Super Dragon Slaughtering System

Chapter 1955: The second door of the nine-door armor

The first one, the nine hundred and fifty-five, the nineth door, the second door

"Eight hundred thousand……"

Rurier’s face was hesitant.

The giant insects laughed and said: "The devil's palace can't even get eight hundred thousand Chinese magic crystals can't get it?"

"Hey, you are too small for my demon palace, 800,000 is 800,000!"

Rulier's cold road.

"Adult, think twice."

Lan Ruo couldn't help but remind him that his face was a little nervous.

Eight hundred thousand Zhongpin Magic Crystal's gambling game, everyone began to look forward to this, they are looking forward to waiting for the end of the gambling, what will Luriell look like, take out such a large middle-class magic crystal, I am afraid the next Throughout the year, the Devil's House has to drink the northwest wind.

Time is about to arrive at noon.

The devils in the audience are looking forward to more and more, and their eyes are on the high platform.

"Little guy, please?"

The giant worm is laughing at Ningqi.

Ning Qi smirked and flew down on the platform of life and death. The life and death platform has been repaired.

Ning Qi appeared, and did not attract any sensation, but when the giant insects stood in the void, slowly falling on the platform of life and death, the cheers in the audience, a wave higher than a wave, different from the demons, that The realm of the realm is far away from them, but it is the existence of the great devil of the giant insects. It is the idol of many devils, the goal of transcendence!

The giant white teeth and other people saw this scene, and the corner of the mouth rose slightly. Some taunts looked at Luriel. "Are you ready for 800,000 Chinese magic crystals?"

The giant white tooth sneered.

Ruriel glanced at him faintly. "Turn off your ass?"

"When you cry, wait!"

There was a sigh of anger on the face of the giant white tooth. Although a slap would kill Luriel, the other brother’s brother was a demon period, giving the giant white teeth ten courage and not dare to Ruri. El is not good, otherwise the giant tribe can't keep him.

"This guy, it’s going to die soon. It’s a pity. I was going to take revenge."

The sheep sighed.

North Moon cold autumn brow wrinkled, whispered: "Yanggu big brother, he can kill the existence of the early stage of the demons, if you want revenge, I am afraid..."

"Cold autumn, don't you believe me?"

In the eyes of the sheep, there was a hint of anger. At this moment, he finally determined that the North Moon cold autumn may have changed his mind during the period of his retreat. However, the sheep hook is not afraid, as long as he is dead today, the north moon is still cold. Will put his heart on him!

"Not unbelievable..."

The north moon slowly shook his head slowly, and then he stopped talking. His eyes fell on the platform of life and death, and the sheep looked like a sneer.

"The lord, today can see this child on the spot, it is really exciting, I deliberately bought a piece of stone, leaving this scene today, we will come back later to relish it."

Yunge smiled and took out a stone, aiming at the life and death platform. This stone is called a shadow stone. It can hold a piece of image. The time of preservation varies according to the quality. The best stone to be preserved can be saved for 100,000 years. The worst is also for hundreds of years!

"Having a heart."

Nalan Mountain nodded with a smile.

On the side of the broken moon alliance, everyone faces are very nervous. Although they have no direct relationship with Ning Qi, the broken moon alliance relies on the name of Ning Qi to survive in Yanshan City. In the hands of the giant insects, the broken moon alliance is likely to be disbanded on the spot, and each fled.

"Three teachers, do you think the four divisions can survive this move?"

Wanli and Zhu Feng looked at the spider pattern like a smile.

Not only they, the demons in the mystery left the submersible city today, and chose a less noticeable corner to sit down. It seems that except for the spider pattern, everyone is expecting Ning Qi to die in the hands of the giant insects. Look like it.

"Don't talk to me, no mood."

The faint road is faint.

The two suddenly got a glimpse.

Immediately, they each made a sneer, and since the spiders were so nervous about their four divisions, they naturally looked forward to seeing the spiders and other four expressions being looked at by the giant worms.

The giant insects looked at Ning Qi faintly and smiled. "Little guy, are you ready? I am an old guy who is old and weak, but I have to prepare for it."

Giant worm tribe: giant worm figure.

Equal order: the devil is perfect.

Mozu combat skills: third-order wave palm.

Health: 50 yuan.

Ning Qi once again swept the property of the giant insect map, and then chuckled, the body's breath continued to skyrocket.

Nine-door armor, the first door, open!

At this moment, Ning Qi's breath has been forced to the peak of the devil's early days, the demons have seen, the look suddenly changed, waiting for their hearts to be shocked, Ning Qi's breath changed again.

Nine-door armor, second door, open!

A bang.

Ning Qi only felt his brain roaring. This feeling of discomfort lasted only for a few moments. Then he felt that his body was full of incomparable power. At this moment, Ning Qi’s breath had already broken through the beginning of the demons!

"The atmosphere of the middle of the demons?"

"This guy, what means did he use to improve his strength so much?"

"This kind of demon warfare technology will not sacrifice Shouyuan, in exchange for strength. As far as I know, there are several tribes who are similar to him."

Above the high platform, the face of the sheep hook suddenly changed, and his face was very ugly. "How could he be so strong..."

"The atmosphere of the middle of the demons... Adults, have you already known?"

Lan Ruo was shocked and quickly said.

Lurier nodded calmly, but his heart was a snoring. This kid, how can you say this card is not early, but he is still afraid of 800,000 yuan in the magic crystal, Ruri El's current confidence suddenly skyrocketed.

"Old guy, please move."

Ning Qi looked at the giant insect map and smiled.

During this time, he spent only eight or nine years in the top training ground, and the injury has all recovered. The rest of the time, he is constantly practicing the nine armor, and finally, yesterday, he was forced to open the second door. Nine-door armor has also become a second-order demon warfare. When the first door is opened, Ningqi’s power has doubled, and the second door has been opened. Under this foundation, it has doubled, which is equivalent to When I did not display the nine armor, it was more than four times stronger!

Ning Qi believes that such strength, let alone a palm, he can at least bear the giant palms of the three palms without death!

old man……

The giant worm laughed and said, "Do you think that you can take my hand? It is too naive..."

As soon as the voice fell, the magical power between the heavens and the earth suddenly rushed toward the giant insects. At the same time, the giant insects took a picture of the palm of the hand, and the raging magic was like a wave.

The third-order Mozu combat skills, the waves of the palm!

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