Super Dragon Slaughtering System

Chapter 2108: Soul brand

The second thousand and eighty-eight chapters of the soul brand

"Is it dead?"

Ning Qi’s mouth was slightly raised, and the evil spirit on his face made the old demon of Montenegro unsightly, but the next moment, he found that Ning Qi returned to its original appearance, as if the scene was just an illusion, and then, the black robe monk in front of Ning Qi Turned into a faint black smoke, dissipated between the world.

"Beiqian brothers, since Hengyou is already dead, is it better to go back to me first?"

Montenegro old demon, he has a few doubts in his heart, want to ask Ning Qi, but now it is obviously not a place to talk.

"Black Mountain brother, don't worry, this person doesn't know what kind of medicine to smelt, and grabs thousands of souls. I will release them."

Ning Qi's faint road, a knife, a huge crack on the ground suddenly, the original arrangement of the black robe monk, did not stop Ning Qi this knife, the end of the crack, just a black robe monk Store the place of Danding.

The old demon of Montenegro saw the Dragon Sword, and his eyes moved slightly. Although he could not see through the murder of the knife, he had a hunch that the knife was not simple!

With a slight movement, Ning Qi appeared in front of Dan Ding, and he smashed the Ding Ding in one hand. Thousands of souls were relieved and flew out. They seemed to know that Ning Qi saved them and they turned to Ning Qi. Respectful salute, then fled!

Ning Qi looked at the sky calmly, but the fist was involuntarily clenched. Jiang’s children were Jiang’s children! His mother Wang Muting was taken to the mainland by the Jiang family. Nowadays, even Wang Xue’s soul has been taken away. The former can explain, and the latter is for what? For yourself?

"Wait, just the black robe monk said that the snow **** has a mysterious brand. When I saw this branding, he only left Cher's soul privately. Will it be because of this branding that Cher's soul will be The Wang family took away?"

Ning Qi's look gradually dignified. If it is true, what is the brand of Wang Xue's soul? Can make the mysterious Jiang family to personally shoot, I am afraid that this brand is not a thing.

"North Mystery Brother, are you still thinking about your confidante? I guess that she should not encounter any danger, the soul is branded, it may be a reincarnation."

The old demon of Montenegro fell by Ning Qi and smiled.

"Power reincarnation?"

Ning Qi’s eyes are slightly moving, right, isn’t the old demon in Montenegro a monk in the underworld? The insights on the soul should be very deep!

"Black Mountain brother, what is the reincarnation of the power you said, what is going on?"

Ning Qi looked at the old demon in Montenegro, and his eyes flashed a glimmer of color.

"Beixuan brothers want to come to our monks, it is normal to know this. The monks of the underworld are under the control of the heavens, and go to various places to soothe the soul, day after day, year after year. In the year, there are countless souls, and occasionally there will be some souls with their own branding. These brands may be banned by their enemies during their lifetime, or they may have practiced some special exercises, or they may It is a reincarnation of the power, specifically what, if I can see it with my own eyes, I might say it."

Montenegro old demon road.

"As for the reincarnation of the great power, when the repair is strong to a certain extent, even if it is dead, it will not completely disappear. These powerful ways have their own branding on the soul, until one day, they completely wake up. Since your confidante has a brand of soul, it may be taken away by the existence of the other side. I guess she has a possibility of 70% to 80%. The identity is very simple!"

"Power reincarnation..."

Ning Qi lowered his head and whispered a word. His eyes gradually showed a hint of killing. No matter whether Wang Xue was reincarnation or not, the Jiang family who appeared again and again was the same person, he would find The other party, the new hatred and old grievances together count clearly!


Reincarnation domain, no root island.

"It should be here..."

The Emperor of the Shun followed Ningqi’s breath in the reincarnation of the temple, and found it all the way. When he discovered that the place was the site where the old demon of Montenegro was located, there was a hint of thought in his eyes. Although the old demon of Montenegro was only a late monk in the Netherland, His fighting power was extremely strong. The Emperor of the Ming Dynasty had a fight with the old demon of Montenegro, and did not take any advantage.

He already knows from the Zen wind Shuluokou that Ningqi is looking for a monk monk. This time he came here, perhaps because of Puyan Yinshan, but it may also have an ulterior relationship with the Montenegro old demon, mysterious. Master, Montenegro old demon...

After a moment of contemplation, the Emperor turned and left, returning to the reincarnation temple as quickly as possible, and offering the bronze mirror.

"What's the matter?"

There was a faint voice coming from the bronze mirror, which seemed to be a little impatient.

"Old ancestors, disciples are not sure."

Congratulations of the Emperor.

If the rest of the family's monks are here, they will be very shocked. They never know that the Shura family has so far raised their ancestors to the upper bound, and the upper bounds who are responsible for the connection with the lower bounds will be the ancestors of the Shura family!


The sound in the bronze mirror clearly showed a hint of anger.

"In the past tens of thousands of years, there was a monk named Montenegro's old demon who rose to the end of the night. The disciple could not take advantage of him. Now the mysterious master is in the territory of Montenegro. If the disciple is rashly Going, they are joining forces, I’m afraid..."

Emperor whispered.

"I know, I will come down!"

In other words, the bronze mirror has no movement, and a hint of joy in the eyes of the Emperor, came to the reincarnation of the temple as a backyard forbidden.

He stood respectfully in front of the back hill, waiting for a few hours, a figure walked out from the back mountain, this person's appearance is similar to that of the Emperor, and his posture is quite good, it seems only thirty years old. The look, but the breath of his body, but stronger than the Emperor, I do not know how many, as long as a finger, you can gently pinch the Emperor!

"Jiu Li has seen his ancestors!"

The Emperor's respectful way, his full name is Jiu Li Xiu Luo, just after becoming Emperor of the Ming Dynasty, this full name has rarely been dared to call, everyone is called it as Emperor, just in his old In front of the ancestors, Jiu Li Shuluo did not dare to take out the shelves of the Emperor, this is the only ancestor of the Shura family in the Underworld, and repaired to heaven!

Very early and long ago, when the Emperor was still ignorant, the ancestor was already in the second heaven. At that time, his father told him that there was a meditation on the secluded world. In this realm, you can go to the Underworld! And their Shura family has an ancestor named Yiyang Shura, which is already in the middle of the meditation!


Yiyang Shura faintly looked at Jiu Li Shuluo.

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