Super Dragon Slaughtering System

Chapter 1463: Destruction

The first thousand four hundred and sixty-three chapters destroyed the dead

"You choose three?"

Li Chengtian gave a slight glimpse.

Gongsun Ziyun and Shen Bai also stunned and looked at Ning Qi, I don’t know what he meant.

"Yes, I choose three."

Ning Qi smiled, his body flashed, and appeared in front of Li Chengtian in vain.

Li Chengtian’s face showed a faint color.

What is the speed?

Even as he is a three-robber creator, he can't catch the high speed like Ningqi!

Before he reacted, Ning Qi had already shot in the palm of Li Chengtian.

Jiuyan is a big man!

The violent fairy spirit, Li Chengtian flew out in an instant, nine kinds of fairy flames burned on him, but Li Chengtian is a three-robbery creator after all, Ning Qi has the opportunity to kill him unless he takes out the dragon stick or Jiuyun Shenling. Otherwise, at least dozens of tricks can be killed!

"You want to kill me?"

Li Chengtian glared at his chest, and the power of the body's creation continued to spurt out the nine kinds of fairy flames that were burning on his body. He looked at Ning Qi with a look of incomparable color, and his eyes flashed a trace of incredulous color.

Is this guy crazy?

Dare to kill the magical sect of the genius?

Shen Bai and Gongsun Ziyun stared at this scene. The two thought that Ning Qi was a sneak attack, but at the moment, Ning Qi can fully face the hard Gang Li Chengtian!

Ning Qi smiled, did not speak, and the figure once again appeared in front of Li Chengtian, and he shot out.

Puff puff!

Li Chengtian is very passive to bear the violent bombing of Ning Qi, and occasionally he can not cause too much damage to Ning Qi. In the view of Gong Sun Ziyun and Shen Bai, Li Chengtian at the moment is no longer a three-robbery creator. Is a young child, being teased by a strong man!

Because Ning Qi used every effort to make every effort, Li Chengtian's bloodline fell quickly, and the body gradually entered a weak state. When he was beaten again by Ningqi and crashed into a mountain, Li Chengtian screamed in horror. : "Don't kill me! I don't think it happened today, I can send a vow to heaven!"

"Damn, if it is not here that I can't display the realm of creation, how can I be so embarrassed! When I go out, I must kill this one!!"

Li Chengtian’s unwilling roar in his heart, but on the surface, he surrendered to the face, without any unruly color, as if he was convinced by Ning Qi.


Shen Bai and Gongsun Ziyun were relieved. They were still worried that this matter would not end well. Since the other party is willing to send a vow to the sky, then this matter will end and it will be more complete.

It is possible to force a triumphant Tianjiao to send a pledge to heaven. They are far from being so good. The two look at Ning Qi’s eyes, which is very complicated, especially Gongsun Ziyun. At first she did not Ning Qi is in the eye, if not on the face of Shen Bai, even the words will not talk to Ning Qi.

Just when they felt that the matter was over, there was a faint color in the eyes, because Ning Qi appeared again in front of Li Chengtian and shot it on his head.

The three robbing creators, rejoicing the Tianjiao of the Mozong, the brain bursting instantly, the body that lost life, like a kite with broken lines, the balance lost to the ground.

"Dead, dead..."

The look of Shen Bai and Gongsun Ziyun has become pale.

Taking away Li Chengtian’s Qiankun Ring, Ning Qi glanced at him, disdainfully grinning, and as a Tianjiao of the rejoicing of the Mozong, there is only one Chinese spirit and some fairy coins in the ring, even some Lingcao medicines are not. It’s so bad.

Ning Qi does not want to think that the normal monk has no system, and the resources he has acquired are basically consumed in the first time. There is no backlog of such things happening at all.

Seeing Ning Qi walked to the side of his own, Shen Bai was somewhat afraid of the road: "Ning brother, you killed Li Chengtian, if you are known by the joyful demon, I am afraid..."

I saw the true fighting power of Ning Qi, and where he dared to call Ning Lao.

Gongsun Ziyun suddenly went to Ningqi Yingying to salute: "The little woman thanked Ning Gongzi for helping me, and removed this sinister generation for me!"

Shen Bai responded and thanked him.

If Ningqi does not appear today, he and Gongsun Ziyun’s end... I can’t imagine it!

"Let's go first. There are thousands of monks here. I don't know how many dragons that have been ruined by the Dragon Emperor. I don't know that the Mozong is the Li Chengtian I killed. You won't be stupid to say it?"

Ning Qi seems to laugh and laugh.

"No, no, naturally not!"

The two are busy.

Ningqi certainly believes that they will not say it, because if he goes out, in addition to Ning Qi to be retaliated, Shen Bai and Gong Sun Ziyun can not escape responsibility.

Ning Qi turned and walked to the body of Li Chengtian, and with one palm, Li Chengtian’s headless body suddenly turned into a pile of ashes, and then he and Shen Bai returned to the battlefield. Wu Dong and Shan Yishan were still standing. Ning Qi saw that Shan Yi Shan 2 did not escape, and his mouth suddenly rose slightly. These two guys, but they are not interesting, not as silly as they seem.

At this point, the battle seems to have entered the end, Zhao Lang and You Feng fight the same, both of them have many injuries, the ground is lying on the body of more than a dozen foreign monks, such a battle, in fact, everyone Will live and die, can die here, either by the original enemy, or too unlucky.

"Ning Tong Guan."

Wu Dong arched his hand, then saw Gongsun Ziyun and Shen Bai, and smiled and nodded, but his heart was secretly picked up. Didn’t these two people be chased by the joyful demon Li Chengtian? Now they are back, Li Chengtian?

Wu Dong will naturally only linger in his heart, and will not say it stupidly.

Ning Qi smiled and nodded. His eyes fell on You Feng and Zhao Lang. The two men are now deadlocked. The strength of both sides is at the same level. It is really necessary to decide the outcome. It must be a life-and-death battle.


Ning Qi smiled.

Everyone did not know what he was pity, only Ning Qi himself was clear, and sure enough, then Yu Feng and Zhao Lang reached an agreement, and the two sides jointly divided the Dandao fragments obtained this time.

If Ning Qi is now shot, he will also offend the joyful demon and the demon. At the same time, even if it is a fairy king, it will not be so stupid.

After all, the two sects, there are nine robbers behind the existence of the creator!

"Well? Li Chengtian?"

After the end of the battle, the two sides adjusted their respective states to cope with the next unknown danger. Zhao Lang suddenly remembered something, his eyes swept away, and suddenly fell on Gongsun Ziyun. He just saw Li Chengtian’s start, but only The battle with Youfeng is even more crucial. This is not the choice to intervene. At this moment, Gongsun Ziyun is here, where did Li Chengtian go?

"Gongsun girl, I don't know where Li is?"

Zhao Lang was a flash, and he appeared in front of a few people in Ningqi, watching the faint road of Gongsun Ziyun.

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