Super Dragon Slaughtering System

Chapter 1787: transaction

The first seven hundred and seventy-seventh chapter transaction

Under the auspices of Zhang Qinghua's two women, the villagers of Yunqi Village began a contest of competitions, and the hot monks gathered here. The nearby monks gathered here, and the hearts were full of interest.

Soon, from the looming creator to the five lords of creation, Ning Qi selected eight people and obtained the eight medicinal herbs refining and cultivating by the seven lords and the celestial herbs.

The eight people ecstatically thanked Ning Qi, and did not hesitate to take the drug on the spot. Ning Qi’s look changed slightly. When he was in a shape, he left the place with eight people. The eight drugs were not allowed. They directly broke through the original realm, and there will be thunder robbery. If eight people are together, I am afraid that no one can survive.

After resettling these eight villagers, Ningqi returned to the original place. In a short time, everyone found that there were robbery clouds in four directions. Many monks looked at this scene with envious eyes and wanted to join Yunqi Village on the spot. They did not I thought that this precious medicinal medicine, Ning Qi had even hosted a competition that was not professional at all, and sent it out in this way. Several of them were in the eyes of everyone, and they belonged to the kind of practice qualification. Only by all the way to repair and a little luck, only to become the ordinary monk of the Creator, even Tianjiao can not be called.


After a roar, eight figures appeared in front of Ningqi. Four of them were disappointed. They took the remedy but did not break through. The other four were excited. Although they were very embarrassed, they were weak and suffered severe injuries. However, they all survived the thunder, and they have to say that the medicinal herbs have also played a great role, so that they will not be able to withstand the thunder, when they are directly smashed.

"Thank you for the re-creation of the village chief!"

Eight people Qi Qi Chao Ning Qi squatting under the head, the breakthrough of the needless to say, did not break through the four people because of the reason for the drug, it will not be long before it can break through, for the creator, a realm is likely to be a lifetime, now Ning The odds let them see the dawn of the breakthrough, and the kindness can't be described in words!

Zhang Qinghua and others are also awkward.

Ning Fat is drooling at Ning Qi, and his eyes are full of expectations. He does not want to use medicinal herbs to break through, but simply wants to eat it...

"There may be a fierce battle next, you can adjust your interest."

Ning Qi swings his hand.

The eight people should be busy.

Later, Ning Qi smiled and took out the Kowloon Supreme Materia Medica, which was refining and refining before, and gave Wang Lin and his wife, Ning Zi, and Zhang Qinghua as two women.

All of a sudden, there were no more than eight medicinal herbs. The dragon mother-in-law and other people in this scene looked shocked. This is a nine-order medicinal herb, and it is still the highest in Kowloon. It is not the same as the eight. Ning Beixuan actually sent it out like this? Doesn't he need medicinal herbs to practice?

The idea is just a flash, but the dragon mother-in-law is guessing right, although the medicinal herbs can also increase Ning Qi's cultivation, but it is indeed not a necessity.

“Thank you for the village head!”

Zhang Qinghua's two women were very excited. I didn't expect that the two of them could be assigned to the Imperial Medicine of Kowloon. This is an unexpected surprise.

Ning Zi four people are calm, except that Ning Fat has already started eating, the other three are taking the medicinal herbs first, and when the key moments, this medicinal medicine will help them break through a level without any problem.

"His grandson, you said that I and your grandfather's cultivation, taking these two drugs, will not stand it?"

Yan Yuting looked at the medicinal herbs in her hands, but her eyes showed a hint of worry. They were repaired as just a creator. They were weaker than Zhang Qinghua and others. There is such a strong Dan. The medicine is in front of you, but it is a torture.

Ning Qi’s lips moved slightly.

Wang Lin and Yu Yuting groaned, and then a smile appeared on his face. He nodded to Ning Qi and took the medicinal herbs.

"Ning Gongzi, this, can you buy an remedy for you?"

Long mother-in-law hesitated for a moment, and finally she was cheeky and open.

"Dragon mother-in-law, what price can you pay?"

Ning Qi looked at her like a smile.


There is a disappointment in the face of Long's mother-in-law. When she adds up the whole family, I am afraid that I will not be able to change this Kowloon-class remedy.

"Like this, I can give you this remedy, but you have to promise me a condition."

Ning Qi smiled and said.


In the eyes of Long Po Po, there was a glimpse of suspicious color. Ning Qi’s battle was absolutely extinct. Is there anything else that needs her to help?

However, the temptation of medicinal herbs is obviously very strong. Long mother-in-law couldn't help but ask Ningqi to prepare her for what conditions. Ningqi's lips were slightly moving, and Long's mother's brow suddenly stretched out. She said with a smile: "No problem! ”

"There is a deal."

Ning Qi smiled and nodded, and took out the last medicinal herb and threw it to the dragon mother-in-law. Another yin and yang of the Yin and Yang dynasty and Sakyamuni had no thoughts. They couldn’t help but watch the two men in shock, and the heart rose with regret. I knew that Ning Qi was so good to talk, they just spoke first!

Seeing that the nine medicinal herbs have been distributed, the monks in the big market couldn’t help but sigh, even though they knew they couldn’t get these remedies, they couldn’t help but think about it...

"You, the Emperor Lei and the Tibetan immortals will not be used for a long time, they will arrive here personally. If they don't want to stay, they can withdraw one step at a time. If they are willing to stay, they will be ready for a bad war."

Ning Qi's faint opening, the sound of the spirits of the spirits of the excitement, spread throughout the big market.

Leaving the big market?

It is true that many monks have left the Great Market after considering it, but more monks have chosen to stay. If they go out to meet the monks of the two places, they are afraid that they will die. It is better to stay here. After all, here. In addition to Ningqi, there are three top players in the top 50, and there are many seven lords. They feel that they will stay safer in the big market. As the saying goes, relying on big trees is good for the cold.


"Lei Huang, I heard that Xiaolei Huang is dead?"

A monk hiding under the black robe, faintly watching the Emperor.

"What? Is it yours?"

The tone of Lei Huang is full of gunpowder.

The seat where they are at the moment is only about 100,000 miles from the Great Market. Behind the two people, there are thousands of monks standing quietly. Among them, there are more than 100 people in the eight-robbery creator. Ten exist, basically all arrived.

"Oh, if I killed, would the Emperor Lei be playing with me here?"

The Tibetan immortal smiles.

"When this gamble war is over, you and I can really play a game to see if you are strong, or you are strong."

Lei Huang sneered.

"How come Yanzi has not arrived yet?"

The Tibetan immortal smiled and shifted the topic.

"This young boy is motivated, and behind him is the Taoist Emperor. It is appropriate to put on the shelf. It is your brother who went to the Great Wall for so long. Why haven't you come back?"

The faint road of Lei Huang.

"Go a few people to the big market to have a look."

The Tibetan immortal waved a hand gently, and several monks suddenly disappeared in the direction of the big market.

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