The first thousand four hundred and three chapters are cheaper

On the nine Yunshen bells, there are actually two kinds of bans. One is Ning Qi’s familiar one hundred and eight heavy fairy bans. The hidden deep is only after being hit by the dragon stick.

Another kind of ban, but thousands of weights, the atmosphere above, is very similar to the power of creation.

"In this way, this nine-series **** bell is also a product of the mainland of the Xianzu, and the outside ban, which is added later, can temporarily drive the nine-sense bell..."

Ning Qi’s mouth twitched with a hint of laughter. The ban on the law that was added later should be from Xiaoyan or its master’s handwriting. The degree of exquisiteness of thousands of bans is also unusual. There are more than a thousand. It is a 100-year-old sect of the sect that is specifically used to suppress the nine-series gods. It is that this thousand-multiple ban is broken by Ning Qi, and the one hundred and eight sects will be revealed. .

"This kind of means, I can't think of it, but it is cheaper now."

As long as Ningqi refining the law of the ban on the sacred spirits, the ban on the application of Jiuyun Shenling will break down on its own. At that time, such things will completely belong to Ningqi, and there will be no relationship with Xiaoyan. !

After reading this, Ning Qi smiled and began to refine.


Just when Ning Qi started to refine, there was a roar in the territory of Yanxian.

"Who is, I dare to marry my nine Yunshen!!"

This roar made all the monks in Yanxian tremble, because they knew that it was the existence of a nine-robbery creator. In the territory of Yanxian, except Dao Xianxian, it is the strongest!

"The voice of the lord!"

"Nine Yunshen Bell? Is it the best tool that the lord hangs on his neck before he slumbers?"

"Is there anyone who dares to refine it? The thousands of heavy objects above are forbidden, even if I am working together, refining for thousands of years, can't you solve it?"

In a deep mountain in the fairyland, several figures came out of the air, and the speculative direction of the roaring sound came, and then he did not hesitate to go empty.

In a short time, these figures flew to Dao Xian Xiancheng and entered the Tao Yanxian Palace. The guards inside seemed to know these people, and they did not stop them, let them walk quickly toward the depths of the Xiangong.

"Are you coming?"

A gloomy voice sounded, and in a few moments, these people only felt that the foreground of the eye was changing like an instant, and it appeared in an icy hall.

At the highest point of the main hall, there is a head... a small gray-haired donkey whose body is the same size as a normal donkey. If it is not a deep breath, it is estimated that ordinary people will regard it as an ordinary little donkey.

Its big eyes are constantly scanning a few people in front of him, and the chill in the eyes can almost condense into a real frost.

"I have seen the lord!"

A few people rushed to salute.

"My nine Yunshen bell was moved. From the time I wake up, I have never noticed its position. I can't think of it. In just over a hundred years, someone really dared to start it. You, send the refiner. Everyone in the division alliance is going to find me. I want to find this person and ask him personally why I want to move my Jiuyun Shenling!"

The little donkey vomited, and the voice, with endless chill and anger.

"The lord, I don't know if there is any exact position, I wait..."

"Roll! There is exact direction, I still need you to find it?"

The little donkey stood up fiercely and yelled: "You are all true immortals. I don't know how many people are in the hands of the immortals. Do you want me to teach you how to do things?"

"Yes! I will understand."

In the eyes of a few people, there is a hint of horror. Although they are expensive, the Lord of the Sin Dynasty can face the existence of the little donkey. They are still scared. When the other party just woke up, there is an eight-robbery creator who does not have long eyes. To provoke, but was swallowed by the other party, even with the hair is not left, even if the nine secluded demon see it, but also have to be respectful, not dare to make it!



A long breath, Jiuyun Shenling, one hundred and eight heavy fairy ban has been completely refining, and the ban on it was suddenly disintegrated. From this moment, Jiuyun Shenling It’s all completely owned by Ningqi, even if it is used outside, it won’t be discovered by its former owner!

A dragon stick, a nine-energy bell, these two best spirits, so that Ning Qi's combat power has doubled.

Refining and refining these two things has cost Ningqi more than 90 years. If there is no top training ground, time is really not enough.

"If the two pieces come together, there may be a fight with the creator."

Foreign objects are always foreign objects, and strong foreign objects must rely on their own strength to fully exert their full effect. These two pieces of spirit, Ning Qi want to exert their strongest power, it is estimated that at least to break through It is only possible to rob the land of the creator.

The power he can play now should be only a tenth or even one percent of them.

Just leaving the top training ground, there is a Dan child waiting for a long time.

The Dan boy was quite respectful standing outside the door. After seeing Ningqi, he quickly said: "The management, the medicine on the top has already arrived in Da'an City, and now the ghost is in the hospitality hall. The ghost said that if you want to Going out, please ask for a trip."

"Send medicine? He wants to see me?"

Ning Qi brows slightly wrinkled.

"Under the next, I don't know why."

Dan Tong whispered.

"Well, let's go."

Ning Qi nodded faintly.

All the way to the meeting hall, Ning Qi heard the sneer in the door.

"Buhudanzong, you can see Ning Tongguan, how can you? Your younger brother Wang Hao does not know the lift, wants to control the position of the system, in the face of the battle of Dandan Zundan defeated, at this moment even Daancheng did not dare Back, do you really want to be in his head? Take the name of Bihai Dansheng to press our Da'an City?"

"My brother is not as good as a man. That is his problem. I want to see this talented alchemy teacher who is said to be able to refine the eighth-order Taihang Da Dan. What is it?"

Hearing here, Ning Qi’s eyes flashed a hint of coldness. It turned out that this time, the drug delivery was made by Wang Hao’s brother. Could it be that he wanted to find a place for Wang Hao?

With a sneer, Ning Qi went straight into the guest house. In addition to the ghosts, there was a monk who looked around in his 40s and 50s.

His hair is deep red, like a flame, and there is a hint of hot and scent in his body. The cultivation is much deeper than Wang Hao, but the perfection of the law.


The ghost old saw Ning Qi and got up and walked.

The red-haired monk, who was calmly sitting in a chair, looked at Ning Qi with a look of his eyes.

"You want to see me, why."

Ning Qi looked at each other faintly.

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