The first thousand seven hundred and twenty-four chapters are crazy

"Well? What is your intention?"

Chen Dao-wei looked at Ning Qi with amazement. Seeing that several monks at the same table had already left the restaurant in a hurry, the other party stopped him alone?

"How old is my sister?"

Ning Qi smiled and ordered a fox orange.


Chen Dao-ting flashed a trace of anger in his eyes. He finally knew why the other person had to stop himself. He hesitated and said: "In the previous statement, it was just a joke. Is this little girl not eating anything?"

"You didn't say that the little girl of ten years old was the most delicious?"

Ning Qi smiled. "Are you just farting?"

"Hello, don't you deceive too much. At the moment everyone else knows your identity. If you don't leave this place, I'm afraid you can't go?"

Chen Dao's cold road.

The Tukong was squatting on the side. Hearing this sentence, he couldn’t help but scream at the fool in his heart. Knowing this, still don’t know how to delay the time? Did you even take the initiative to remind the other party? It’s stupid!

"I still worry about whether I can go. You can manage it really wide. How can I not go today? Do you think you can get out of here?"

Ning Qi laughed.


Chen Daoxiong looked at Ning Qi with anger and anger. But the squad is like the three lords of the creator. Now he is here and does not dare to move. It is enough to prove how terrible the opponent’s combat power is. If he fights, he must not be opponent.

"What do you want to do, if you have a lot of offenses, you can apologize to the little girl!"

Chen Dao-ling has some humiliating bows.

"Apologizes don't have to be, you have a way of punishing yourself."

Ning Qi smiled slightly.

Chen Dao-hsiung only felt that he was cold, and he looked down at him. He only saw blood between his crotch. At this moment, Chen Dao-ling’s heart was cold.

"The crime tools have been confiscated. Don't think about rebuilding yourself with the power of creation. This is whimsical."

Ning Qi smiled.

He not only confiscated the other party's crime tools, but also directly promoted the other's wound healing. At the same time, he used the power of the fairy spirit to destroy the physiology of a certain part of the guy. Unless he went to win a body, he would take a similar body in the future. Reinventing the elixir like Dan can't save him the fact that he became an eunuch!


Chen Dao Xiong was furious and looked at Ning Qi with his eyes open. The next moment, the power of a sly creation from his body rushed out of his body, and the field of creation turned to Ningqi as the head!

"This area has also been confiscated!"

Ning Qi smiled and smashed the other side of the field.

Chen Daoxiong spit out a blood, and he looked at Ning Qi and couldn't believe it.

"There is no field, then you have not repaired it."

Ning Qi shook his head, gently pointed, and a fairy spirit shot into Chen Dao's body, and his meridians, Dan Tian, ​​and the sea, directly stirred up the sky, Chen Dao's creation of breath at a speed visible to the naked eye. Weakened, and soon, his spiritual realm has been falling from the three robbing creators, the second creator, and the creator of the lord, to the legal phase, but to the beginning of the legal phase...

"Okay, you can roll."

Ning Qi swings his hand.

When Tu Kong saw this scene, the color of fear in his eyes became more and more intense. Such a means, if the other party casts on him, then he is better off suicide!

The other diners in the restaurant, even those who are the four lords, have their hands on their minds. The other side underestimates the speed, and at the speed they can't catch, they have abolished the repair of a three-robbery creator. It’s terrible, the opponent’s combat power is at least five creators!

Chen Daoxier looked wilting, and some stunned and felt the changes in his body. Later, he looked at Ning Qi with sorrow and anger: "You actually abolished me and repaired it! I fight with you!" After roaring, he turned to Ning Qi Chong went, no matter how much he is now repaired, it is a hundred times weaker than before.


Chen Dao-ting was slapped by Ning Qi, and the body was once again ravaged. Finally, the atmosphere of the law and the environment disappeared, and the atmosphere of eternal life was changed...

"It was labeled as an immortal monk..."

The restaurant diners watched this scene silently, and there was a trace of mercy in their eyes. They worked hard to cultivate the three lords, but now they are back to liberation. This is an unbearable reality for any monk. When their eyes fell on Chen Dao's pants, they looked more pitiful.

A male repair, if it is gone, although it does not hinder the cultivation, it can even practice some sinister but powerful exercises, but this does not mean it is useless, compared with more males. It is a symbol of dignity.

At present, Chen Daoxiong has lost his cultivation and lost his dignity.

"Ha ha ha! Mom! I am looking for my mother!"

Chen Dao-ting suddenly made a sneer, and even left the restaurant with a roll.

This guy, crazy...

"Xuanbei brother... No, Bei Xuan's predecessor, I know it is wrong, please let me put a life path, look at the previous sentiment..."

After Tu Kong saw this scene, the fear of Ning Qi in his heart rose to a climax.

"Twice and twice, I see that you are only paying for your life. You didn't shoot it for you. As a result, you have to sell me every time. You said this account, how can I count with you?"

Ning Qi looked down at the Tukong, and smiled.

"I, I am a self-defeating, can you see the seniors?"

The butcher hesitated.

"If you break your arm, let's send you a tire, maybe in the underworld, can you have something to do?"

Ning Qi smiled.

"Ning Bei Xuan, you really have to do this!"

In the eyes of the murder, the color of the madness appeared, and it slammed from the ground. He wanted to sneak up Ning Qi, under the mad eyes, but with a hint of blackmail. Sure enough, his movements were fake. The real purpose was to slap the West. , escape from here!

A dragon screamed.

Eight silver dragons roared and slammed on the back of the squad. The screams of the screams were too late to be sent out, and they were killed on the spot.

A black shadow appeared in this place, arrested the soul of the butcher, and looked at Ning Qi with a smack of sorrow, and he was unwilling to be taken away by the underworld monks.

Ning Qi smiled and took the fox orange to leave the restaurant until his breath completely disappeared. The diners in the restaurant made a long sigh of relief, and they looked at each other with trepidation and a tacit understanding. Quickly leave this place, although they dare not start with Ning Qi, can convey the news, it is still possible, then always get a few rewards of the joyful demon!

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