Super Dragon Slaughtering System

Chapter 1755: Killing people, dancing and dancing

The first thousand seven hundred and fifty-five chapters kill and kill, dance and dance

"Who is this, don't you know that the time of the rejoicing of the Mozong is an eventful autumn? Do you dare to go up and look for sin?"

The monks in the seven Zonggufang cities have cast an admirable eye on the monk who asked for the road. At the same time, the heart secretly whispered. During this time, who dares to provoke the joyful demon, that is, the head is clipped by the door. These monks From the time when Ouyang Xiu took a circle of six masters, his face was still so ugly, and he guessed the reason.

It’s not dead, the guy who asks for the road is facing Ouyang Xiu, so the nearby monks are also gloating in the belly, and want to see what kind of end will happen.

Ouyang Xiu turned around and looked at Ning Qi coldly. The rest of the joyful monk also fell on Ning Qi, and his eyes flashed a trace of cold mans.

Didn't see anyone else hiding far away? Even the monks of the six major sects did not dare to provoke them at this moment. The monk was still so ignorant, asking the way to ask them the elders of Ouyang.

"What are you going to do to rejoice in the Mozong?"

Ouyang Xiu faint road.

"There is nothing to do, that is... killing people and dancing."

Ning Qi smiled.


The nearby monk heard this sentence, and suddenly took a breath of cold, and looked at Ning Qi unbelievably. What did this guy just say? Want to rejoice in the Mozong killing?



"It's really looking for death!"

The joyful Mozong monk who was present suddenly ran away, staring at Ning Qi with anger, and his eyes were full of killing. As soon as Ouyang Xiu opened his mouth, they would kill this scum!

"Killing? Dancing?"

Ouyang Xiu coldly examined Ning Qi. From the other side, he noticed the scent of the creator of the five lords. Is such a presence so dare to say so much in Qizong Valley?

"So, can you tell me these mountains, which one is the joy of the demon?"

Ning Qi smiled.

There are seven peaks near Qizong Valley, but from the appearance point of view, there is no place to distinguish the joy of the demon.

"We are the monks who rejoice in the Mozong. In the next Ouyang Xiu, it is a little elder who rejoices in the place where the demon is here. If you want to kill, you must kill the old man first."

Ouyang Xiu looked at Ning Qi with a mockery.


A knife flashed over.

Ouyang Xiu’s head rolled off his shoulders from the shoulders and lost his head. He still stood, not falling for the first time, the fracture on his neck, and a blood spring a few feet high...


Including the other two seven-robbery creators present, the monks who rejoiced the Mozong looked at this scene with a stunned look, and there was a dazzling color in their eyes.

How can this be?

How was Ouyang’s elders cut off his head like this? Who is this person? ?

"He is too polite, he has to die first."

Ning Qi looked at the crowd and smiled. "So, are you all monks who rejoice in the demon? Who is the second to die?"

"What the **** are you!"

The two seven-robbery lords looked at Ning Qi with great dignity. The vitality of Ouyang Xiu’s body has been cut off, and it is possible to kill Ouyang Xiu with one knife. The other party must be the Eight Robbers!

The rest of the joyful Mozong monks flashed a fearful color in their eyes, and they retreated to the back of the two men, staring at Ning Qi, with a trace of suspicion in his eyes.

"Ouyang Xiu died?"

"He is a seven-robbery creator!"

“So easily killed by people?”

"Who is the person coming in? Go to the notice!"

The disciples of the six major Zongmen nearby looked at Ning Qi with horror. Many people immediately sent messages. In any case, they rejoiced in the desperate situation of death, and they were the same with their six sects. It was temporary. Allies, nowadays some people come to the troubles of allies, even if they dare not go forward, they will help to communicate to the elders of Zong, and let the elders come forward to solve the matter.

"Who am I? Don't you know?"

Ning Qi smiled. "Then I introduce myself, in the north of Nanjing."

rather! north! mysterious!

Ranked ninth in the power list?

The monk in the city of Fangzhou looked at Ning Qi, but he felt that there was a cold air under his feet, and he went straight to the sky!

Ning Beixuan actually came to Qizhuang Gufang City, and also killed Ouyang Xiu on the spot! Reminiscent of what he just said, killing and killing people, dancing and dancing, then his purpose this time, isn’t he going to kill the rejoicing of the demon?

Then... the two ancestors of Yan and Shame are estimated to be dead in his hands!

The nearby monks figured this out and looked at Ning Qi's eyes. It was filled with the color of fear. It was not that no one had challenged the majesty of the seven masters. But those guys were stronger, and the final end was extremely bleak. Rejoicing the Mozong caused some very minor damage.

But this time, the rejoicing of the Mozong has two top players in the top 50, and at the same time, the delisting, such a loss, the joy of the demon seems to have never suffered...

"What? You are Ning Beixuan?"

The two seven-hunger creators flashed a horror in their eyes, and subconsciously stepped back a few steps. The monks in the back of them also went backwards, looking at Ning Qi’s eyes, full of fear.

"Why, no one wants to be the second one? It’s just kind of polite, so if you do, you will be on the road together, no matter what."

Ning Qi smiled.

"Ning brother please stay!"

A loud voice rang in the air.

The faces of the two seven-robbery creators suddenly showed a hint of surprise color. They looked in the direction of the sound. Only the cold old ghosts and others flew over and landed in front of Ningqi.

"You predecessors, this person has just killed Ouyang Elder, the two ancestors of Yan and Shame..."

Two seven-robbery creators immediately began to complain.

"Shut up, there is no part of your place to speak."

The cold old man turned his head and glanced at them coldly. The two men glimpsed a little, then a humiliating color appeared on his face and closed his mouth.

"One two three... eleven..."

Ning Qi’s eyes swept away from the cold old ghosts and others, and took a look at their attributes. These guys are the top 50 of the battle power list, with a total of eleven people, except for one person in Jiuquan Ancient Temple. The rest of the sects have exactly two people.

"You must be the Ningbei Xuan Ning brother? In the next nine secrets, the genius is cold."

The cold old ghost smiled at Ningqi.

"Oh, it turned out to be a cold predecessor."

Ning Qi laughed.

"Predecessors don't dare to be."

Happiness laughed, "Ning brother is the ninth master of the battle power list. Where can I dare to talk about seniority in front of Ning brother? If Ning brother gives me a face, call me a cold brother."

"Chen brother, it is better for you to let go first, let me solve the matter before me, and then have a chat with you?"

Ning Qi smiled.

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