings, the captains and leaders of the three caravans simultaneously exclaimed: "We are surrounded by devil wolves!"

"Hurry up! Everyone prepares immediately, the perimeter vigilantes will return immediately, and we will go to heaven."

The three captains called out loud.

After a few seconds, all the people were assembled.

Just when Bai Feng was about to take off, the captain of the guard Wu Xuan suddenly called out, "Lord, look at heaven!"


Bai Feng and the guards all looked up at the same time.

I saw countless dense shadows in the sky, and looked extraordinary under the stars.

"No! It's a bald eagle!"

"It's over, it's over, can't run away!"

Bai Feng immediately turned pale.

"Sister Bai Feng doesn't have to worry, we don't have to run away, just wait for them to come."

Zhang Xing comforted with a smile.

"Brother Zhang Xing, you don't know. The demon wolves in the Wolf Valley Basin are particularly brutal. They have a nickname of Nightmare Wolf."

"Everyone they follow will even dream of them in the future."

"And the bald eagle and nightmare wolf are natural enemies. As long as the nightmare wolf appears, there will be bald owls."

"Vultures not only like to **** the food of the nightmare wolves, but also hunt (kill) young wolves."

"And these two kinds of Warcraft appear as soon as 100,000, 100,000, or even millions."

"Every caravan that meets them has a dead end."

"However, they are generally active at the foot of the Jewel Ridge Mountains and rarely occur in the middle of the basin."

Bai Feng spoke fast and stared at the sky very nervously.

Immediately after she spoke, she ordered all the caravans to prepare for battle.

The other two caravans also gave up running away and took out their weapons, forming a circle and preparing to fight.

Rustling ...

In the night, countless green eyes were suddenly added, and they were slowly approaching the caravan.

A large number of vultures circling in the sky, staring at the prey in their eyes.

All three caravans felt their scalp tingling, and their goose bumps were bulging.

They were filled with endless fear, looking at themselves, less than 1,500 people.

Look around, there are two green lights in the human body, you can't see your head at a glance.

The stars and a month and a half of the moon that were originally visible in the sky were also blocked by the dense vultures.

Really, there is no way to heaven, no way to enter the ground, and all the caravans are completely desperate.

Zhang Xing didn't panic, just a weird expression on his face.

The situation he saw was a little different from the caravan crowd, and half of the green eyes were dark red.

It's just that it is not easy to distinguish in the night.

The same goes for the bald-tailed capricorns in the sky.

Zhang Xing saw a breath of familiarity from it.

When I first came to study at the Royal Imperial Martial Academy of the Star Empire, the Academy organized a training experience, and even in the Forest of Warcraft, I have seen Warcraft with such dazzling eyes.

"Ha ha! I didn't expect to meet old friends here."

Zhang Xing's mouth flickered, and (Lu) laughed.

It seems that not only did he progress so fast, but the undead mage, who had been hiding in the dark, also made rapid progress.

I haven't seen it in such a long time, and I can control (((cao) c o) c o)) more than five or six levels of Warcraft.

At this point, the nightmare wolf was getting closer and closer, less than ten meters away from the caravan. They roared, covered with messy gray (color) hair.

Those half-green, half-dark red eyes (exposed) gave off bloodthirsty rays.

In addition, (Lu) exudes a sharp sharp tooth, and continues to spit, making people feel creepy.

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