The first thousand four hundred and thirty-nine chapters

The nearby monk saw this scene, and suddenly looked at Ning Qi with a little fear, and quickly pulled away from it. Ning Qi returned to Xuanzhen Dasheng and Jianxi to sit down.

From the beginning to the end, Ning Qi only used less than three interest time, and both of them guessed wrong.

"In the middle of the legal phase, the combat power can kill the dragons with great perfection, interesting..."

In the void, a pair of eyes fell on Ning Qi, and the mouth of Pudu Xian Wang slightly rose, showing a smile.

Next, from time to time, some monks who didn't know how to live and lived in Ningqi, seeing the three people so leisurely, could not help but directly shoot, such monks, all died under Ning Qi's fist.

Ning Qi was so eager to wait for the rabbit, and also killed hundreds of law-related monks, the ancient emperor's law, more and more concise.

In a twinkling of an eye, the time has passed for two days or so, but there are still more than 10,000 contestants left on the field. The number of places for 200 people is far away.

"It won't work like this."

Xuanzhen Dasheng brow slightly wrinkled.

Ning Qi thought for a moment and said, "I will come when I go."

In a word, he went straight to the war, and the nearby monks saw it and let them go. They didn’t dare to face the **** of Ningqi. In the past two days, the law of the Ningqi’s hands was perfect. I don’t know what it is. As long as I can persist for two days, I have already learned about the terrible power of Ningqi.

Not far away, the Hundreds of Dragons monks are fighting with the Terran monks, and the Terran monks have some faint lee. It doesn't take long for them to be defeated by the dragon monks.

When the two sides discovered that Ning Qi was coming, they almost stopped at the same time, and some looked at Ning Qi with jealousy.

"Hello, we have never provoked you."

Leading the dragon monks, seeing Ningqi’s goal seems to be them, and quickly opened the door.

"There are too many people. I only chose 200 people this time. So, you still take the initiative to crush the jade card and leave."

Ning Qi smiled.

The face of this group of dragon monks suddenly changed slightly. Only a few people meditated for a few seconds, crushing the jade card, and the rest was staring at Ning Qi.

"Get together, kill him!"

"A mid-term monk in a legal phase, how many of us, may not be his opponent?"

Even the human race monks who have just fought with the dragon monks seem to be starting to move, because Ning Qi’s words, though, are said to the dragon monks, but why not say to them?

"Hello, are you sure you want to be an enemy?"

The cold eyes of the leading monks in the dragons looked at Ning Qi.

"If I don't want to go, I will send you a ride."

Ning Qi smiled slightly.

The next moment, he was moving.

Jiuyan is a big man!

The group of guys closest to Ningqi was killed by Ning Qi on the spot and became ashes.

A white light is integrated into Ning Qi's law.

Those who are still alive, looking at this scene with a stunned look, what is this means? Why are everyone who is a law-minded monk in front of him, but so vulnerable? Those who did not choose to leave, but chose to exist in the hands of the Ning Qi, into a piece of film into a gray fly.

"No, don't kill me, let me go!"

"Go! Go together! Kill him together! If he doesn't die, we have no chance today!"

Looking at the existence of a fearless death, rushed over to himself, Ning Qi secretly sighed, greedy, and sure enough to forget the terrible death.

These guys are all lucky, not willing to give up the opportunity to enter the void domain, and feel that after Ning Qi's shot, they will be unable to succeed, they will be able to kill Ning Qi.

The idea is ok, but they are met with Ning Qi, Ning Qi's body of the spirit of the spirit, a steady stream, such a battle, will not consume too much of the spirit of the spirit, one call and one breath, then Recoverable!

With one punch and one hand, in an instant, there was a vacuum around Ningqi, and the guy who dared to shoot at him had all died.

"It seems to be breaking through..."

Ning Qi did not calculate how many people he killed. It is estimated that there are thousands of them, because the monks around now are sparse and sparse.

"If you kill ten or more dozens, you can break through, but there are six robbers in this place who are watching, breaking through in front of him, too eye-catching, or endure it. Then again, I killed so many people. He didn't come out, and sure enough, he didn't look at the French monk as a person..."

Ning Qi’s thoughts turned, and the corner of his mouth smirked and walked toward other aliens again.

"We are leaving this place!"

When a stranger discovered that Ning Qi’s goal was himself, his face was pale and crushed.

Ning Qi saw it and went to another alien.

"let's go!"

Unwilling to sigh, the group of aliens smashed the jade card.

As long as Ning Qi spearheaded, no aliens dared to stay again, for fear of being killed by Ning Qi on the spot, and at the same time their hearts were crazy.

Why is there such a terrible monster in this selection contest? It is clearly a mid-term monk in the legal phase, and the law is in perfect harmony with him. Are you sure that this is not a disguise of the creator?

If you don't know that this selection contest is hosted by Purdue King, I am afraid that most people will think that Ning Qi is concealing the creator of cultivation!

Soon, all the aliens were driven away by Ning Qi, and the remaining five or six hundred monks were silently watching Ning Qi, and secretly prayed in their hearts that this killing **** should not put them on the spot.

"It's still early, the time given by Pudu Xianwang, there is still a little time, you can quickly win the game, lose the point, leave here, I don't want to shoot."

Ning Qi smiled and turned back to Xuanzhen Dasheng and Jianxi to come to the side, sat down, and everyone looked at each other. After hesitating a few moments, they finally screamed and fought.

Xuanzhen Dasheng and Jianxi came to watch Ningqi silently. They finally got a deeper understanding of Ningqi’s true combat power in this selection contest.

Although they were a little shocked, they were not surprised. After all, even the sages of Lieyang were to die in the hands of Ningqi. The guys in these districts and the perfection of the situation were not the same as the ants, and they were killed.

When the deadline for the three days is approaching, finally, the number of people on the field plus Ningqi three people, just two hundred people, the people of all colors.

Those people of the ethnic group were relieved in their hearts, and the enemy was still in the moment. The next moment, everyone has become the same camp, and there is no need to kill them.

They looked at Ning Qi's eyes and brought a tribute to them. If they were not Ningqi, many of them might not be able to stick to the end this time.

Although Ning Qi’s means were a bit violent, and he also killed a lot of Terran monks, for them, this time there is only a single ethnic monk, which is entirely Ning Qi’s credit.

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