The first thousand five hundred and eighty-three chapter big fish

Everyone in the Wang family looked at this scene with a stunned look. They had not reacted yet, and the battle was over. The three immortal creators, just like the salted fish, were hung up not far from the red-faced monks and others. The monks who had just escaped from the Wangjiazu City, and the monks who were about to escape from the Wangjiazu City, stopped their bodies and looked at the three pillars that had just been erected in the Wang family.

Blood, flowing from the lower body of the three-person shackles, flowing down the wooden piles on the ground, the three robbing creators reacted, and looked at Ning Qi unbelievably, his eyes were full of horror.

"Ning Beixuan, the three of us are the monks of the Wanshou Valley of the Zhanlu Xian Dynasty. The owner of our valley is the lord of the three robbers, if you are today..."

Ning Qi waved his hand, and the spirit of a fairy spirit immediately sealed the mouth of the three people, and then looked at Wang Zhong. "Can you hear the origins of these three people?"

Wang Zhong made a slight glimpse and then nodded.

"Then send people to pass on the news that they were suppressed by me here. I believe that someone will help to spread to the Wanshou Valley in Zhanlu Xian."

Ning Qi laughed.


The Wang family were stunned. Did they not miss it? Bei Xuan ancestors actually want to help them pass the news back? Is this not enough for the Wang family recently?

The three murderers also stunned, and looked at Ning Qi, this guy, why not follow the routine?

"Yes, Bei Xuan's ancestors!"

Wang Zhong flashed a fine man's eyes, nodded and turned away.

"I just had a trick of constant emptiness, can you make it clear?"

Ning Qi faintly looked at Wang Yi and others.

Wang Yi and others are exposed to the hustle and bustle. "Bei Xuan's ancestors are too fast, I have not seen them..."

"No problem, there will be a cat and a dog come to the door to find trouble, when you look at your eyes and look carefully, carefully understand the difference."

Ning Qi smiled.

After seven days, four other creators came to the door. Their repairs were weaker than those of the red-faced monks. They only smashed the creator. Ning Qi demonstrated the art of Wang Yi and others several times with a slow speed. Knife, finally hang these four people, and let Wang Yi try on them.

This time, Wang Yi left a small wound on the skin of one of the creators. Because these four people were not destroyed by Ningqi, they still have the power to create things in their bodies, and Wang Yi can leave a wound. This shows that her constant-empty knives have been refined to a certain extent, and they have been able to break through the defense of the creator.

This scene makes the elders of the Wang family's major peaks stunned. They are all French and French monks, but let alone leave a wound on the creator, leaving a white spot, impossible! Can a child of the eternal life of Wang, who is not even in the same situation, do this step?

From this moment on, even they all began to admire Wang Yi and others to meet such opportunities. The family branch behind the fifteen people also rose, and in the Wang family, the status changed a bit detached, because everyone knows, even in the future, Ning Qi No, one of them can reach the height that Xuanzhen Dasheng and Wang Yan have never reached!

Many elders of the peak think more deeply. These fifteen people, I am afraid that everyone can master the power of the Wang family in the future, and they are taught by Ning Qi. In the future, the Wang family may be surnamed Wang, but it is actually surnamed Ning! Elders who have these ideas can only secretly rush in their hearts, but they dare not reveal them.

The time passed again in the past month, and the pillars in front of the Wang family were changed from twelve to eighteen, and six of them were hung up.

Whenever the Wang family saw the creator on these pillars, there was a layer of pride in the heart, and the old master of the royal family, although somewhat worried in his heart, could not hide the color of his face.

After the initial panic, the monks of Wangjiazucheng always gathered together and pointed at each other when they passed the place closest to the ancestral home of Wang’s family. The voice was introduced into the ears of the creators who were suspended, and they immediately made them angry. mad.


"This is the hometown of Wang Jiazu. I heard that Ning Beixuan is here, I don't know if it has been taken first."

There were several cracks in the void, and several creators who talked and laughed and walked straight out. Some people noticed these people, and their faces suddenly looked strange.

"and many more!"

One of the creators appeared to be cautious and careful. He waved and stopped several friends. First, he looked at the group of ants on the ground and found that the ants were very strange. They were completely different from the ants who saw them before. In the past, ants saw their ants. Appeared, all worshipped, now the ants in this place, it seems as if ... look at their eyes with a trace of mercy?

"This place is weird!"

The creator sang.

"Do you see if the three are the predecessors of Wanshou Valley?"

A creator has a hoarse voice, and his tone is somewhat alarming.

A few people looked at the distance and saw that there were many pillars on the other side, each of which had a monk hanging on it, and their eyes fell on the three Wanshou Valley monks, after careful care. Ok, they finally confirmed that the three are the Master of the Longevity Valley, the second creator! More than they are!

Then, their eyes fell on the rest of the people, the more they saw the more shocked, except for the two suspected law-related monks, the rest were the creators, the weakest one, I am afraid they are also comparable!

Wherever they are, the creators who are high above, now fall into such a field? A chill came from a few people's hearts.

At this time, a few people's eyes and a pair of eyes were up.

"I am waiting to come, I still hope that the owner will not blame, I will leave when I wait!"

A few people took a very decisive ceremony, then pulled out a void crack, turned and walked in, and disappeared into the eyes of everyone.


The monks of Wangjiazu City were somewhat disappointed.

Wang Yi and others also showed a disappointing color on their faces.

"These are quite eye-catching."

Ning Qi smiled. The reason for not leaving the few people is very simple. This is the purpose he wants to achieve. After they leave, there will be news to spread out. I am afraid that I will not go to the Wangjiazu City in the future. It is.

"You don't have to be disappointed, either today, or tomorrow, the last group of people should be here."

Ning Qi saw Wang Yi and others were somewhat disappointed. Haha smiled and looked at the red-faced monks and the Wanshougu monks. The creator behind these two forces was the purpose of Ning Qi.

"After a robbery, there are five points in the creation, and the two robbers should have ten points. If they all kill them, they should be advanced enough..."

Ning Qi flashed a smile in the eyes, let the guys live for a month or two, in order to catch the big fish behind them.

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