Super Dragon Slaughtering System

Chapter 1424: 斩造物

The first thousand four hundred and twenty-four chapters

"How did he find my trace? Impossible! In the realm of creation, as long as I don't want to be seen by him, he can't see me!"

The Lieyang Supreme was shocked first, then immediately relieved his heart and moved a few steps to the side. In his view, Ning Qi was tempted.


Surrounded by the turbulent spirit of the fairy spirit, the dragon stick hit the head of a stunned Lieyang Supreme, and the sacred sage was directly hit into the ground, and a pool of blood was infiltrated from the soil.

At the same time, the field of creation that he created was also broken, and the end of the scene disappeared cleanly, the ground, even a trace of fighting, there is still a purple mist.

This is enough to prove that Ning Qi has indeed been drawn into a space-like field, which reminds Ningqi of the towering tower that he once saw in the dominance of the genius. The space inside is somewhat like The field of creation...

However, in contrast, the owner of the tower of the tower should be much stronger than the sage of the sacred yang, not a level of existence!

"No, impossible..."

The voice of Lie Yang Zun was very weak. He climbed out of the ground with difficulty, his head was pulled to the left shoulder, and the bones on his neck were obviously broken, but even so, the Liyang sage still did not die.

"You, how did you find me, even if it was the second creator, I was pulled into the realm of creation, and it was impossible to find out my true body so quickly..."

Lie Yang Zun is staring at Ning Qi.

Suddenly, he seemed to think of something, shocked and pointed to Ning Qi: "That bell, that bell..."

"Look like you have seen it?"

Ning Qi smirked and walked slowly toward the sacred sage: "Is there any last words? I can tell him when your son returns."

"I am a lord of creation, I will not die here. Your mouth is related to the existence of a great fairyland. He will not let you go!"

Lie Yang Zun snorted and his hands fixed his head. The next moment, his figure gradually faded.

"Breaking the law!"


The dying sage of the dynasty is being smashed out by Ning Qi in the void. This time, his legs have become fleshy, but the power of creation is being repaired madly, and the broken limbs grow at a speed visible to the naked eye. After the bloodline on the head of Lieyang's Supreme was dropped, he quickly recovered on his own.

"The vitality of the Creator is much stronger than that of the French and the immortal monk. It is almost immortal..."

Ning Qi is very confident in his own attack. Such a strong offensive, it is indeed amazing that a looming creator can kill one after another.

"Give you a hundred sticks and see if you die."

Ning Qi smiled slightly and raised the dragon stick.

"No, wait!"

Lie Yang Zun's hands hold up and seem to want to stop Ning Qi's Panlong stick, but the next moment, he has been transformed into a very tough body through the power of creation, at this moment is still extremely fragile, hands directly hit by the dragon stick!

"Not dead yet? Come again!"


"Oh, it’s so strong, can you still talk if you have a head left?"


"Continue without dying!"


Ning Qi’s stick and the stick of the Lie Yang Zun, the Lie Ye Zun from the field of creation was defeated by Ning Qi, there has been no resistance, he can only continue to occupy others Said the body of the near-dead body, to linger, and for a moment, has been bursting with the head of Ning Qi, turned into a meat.

A strip of meat squirming on the ground seems to want to find its own 'brother' to blend with it.

In order to test the vitality of the sacred sages, Ning Qi did not show much in the end, and many means did not show it.

In the end, the sacred sages were almost all smashed into cells, and the average human eye could not see the extent of the eye, but still maintained the characteristics of life.

"The vitality of the creator is so tenacious?"

Ning Qi looked at the blood in the shadow, this is the blood of the Zeng Yang Zun, when the bloodline still has a hundred points of life, physical attacks can not cause blood loss effect.

"Forget it, send you on the road."

Ning Qi laughed and slammed it out, and Jiuyan slammed it. In a moment, only one hundred of the remaining values ​​of the sacred sage were cleared. Then, a black shadow suddenly appeared, this time Ning Qi did not stop, and It was he who allowed him to detain the soul of the Lieyang Supreme.

"After a lord, there should be quite a lot of things?"

Ning Qi reached out and grabbed a piece of 乾 戒 戒 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Ning Qi is quite a surprise, it is the genealogy of the Liyang family, which records all traces and repairs of the existing Liyang people!

The genealogy was specifically included in the space package, and Ning Qi determined that the body of the Lieyang Sayādaw had already died, and then he went out.

The purple fog nearby, after taking away the purple celestial fruit before Ningqi, has gradually faded away.


Everyone was stunned and listened to the loud noise coming from inside, feeling the vibration of the mountains on the ground, enough to imagine that there must be a fierce battle.

"Nothing to move."

"The two guys inside should have decided to win, the winner, presumably the power to go in."

"Crap, the former is just a mid-term monk in the legal phase."

The outside monk whispered, then a figure was about to come out of the thick purple fog, everyone was stunned, especially the peaks and the people, and the Wang Hao, who was looking forward to it, when everyone saw the guy who came out inside. After that, everyone was stunned.

How could it be... mid-phase of the law?

"Impossible! Where did the Liyang sage go? How could he let this son live!!"

Wang Hao looked at Ning Qi unbelievably, and his eyes were round.

"Hello, is the purple fairy fruit taken away by you?"

The peaks of the Taoist people looked at each other with a tacit understanding. They stopped Ningqi from four directions. The nearby law-related monks saw the situation, and if they had no way to block Ningqi’s way, they seemed to Things that are not available, and must not let a mid-term monk in a legal phase succeed!

Ning Qi did not pay attention to the four people, his eyes fell on Wang Hao, who was hiding in the crowd, and his mouth rose slightly: "Wang Hao, united with outsiders, and started to control the alliance of my alchemy division, what crime should you sin?"

The management of the Alchemy Alliance!

The look of the people on their faces suddenly stagnate.

"Ning Beixuan, what do you say, I don't understand!"

When Wang Hao saw that he was discovered by Ning Qi, he no longer concealed his whereabouts and walked out calmly.

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