Super Dragon Slaughtering System

Chapter 1643: Make fun of

The first thousand six hundred forty-three chapters

The red-faced strong man looks at Ning Qi like a smile and laughs. "The young master said that he has not seen you for many years. He wants to tell the old story with you. Please also give me a face."


Ning Qi smiled.

"Today, there are several aliens in the battlefield. The young master invites you to watch the battle together. Please come with me..."

The red-faced brawny smiled, and the other monks took a step forward, blocking Ning Qi’s way, with a hint of light smile on his face, but his eyes were full of unsatisfactory colors.

"Let's go."

Ning Qi smiled and nodded.

Under the leadership of the red-faced brawny, everyone came to a crowded front of the battlefield. Before they entered, they could hear a shocking applause from time to time. Wu was a disciple of the Taoist Reality. The lord of the sacred dynasty, the seat of the sacred sect, is naturally the highest and best place in the battlefield. Compared with the crowds in the battlefield, almost everyone sees the color of madness, which is the two smashing on the high platform. Cheering and cheering.

"Less master, people bring."

The red-faced monk smiled.

Wu Wei smiled and nodded. This place is not only sitting on him, but also sitting on more than a dozen monks, there are men and women, several of them are already a creator, and several are half-step creations.

When their eyes fell on Ning Qi, with a trace of scrutiny, there were two pairs of eyes, but it was rather weird.

"Ning...tea brother?"

A woman with mature body smelled Ning Qi with some uncertainty. Sitting next to her, she was sitting on a young monk. The appearance was quite familiar to Ning Qi. The Kunlun Cave was the son of the midday, and the situation was nowhere! I can't think of the two people eventually coming together.

Ning Qi nodded with a smile and said: "Sister Sister, I haven't seen you for a long time."

"Really you?"

In the eyes of Qu Qiu, there was a hint of surprise.

"Ning brother, come, sit down first!"

Wu Wei smiled and pointed to a vacancy next to him.

After Ning Qi sat down, Wu gave Ning Qi a brief introduction of the origins of the monks around, and all the backgrounds were extraordinary. Then Wu Wei suddenly smiled and said: "You, you don't know, this Ning brother, once in the Qinglong continent. People call it Ning to kill God. In those years, he was a frightened warrior in the Qinglong mainland. He didn’t dare to go out, his strength was absolutely strong, and he was unbeatable!"

"Oh? So strong?"

Everyone looked at Ning Qi like a smile.

Before that, they actually got the notice from Wu Wei. Today, I want to teach an old man. I want to be this guy.

"Oh, you don't believe it? Nothing was defeated in his hands. It was already a celestial figure. When he was less than seven hundred years old, he achieved the beginning of the legal phase. The result was turned back by Ning's fist and turned into a The child who can't even talk about it, such a means, so far, I have never heard of it, I have never seen it!"

Wu Wei laughed.

"Is it a child who can't even talk?" This means it is a bit interesting."

The few creators have paid special attention to Ning Qi's eyes.

Qiu Qiu’s face changed slightly, and some unpleasantly swept Wu’s eyes. Which pot does not open? She subconsciously looked at the situation around her, and found that his expression changed a little.

"Ning brother, although I can't remember you, but I still want to thank you for your mercy, otherwise I may not be able to come together with Qiu Jin today."

Fengyun had no way to smile at Ningqi, and he could not see any anger on his face.


Ning Qi smiled and nodded.

The wind and the cloud had no movement, and a slight smile was on the corner of his mouth. He no longer paid attention to Ning Qi, but focused on the high platform.

On the high stage, there are two Titans in the fight at the moment, the fierce collision of the flesh, and occasionally hit the array around the high platform, it will make people feel the ground shaking.

"Ning brother, although I was in the mysterious fairyland at the beginning, I have never seen you really shot. Today, I am rushing, not the following one, do you play for everyone?"

Wu Wei looked at the two Titan relics and suddenly began to speak.


Ning Qi looks like a smile and smiles at Wu Wei. Is he hesitating to give Meng Tianshu a face, or directly smashing the head of this silly child, and then leaving?

Waiting for him to speak, suddenly a figure came towards this side, everyone's eyes suddenly attracted by the figure, Wu Wei got up and hurried up, with a smile on his face, "Good Fairy, you How are you interested in coming to this rude place today? Come, I have a few seats left here, please come to the Fairy Fairy!"

"Good-spirited fairy."

The rest of the people also got up and said hello.

The person who came from was a female practitioner. She didn’t look very old. She looked very good. Her body was full of the scent of the creator. Her eyes fell on Ning Qi, her eyes were a little weird, until Wu Wei was diligently waiting for her to sit down. Her eyes still fell on Ning Qi.


Wu Wei seems to feel that the other party's attention is not on his own body, nor on the two Titans who are killing, but on Ning Qi, his eyes flashed with a trace of anger, the background of this good fairy is not weak, its old The ancestor is another true immortal of the immortal, and during this time the good-destined fairy is traveling in the dynasty of the dynasty. Wu Wei has an idea, that is, he is a Taoist, although he is not comparable to the good-spirited fairy, but his The status of status is already equal to it.

At this time, the two Taitan relics on the high platform also decided to win and lose, one of them was shredded by another one, the minced meat was eaten, and the audience cheered more than the audience in the battlefield. No, some face disappointment and anger, apparently they bought the wrong object and lost a large amount of ecstasy!

"Ning brother, what is my proposal? It’s better to show it to everyone."

Wu Wei smiled and looked at Ning Qi, the triumphant Titan relic on the high platform, suddenly looked at it, and gave a sigh of sighs to Ning Qi, then extended his fingers and provoked it.

"Is the brother arranged in advance?"

Qiu Qiu's face changed slightly, and the situation sitting next to her was incompetent. It didn't seem to be an accident. There was a faint smile on her face. The rest of the audience saw it and they cast their eyes on it. The eyes showed a hint of curiosity. Color, it is difficult to become a group of monks with extraordinary backgrounds, some people have to personally end the battle with this Titan legacy? If this is the case, they should think about it, and who will win and who will win.

"Surname Ning! It really is him!"

The good-spirited fairy looked at Ning Qi’s eyes and showed a hint of joy. Just wanted to speak, but she saw that Ning Qi had stood up.

"Wu brother, then it is ugly underneath."

Ning Qi Chao Wu smiled, and swept the wind and nowhere, and the figure disappeared in the same place. The speed was fast. The few looters in the scene were shocked. They even caught To Ningqi's figure?

At this time, Ning Qi has appeared on the high platform.

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