Super Dragon Slaughtering System

Chapter 1631: I am enough

The first one hundred and sixty-one chapters, I am alone.


Lei Wenjuan looked at Ning Qi with a stunned look.

The former guy who said that Ningqi was ruthless, and now he was scared and shivered, thinking that Ning Qi heard his grievances come to him for revenge!

"What is the name of your sovereign?"

Ning Qi faint road.

"Wu, Wu Yin..."

The road of the three people.


Ning Qi smiled.

"Where are you going?"

The three seem to have not reacted.

"Go to the ruling party."

Ning Qi smiled.

"What? The predecessors promised to help us to survive the disaster?"

Lei Wenjuan’s eyes are ecstatic, and some are unbelievable!

"Which direction is the ruling party?"

Ning Qidao.

After the three men pointed out the direction, Ning Qi reached out and waved, and the spirit of the fairy spirit shrouded the three, and then the four disappeared in the same place.


The Blood River Sin Dynasty, the Great Wilderness Mountains, where the ancestral gates stand, there are hundreds of different large and small sects, among which the strengths and weaknesses are different. The weak sects have only half-step creation, the strongest sects. With three robbers and creators sitting in the town, the practice circle has always been a weak meat, so those weak sects will tribute to the powerful Zongmen and depend on them to survive.

The Zangyang faction rose three thousand years ago. At that time, the Zongzhu School’s lord was just a singer who had just stepped into the creator. The ruin party he founded was well-known in the Great Wilderness Mountains, but among the hundreds of gates, only In the following three thousand years, the Zengyang faction broke through to the lord of the lord. Therefore, the forces of the ruling party rose sharply, and there were several rare veins under the shackles. The original days were too stretched, and even the elders in the sect could not get it. The Zangyang School, with too many resources, began to infinitely live like a sun.

However, as a result, the Zengyang faction has offended many sects. Those Zongmen, in view of the sturdiness of their lord Wu Yin, secretly swallowed their voices, and the Zongmen 'Tianxin Zong' attached to the Zangyang faction is the seven leading ancestral gates of the Great Wilderness. First, even though there are some grudges on weekdays, they are all resolved peacefully. At most, there are more disciples than the disciples under the door. There is no big fight.

Such a day, until a dozen years ago, began to change, Tian Xinzong offended a passer-by master, the entire ruined, the major gates attached to the Tianxin Zong, were included in other sects, including the Zangyang faction, but the Zangyang faction With the collection of his Zongmen 'Nine Qu Zong' itself, there was some feud in the beginning. The sect of the sect went to the sacred sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect Come.

After more than a decade of slaughter, he died in the hands of the Wuyang sect Wu Yin, no less than the five creators, but the disciples of the dying of the dynasty were also tens of thousands, the sect of the 30,000 sect of the disciples, now the disciples wither Even the elders have escaped, leaving only a few loyal disciples.

The monks in the Great Wilderness Mountain know that the Zengyang faction is not far from the ruins. Just six months ago, the blood-moor sect, originally located in the northern part of the Blood River, suddenly moved to the Great Wilderness Mountains. The disciple of the Mozong was given away, and life and death were unknown. Wu Yin was informed of this matter, and the door of the house of the blood and the demon was forcibly played several times, and each time they lost.

Now, the Gorefiend has already released words, and let the Zangyang faction be destroyed on the day when the yin is the most prosperous every year!

Originally a foreign sect like the Blood Devils, the monks in the Great Wilderness, even if they were unwilling to help the Zangyang faction, they would also stop the blood-moor sects from doing things here, but one day, a message spread throughout the Great Wilderness Mountains. It is a foreign disciple of the Nine Secrets, and has a very inextricable relationship with the Nine Secrets. At first, the first-class sects of the Great Wilderness Mountain have been passed down, and the Zongmen who are under the control cannot be offended by the Blood Demon!

Around the Shouyang Mountain where the Zangyang faction is located, at this time, a large flag of blood is set up. The flag flutters in the wind. The monks in the distance can clearly see the **** demon embroidered with a grin on the flag. This is the Gorefiend. The banner of the sect is full of one hundred and eight faces.

On a hill in the distance, there are tens of thousands of monks gathered together. Their only purpose is to see how the Blood Demons will destroy the Sun.

"Wu Yin, today is the cloudy and cloudy day, it is the day of your ruin and ruin. Do you want to find some of the women in the ancestors? Bring me up and let Wu Yinzong see if they are! ”

A figure stands in the void. The man is wearing a black robe and his head is covered by a cloak. So far, no one knows what the Lord of the Gorefiend is like, male or female. The only thing he knows is that his repair is only bad. Half a step, you can break through to the three robbers!

Among the mountains under his feet, stood a black figure, these people are cold-faced, with a cruel smile in their eyes, they are the disciples of the Blood Demon, repaired as jagged, but the look, but very similar.

In a short time, several blood-scarred disciples flew over several pillars and placed them on the top of the mountain. After seeing the scene on the pillar, the monks who came to see the drama in the distance, took a breath of cold in their hearts. Many people are unbearable in their eyes, and others are showing the color of anger. They seem to be rushing over, but they are stopped by people around them.

On several pillars, each of them was afflicted with a tortured, non-adult female repair. They were not wearing a piece of clothing. The important places were already **** and fuzzy. The bones were visible and the head was lowered. From the slowly undulating chest, Seeing that they still have a breath.


A roar was sent out from the sect of the Sun, and then a figure broke up and confronted the black robes. His eyes fell on the women, and there was a complex color of sadness and anger in his eyes.

"How? You are a sinister, will not be left alone?"

The blood-soul lord sneered a sigh, and the ruling party had no other movement besides Wu Yin. It seems that everyone else has already gone, and the big ruin party has only Wu Yin alone.

"I am enough."

Wu Yin looked at each other coldly and squeezed out the words from the teeth.

"Who said it! Sovereign, we are here!"

A few whistling sounds, at the same time, the mountain that gathered tens of thousands of monks suddenly flew out a dozen figures, falling behind Wu Yin.

This group of people is only eternal habitation, and there is only a legal situation. There is not even a strong person who creates a realm. However, their eyes are with a trace of war, staring at the breath. The chilly black robes!

"What are you doing back?"

Wu Yin was angry and looked at these people.

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