Super Dragon Slaughtering System

Chapter 1594: Waiting for the money

The first thousand five hundred and ninety-four chapters are waiting for the money.

The smile on the face of Henghe Xianwang gradually faded away. He looked at Ning Qi with a faint look and looked at Ye Junjun: "If I killed him here, would Bodhidharma have any opinions?"

Ye Yijun said faintly: "You know when you kill him."

"Haha, good! The gentleman fairy is also crisp!"

The Ganges River King sneered aloud and then looked at Ning Qi: "There is a battlefield in Dao Xian Xiancheng. Today I will accompany you to play and play."

After all, the Ganges of the Ganges turned and walked away. The three kings who followed him were still a few words with Ye Haojun, and they chased the King of the Ganges.

"How much you have."

Ye Yijun’s voice rang in Ning Qi’s heart.


Ning Qi looked at the back of the Ganges, and smiled.

“Eleventh percent?” Ye Yijun frowned abruptly, but she saw that Ning Qi had already walked in the direction of the battlefield. Her brows gradually spread out. She really wanted to see with her own eyes. The Creator, for the last six robbers, what kind of cards can make him confidently say 11%.

"Let's go too!"

"Well! This is a fight, don't miss it!"

Xiao Wu night and others looked at each other and finally looked at each other and smiled. Qi Qi went in the direction of the battlefield.

Ning Qi wants to fight against the Ganges of the Ganges. This news is like a huge stone. He broke into the lake of Dao Yan Xiancheng. There are many people who don’t know the name of Ningqi. They can’t help but ask other people when they get When Zhi Ningqi first killed the love of the Ganges in the city of Feixianfang, and when he retired, he suddenly became interested.

Feixianfang City.

The owner, Niu Zunxian Wang, was listening to the report of his men. Later, his bull's eye swept the seven or eight people present. The faint road said: "Dao Yan Xiancheng rarely has the existence of the immortal king level into the battlefield. This kind of test, we Feixianfang City must be a big village, follow my requirements and unify the odds."

"Fang, how do you get this odds? According to the news, Ning Beixuan is just the second robber creator, how can it be the opponent of the six robbers?"

Niu Zunxian Wang has a low voice.

"Then one hundred for one!"

Niu Zunxian Wang sneered: "If the waste of the Ganges won, it will pay one for one hundred. If the human race wins, it will pay for one!"

"One hundred loses one? The main owner, this is a loss-making business, and it can't be done."

The men of Niu Zunxian Wang have persuaded them.

"It’s so decided..."

Niu Zunxian Wang swings his hand.

Soon, the Daozhuang Xiancheng masters received the instructions of the Niu Zunxian Wang, and opened the odds, which made those gamblers could not help but jump.

"One hundred for one? It is also the loss of the demon king. Isn't this a pit person?"

"You will be satisfied, this is obviously to send money, I have three thousand Yanxian coins, all of them are bet on the Henghe River, and then you can earn thirty Yanxian coins, just like Bailu, what is not satisfied. ?"

"But this odds are still too small. Why is this odds even one to one?"

"Maybe that the demon king is optimistic about the guy named Ning Beixuan?"

"How again, he is only the second robbing creator, those who have the temperament of becoming the true sacred temperament, the best-looking record, is only the third-order squadron creator? Second robbery six robbery? I have never heard of it! ”


Dao Yan Xiancheng is more than a battlefield.

Here is the Tao Yanxian used to give those who have hatred, playing on the scene of the bright and savage, according to the repair of the people on the scene to charge a certain commission, part of these commissions are used to maintain the protection of the battlefield, Part of it is used to raise the staff in the battlefield.

Everyone is a monk. Occasionally, I will go out and meet some treasures of heaven and earth. I am sure that you will fight for me. In the end, there will be some feuds. Therefore, almost every day, there are at least thirty or fifty battles in the battlefield.

The battle between Ning Qi and Gang He Xian Wang has been lined up. Before their turn, there are still more than a dozen lives in the front, because the background of the battlefield is Feixianfang City, so even the Ganges River King, Not qualified to let them arrange the fight ahead of time.

There are more and more spectators. Some monks who are ignoring the situation on the stage suddenly feel that their blood is boiling. They think that it is because of themselves that they have come to so many audiences. Soon, when they win the game, they are better than the fighting platform. I realized that it was because the Ganges of the Ganges had to fight with people here, and his opponent was still the second creator! Those guys are busy looking around for bets, this kind of money like white, how can they let go!

The monks who came on the scene were all somewhat unconcerned. They seemed to be very casual and played a few times. They went out on their own. If they played for a long time, they would be insulted by the audience.

"Go down, let's see the Ganges of the Ganges!"

"I know that you two, don't come down, I will invite you tomorrow!"

Discourse such as this allows some people to cancel the test directly.

"This is your ticket."

Compared to the backstage of the battlefield, it is different from the front desk. Only by participating in the test and the staff can enter. However, this rule is obviously not useful for Ye Haojun and the group of immortals.

Ye Yijun went to Ningqi and handed him a gold ticket with a number of 300,000.

"Thank you, my odds of being an upset is only one to one? It really looks at me."

Ning Qi smiled and put away the gold ticket.

The Ganges River King sat not far away, his eyes fell on Ning Qi, and his mouth twitched with a hint of mockery.

"婉君仙子, I don't know if you bought it? You will not let go of this rare opportunity to make money?"

Ning Qi smiled.

Ye Yijun hesitated, faintly said: "Buy 100,000."

“Who buys who wins?”

Ning Qi smiled.

"The Ganges River King."

Ye Haojun Road.

There was a chuckle in the Ganges of the Ganges.

"Buy a million and you win."

Ye Haojun followed the road and looked cold. It seems that this million-dollar fairy coin is not important to her.

The Gangesan King heard a slight change in his face and sneered: "Yu Junxian, your alchemy alliance is really united."

Ye Junjun looked at him very seriously: "It is not unity. I have confidence in him. You will not win too much."

In the eyes of the Ganges River, a rising anger, and stood up, "then wait and see!" He said, he walked toward the front arch.

"Let's wait for the money."

Ning Qi smiled at Ye Yijun and rose to the arch.

In a short time, the two of them went up to each other. The original auditorium was gradually quieted down. Most of the eyes fell on the Ganges of the Ganges. The existence of the entire Central Plains was not much. At this level, basically the reputation has spread throughout the three hundred centuries, no one knows no one knows, but Ning Qi’s fame, which has only spread in a small area for thousands of years, most monks still do not Know where he is sacred.

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