Super Dragon Slaughtering System

Chapter 1300: Cofferdam

The first thousand three hundred chapters

Not yet out of the pure fairyland, Ning Qi has encountered more than a dozen waves of monks who suddenly attacked him. At first, he asked for a normal way, then suddenly forbidden to throw it on Ning Qi’s head, and a dozen people rushed out to cut him. Kill, these monks are the lowest, and there are also the end of the eternal life, the highest, the middle of the legal phase!

Without exception, they all died under Ning Qi's knife.

In less than a month, Ning Qi killed a total of one hundred and thirty-five people, fifty-nine law-related demon people, and seventy-three law-related dragons.

From more than 1,500 pieces, Tu Longjing has soared to more than 6,000. He can draw twelve prizes in the big world carousel, but Ning Qi intends to keep it for the time being.

His **** body of the immortal immortal has been advanced, and above the advanced level, there are five levels, which are the top, the strongest, the level of creation, the immortality, and the immortality.

Want to advance to the top of the world's blood, need 50,000 pieces of dragon crystal, to the strong level, it has turned a hundred times, need five million dragons.

Stronger level of creation, Ning Qi can't even think about it now, he has turned thousands of times on the basis of the Supreme level, and 5 billion to kill Dragon Crystal! Ning Qi estimated that the entire Qinglong mainland had a criminal value of the monks, all slaughtered, may be able to make up so many dragons, but this kind of thing, only the guys who have completely entered the magic road to do it, let Ning Qi kill Hundreds of thousands of people, maybe he can not blink.

But hundreds of millions of billions, Ning Qi asked himself has not been cruel to this point.

And the ages are not extinguished, and behind a series of numbers, Ning Qi has been too lazy to count, it is based on the dragon-crystals needed for the level of creation, turned over 10,000 times!

I am afraid that this level has been reached, and the power of the blood of the immortal genius has not been matched even in the full six years of the grand six. Even in the mainland of the Xianzu, it is enough.

"The Xeon class can be spelled together, and if you are at the level of creation, you still have to look after the opportunity..."

Ning Qi pondered for a moment, when the empty boat had crossed most of the pure Yang wonderland, and for another month, he could reach the Qingming Wonderland.

Suddenly, the empty boat seemed to hit the invisible wall. The horrible power trembled on the broken boat. The rule of the empty boat was instantly destroyed. In the blink of an eye, Ningqi’s rushing tool became a pile of ruin. And Ning Qi was at that moment, and instantly retreated, and looked coldly at the front.

Around Ningqi, there are dozens of figures gradually appearing, the weakest of them, and the beginning of the legal phase. The strongest three people exude the atmosphere of the middle of the law.

They looked at Ning Qi's eyes and were full of greed.

"You are Bei Xuan?"

One of the three strongest mid-term monks in the lead of the law, looking at Ning Qi, asked.

Ning Qi smiled and shook his head.


In the eyes of everyone, there was a glimpse of suspicious color. Some of them whispered: "According to the intelligence, there is a flying instrument in Bei Xuan that is just that one! The appearance is similar, how could it not be?"

"It seems that the rumors are exaggerated. You can't even admit your name!"

The mid-term monks in the three legal phases have gone through the taboos, and they are still ridiculed. They think that the rumor that Ning Qi has suppressed four masters, which must be exaggerated. At that time, there was a glass dragon, and perhaps shot. People, it’s a glass dragon, too.

"Actually, my real name is Ning Qi, the pseudonym Ning Beixuan, and the North Xuan two characters, which can be called by people close to me. You, or call me my name."

Ning Qi faintly swept the heads of everyone and smiled slightly.

Now with his combat power, there is no need to hide his life.

"Ning Qi Ning Bei Xuan?"

Everyone gave a slight glimpse.

One person lost his voice: "You are not a member of the Wang family? You should be the surname Wang!"

Another person said: "Wrong, he is the son of Feng Jiuxian, should be surnamed Feng!"

"No matter what my last name, you broke my empty boat, how do you plan to pay?"

Ning Qi smiled.

"Compensation? Hand over your ruins tower, we will give you ten pieces of the last product, and you will not lose."

A mid-term monk in a legal phase sneered.

"The ruins of the ruins are worth only ten pieces of craftsmanship? Your heart is really black."

Ning Qi laughed ridiculously.

The guy was speechless for a moment. After the silence, his face was stunned. He smiled coldly at Ningqi: "Then don't want one! Everyone!"

At that time, dozens of law-related monks all released their own laws, and there was a sense of a group of magical dances, and the incomparable law of the atmosphere, directly swept away to Ningqi.

At the same time, Ning Qi's body shape moved, he turned into a streamer, and shuttled among dozens of laws. After a few breaths, Ning Qi's figure slowly stopped, besieging Ning Qi's dozens of legal situations. The monk's face is a bit ugly.



Dozens of laws suddenly become fragments, and they can no longer condense. The power of the law of debris is also dissipated between the heavens and the earth, dust and dust, and soil returning to the earth...


One after another, the monks were seriously injured and vomiting blood. They looked at Ning Qi with horror, and there was a trace of incredulity in his face.

Their law... was it destroyed by the other party?

Is this still an immortal monk?

Is this clearly a monster hidden under the human skin?

Rumors, perhaps not exaggerated at all, the masters of the four Qinglong list, really was suppressed by the other side!

In this case, except for the mid-term monks in the three legal phases, the remaining monks suddenly made birds and beasts, and fled in all directions. Ningqi saw the situation, one by one catching up with the knife, and being admired, the means of the heavenly monk was lost. After the law, the fighting power was greatly damaged. It was like a chicken. It was harvested by Ningqi one by one. Some people regretted asking for mercy, but when they couldn’t even say for mercy, they were killed by Ningqi.

In an instant, there were only three mid-term monks in the legal phase, standing in a stunned position, with Ning Qi big eyes and small eyes.

They don't want to escape, but they are locked by a gas machine. As soon as they move, they will be broken. The law that has been cultivated for many years is destroyed by Ningqi. The repair of these three people has fallen to the same extent as the immortality. The chance to live, I am afraid only...

"Bei Xuan's ancestors, I am wrong, please let me put a living path!"

Wutong, one person kneels in the void, and pleads guilty to Ningqi’s head. The other two havetened to learn like this. As for the dignity of the monks in the middle of the law, they have been thrown far away.

"After a mistake, let me spare you a life? Before I come to me, I should think about what kind of end will happen?"

Ning Qi smiled.

The knife slammed, and the three huge human heads landed in an instant, losing the body of life, and squatting on the ground.

"There are more than 500 dragons and dragons accounted for."

Ning Qi smiled slightly, and the law of lightning gradually wrapped the whole body, turning it into a streamer, and galloping in the direction of the green fairyland.

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