Super Dragon Slaughtering System

Chapter 1202: Holy land

The first thousand two hundred and two chapters

Out of the konjac hall, Wang Long sneered, "How is the alchemy technique? Offended my Wang Long, letting you die without a burial place!"

In fact, because Ning Qi’s cultivation is too low and he is not looked at by Wang Long, he will find someone to assassinate Ning Qi without any scruples. If Ning Qi has the cultivation of the end of Yongsheng, Wang Long estimates that he will listen to Wang Si. The command, for the time being will not go to provoke Ningqi.

After Wang Long left, the five monks in the konjac hall were dispatched almost simultaneously.

"It is a joke to kill a monk in the early days of eternal life and ask us to join forces."

"In any case, if you have money to earn, go out for a few months, and each person earns a thousand green dragon crystals. Why not?"

"The news said that he had left the Wangjiazu City. It was a good time for us to start. Let's go and solve him earlier."

"I heard that this person is the royal family's offering to the alchemy teacher. If we do this, will it cause trouble?"

"The ninety-nine branch of the court dedicated to the alchemy teacher, Wang Hai's repair is weaker than our konjac ancestors, what is terrible."


The main house of the king.

Alchemy room.

Nalan Mingjian faintly listened to Nalanbai’s narrative, his brow furrowed slightly, and his eyes flashed a fine mang: “What you said is true?”

“It’s true!”

Nalan White whispered.

"Do you know what the nine Zen Buddhism knows?"

Nalan Ming’s sword is faint.

"The news should not have been passed into the ears of Jiu Zen Danzong."

Nalan White respectfully said.

"I know, block the news, don't be known by the old guy of Jiu Chan. This person must be in our hands and go to the main court. I personally see how far his alchemy is accomplished. You said that this is just a monk in the early days of immortality? It can be accepted as a disciple."

Nalan Mingjian pondered for a moment, slowly speaking.

Received as a disciple?

Nalan’s eyes flashed a bit of a different color, but he nodded and agreed to agree. When he left, Nalan Ming’s sword muttered to himself: “Is the alchemy teacher from the Central Plains? Have such a perfect Dandao Inheritance, even if I can't compare it, it is probably the fallen alchemy family. If I can master his Danfang, I can break through Dan Zun. I don't need to refine the old man in this royal family. Even if I go to the Central Continent, I can stand on my own."


"Big brother, that guy is too arrogant, humiliating me in front of the branch, you must make this bad for me!"

The king's curtain was angry at a young man.

Although this young man only has the cultivation in the middle of the eternal habitat, it is the same as the king's curtain. However, his spirit is the emperor's product. With the power of hundreds of thousands of laws, the ten kings are not his opponents, even the king. Snow is not comparable to him. After all, the soul of Wang Xue is just a royal product!

He is the most promising king of the kingdom to break through the celestial kingdom of the law, and after the breakthrough, it is not the general law, there is the spirit of the emperor, at least able to consolidate the law of the yellow grade!

"You said that his alchemy is very strong? Can you compare with the empty mind?"

Wang Hao frowned.

"It’s just a matter of emptiness, even Nalanbai is not his opponent, this son can refine the inheritance of the drug!"

The king's curtain gnashed his teeth: "If he promised to be my alchemy teacher, I wouldn't deal with him naturally. I can give him the fairy medicine, more than Wang Xue, this son is stubborn, Can't be used for us, then kill!"

"Well, in the early days of Yongsheng, the alchemy technique is far better than Nalanbai. This person should have obtained the extremely perfect Dandao heritage. There are not many opportunities. You are waiting here, I want to even his. Dandao inheritance is taken together!"

Wang Hao smirked, and his body shape turned into a lightning bolt, which disappeared directly in front of the king's curtain. When he arrived at the 99th branch, he encountered Nalanbai, whose face was rather ugly.

"Master Naran."

Wang Hao nodded with a smile.

Nalan Bai sees that he is Wang Hao, and he does not dare to neglect. After all, Wang Hao is not the same as the king's curtain. The vast Wang family, the younger generation has less than 30 people who awaken the spirit of the emperor. Wang Hao is one of them, and he is Wang Lin. The ancestors of the ancestors, even his masters saw Wang Lin's ancestors, they must perform the rites of the younger generation.

"Wang Hao Gongzi, are you here to find Bei Xuan?"

Nalan’s eyes were slightly moving and said.

Wang Hao nodded: "Exactly, Master Naran is like me?"

"Well, but you are a white man, but you have left the place, and Wang Xue does not know when he will return."

Nalan White Road.

"Are you leaving, thank you Master Nalan for telling you, and let's say goodbye."

Wang Hao arched his hand and turned away. When Ning Qi walked, he did not hide his eyes and ears. Therefore, Wang Hao heard the route he left and went all the way to the gate of the city.

"Leaving the ancestral city? This is a lot easier."

Wang Hao smiled.


After half a month, the holy land.

Ning Qi put away the ‘empty boat’ and landed at the gate of the sacred land. This boat was the boat that was obtained from the ruined land. It was named Ningqi’s empty boat.

Many monks in the holy land saw Ning Qi's broken ship, knowing that this is a good tool for the road, and they looked at Ning Qi with greed, and secretly guessed the origin of Ning Qi.

"What is your chance here?"

The sacred monk guards looked at Ning Qi and walked toward them, asking slowly.

"I am looking for someone."

Ning Qi smiled.

"Who are you looking for? But I am a monk in the Holy Land?"

The guardian monk brows slightly.

"Yu Ji."

Ning Qi faint road.

"Yu Ji? What are you looking for?"

The guardian monk's eyes moved slightly.

"I just came to subpoena. It is Wang Haoran who let me come."

Ning Qi reported the name of Pharaoh. Since he asked himself to come to the holy place, he said that he should also be a monk from the Holy Land. The other party should recognize it.

"I know, come with me."

The guardian monk nodded faintly, and Ningqi entered the holy place with him. He did not fly for a long time and landed in a square built on the top of the mountain.

Here, stands a magnificent giant hall.

A few figures came across the air, and Qi Qi fell around Ningqi. The monk who took the road guarded his body and walked behind the few people, watching Ning Qi coldly.

Ningqi’s brow wrinkled, and things seemed to be wrong.

"This son is Wang Haoran's associate?"

The monks who lived in Ningqi’s late Yongsheng dynasty asked the monks.

"Yes, he said it!"

The goalkeeper monk nodded quickly.

Wang Haoran's associates?

Is it difficult to become a pharaoh with the Holy Land?

Ning Qi flashed a cold mang in his eyes, and looked coldly at the few monks who were surrounded by the eternal life. He said: "I came over for Wang Haoran. I don’t know anything else, nor his accomplices. misunderstanding."

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