Super Dragon Cultivation System

Chapter 928: I challenge you thirty-seven

The holy sword was just a meal in Zuogang's eyebrows, then twisted, and then went down.

In the blink of an eye, Saoka's body was shredded and shattered.

Zhang Xing's thoughts moved, and the holy sword returned.

Hundreds of thousands of people were silent in Time Square.

They looked at the dead two in shock.

One of them has been identified as the Five Star Warlord, and the other they do not know.

But Zhang Xing and Zhang Meng will not (kill sha) him for no reason.

Presumably, the cultivation of another person is more than four stars.

It was just a blink of an eye from Zhang Meng's call to the sword, to the sword, and to the killing (sha).

By the time they responded, the sword had returned to Zhang Meng.

Who else can do this?

No one can!

The big men of all forces in Damo could not help but sigh, Zhang Xing is several times more powerful than the legend.

By this time, those big brothers who only surrendered on the surface, but actually disapproved, began to fear Zhang Xing deeply.

Dongfang Zhengyang and others are even scared with pale faces, and their legs are shaking constantly.

It is not clear to others, but they know what the state of the two who were killed (sha) was.

That's a five-star warlord, five-star!

Any one of them shot enough to kill everyone in the audience.

But it was Zhang Xing seconds (kill sha).

They were afraid, and the only thought in their hearts ran away.

Dongfang Zhengyang is the most afraid person. The rules of challenge are set by him. If he loses, he will give this life to Zhang Xing.

By Zhang Xingxin's fierce means, he will never let him go.

How to do?

Just when Dongfang Zhengyang was thinking hard about a solution, Zhang Xing's faint voice came.

"Who else to challenge?"

The remaining thirty-seven people remained silent, no one dared to answer, and no one dared to step forward to challenge.

What a joke, two five-star war lords were both killed by Zhang Xingsec (sha), and their Samsung and four-star war lords came into play.

"What? No one challenges me?"

Zhang Xing's indifferent eyes glanced at 37 people.

"Since you don't challenge me, then I challenge you ..."

Zhang Xing slowly raised his sword and pointed at 37 people.

These people suddenly became nervous.

They all bowed their heads, their eyes flickered, afraid to look at Zhang Xing, for fear of being selected by Zhang Xing.

However, Yu Guang in the corner of their eyes was watching Zhang Xing secretly.

The sword point in Zhang Xing's hand points to Zhengyang Dongfang. Before the Zhengyang Yangdong waits, the sword point moves away from him (body sh n).

This shock suddenly scared Dongfang Zhengyang almost to urinate his pants.

The sword tip slowly moved over each of them (body sh n). At last Zhang Xing's wrist sank, and the sword tip fell to the ground.

Thirty-seven people felt light-hearted, as if they had relieved their heavy burdens.

But just before they came and panted, Zhang Xing spoke.

"I challenge you thirty-seven!"


These people suddenly felt the heart stopped beating.

what? To challenge us all?

One by one they felt (body sh 体 n) cold for a moment, and their hands and feet were numb.

This ... this kid is too cruel, this is trying to drive us out (kill sha).

"Oh, you have no objection, that is to agree."

"Let's get started."

Zhang Xing's words were imprinted into their heads like a life-note.


Thirty-seven people looked up sharply at the same time.

In the eyes (exposed), there is a hot (color).


They nodded each other and rushed towards Zhang Xing.

Of the 37 people, most of them were (killing) hand bands, and they all showed their weapons.

Either a dagger or a short stab, or a dagger.

Zhang Xing smiled coldly, and the holy sword fluttered one after another.

I saw those who rushed over were instantly chopped (sha).

Jian Qi flashed from their heads, ((chest xiong) xiong).


Some people have just taken a step, some have just raised their legs, and their bodies are torn apart.

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