Super Dragon Slaughtering System

Chapter 2168: This place is not extinguished, the incense is constantly

"The three hundred incenses in Zhaofu are more vigorous. They are used as seeds. In the future, this place will not die, and the incense will continue..." Retracting the mind, Ningqi’s mouth slightly rises, although the ancient fairy incense is somewhat elbowed, As long as the 'seed' is planted in one place, that place will continue to produce the power of incense, tempering his body, and the more seeds, the more the incense power that his body can get in the future.


However, there is a bit of trouble. Faith cannot be achieved by simple violence. If it is dissatisfied, only fear can not condense the power of incense. Nowadays, he can only slowly 'simmer soup', step by step to Zhaofu. The center, let this world all the people, and believe in him. After this period of cultivation, although the outside world has only been in the past few months, Ning Qi has stayed in the top practice training ground for more than 100 years. His dark wounds in his body have basically recovered, and he has recovered to the peak state. Now this strength is enough to cross the void and go to the fairy

Lu, when he is repaired to a certain extent in the future, he will be able to find a way back to the Central Continent.


The children of Zhaofu found that during this time, Ningqi often appeared in various places in Zhaofu, and even went to Baishan City to hang out. They were very curious in their hearts. Some time ago, Ningqi basically closed in the courtyard of Dingfeng, sometimes a dozen I can't see one day.

"Is there still news?"

Huang Batian frowned.

In front of him, half of a forged bone warrior.

"Homeowner, Missy said that the master of Tianlongzong had been asked to go to Zhaofu, but I don't know why, but there is no movement." "Is it true that even Tianlongzong is jealous of Zhao family? Impossible, a district of Zhao, even if Yun Yinzong is strong, how can you compare the first door of the Tianlong country? Hey, it should be that the masters of Tianlongzong are not free. After waiting for a while, they will definitely visit Baishan City. By then, I will

Want to see if Zhao can be hardened in front of Tianlong Zongwu! ”

Huang Batian sneered aloud: "Let's go on, I will keep an eye on Zhaofu during this time. Whoever comes in and out must report to me the first time."



"In this time, can you get used to living here?"

Ning Qi looks like a smile and laughs at the dry dragon.

Gan Longben was sitting on the plate and suddenly heard Ning Qi’s voice and quickly got up and respected the ceremony: “The disciple saw the Master.”

During this time, he has become a well-known disciple of Ning Qi, and with the help of Ning Qi, he has completed the washing of the marrow, and his qualifications have increased greatly. The cultivation has already surpassed Zhao Ruo and others, even across two great realms. It is the strongest of the fifth-order world, and this strength has surpassed Huayue Pavilion. The most important thing is that he only completed the transformation in less than a month. Of course, the dry dragon is not complacent. He clearly knows that everything is given by Ning Qi. How could he break through to the imperial atmosphere in less than a month?

Break through to the first world?

"Master, here is less deceitful than the palace, everyone is practicing, the atmosphere is very good, and the disciples like this place very much."

The dragon is respectful.

"Well, that's good. I heard that there are three great dynasties in this place. Are you a Tianlong country, one of the seven countries under the Heavenly Kingdom?"

Ning Qi smiled.

The dry dragon gave a slight glimpse, and did not understand what Ning Qi asked for this purpose, but he nodded immediately and said: "The teacher said that the Tianlong country is one of the seven countries of the Heavenly Kingdom, and the national strength should be regarded as the middle."

"In three years, I want Tianlong to replace the Heavenly Kingdom, do you do it?"

Ning Qi smiled.

The dry dragon stunned, and some looked at Ning Qi unbelievably, but he turned to think, it seems that this goal is not too difficult to do. After three years, I am afraid that he is already a master.

"The disciple will do his best!"

The dry dragon looks awesome.

"Well, Zhao will help you."

Ning Qi laughed. The confidence in Gan Long’s heart is even worse. Zhao’s military martial arts, all of them are extremely talented, all of them have been washed by Ning Qi, and Zhao’s backing is used to make Tianlong’s channel dynasty dynasty more simple. After reading this, Gan Long was quite excited, and he couldn’t think of what he thought for a lifetime.

Love, it will not take long, it will be realized in his hands!

"Here is the Baishan City Zhaofu? Oh, I see nothing great?"

There was a smirk outside, and there was a trace of disdain in the laughter.

"who are you!"

"Dry, they can't recognize you?"

"I am a dragon, can I be here?"

"Dragon? Are you..."

"Bold! Seeing the Lord is still not swearing!"

At this moment, a footstep suddenly sounded, and the door was pushed open. "Dan prince, the king of the country is coming, are you... oh, Bei Xuan's predecessor?"

Zhao Jiumu looked at Ning Qi stunned. He didn't expect Ning Qi to be with the dry dragon. After shocking, he was very envious of the dry dragon.

"Master, it is my voice. As for the beginning, I am familiar with it. I can’t remember who it is."

The dry dragon looked at Ning Qi with some worries. After all, the guy who just spoke first seemed to be full of guilt and disdain for Zhao.

"Go, go out and see."

Ning Qi smiled.

Zhao Jiu, who was originally a bit flustered because of the sudden appearance of others, suddenly became arrogant and led the way ahead.

Outside the yard, standing with dryness, Chen Xiaofeng, Chi Fei, Li Jiuyin and others, they just arrived at Zhaofu, did not knock on the door, but randomly picked a small courtyard from the top of the tile, which happened to be unfortunate. Just picked Ding Feng outside the yard. Li Jiuyin looked around and saw a glimmer of color in his eyes. Except for the martial art master who had just met, Li Jiuyin did not feel the presence of the second imperial master in this place, let alone Talk about the innate warrior mentioned in the mouth before Chi Fei, so Li Jiuyin thinks

This is nothing but a demeanor to show him.

"Dry, you don't act, just the martial arts, is it out of your palace? Let your son show up."

Li Jiuyin seems to laugh and laugh.

Zhang told the two to hear the words, hehe laughed. At this moment, the door suddenly opened, and everyone looked at it. When they saw the dry dragon, they saw the figure of the dragon, and Ning Qi walked halfway in front of him. Chi Fei saw Ning Qi, body. I couldn’t help but tremble, but this scene was seen by the imaginary and other people, they looked

Ning Qi’s eyes reveal a strange color. Is this person the mysterious master in Chi Fei’s mouth?


The dry dragon went forward to respect the courtesy.

"Isn't this my dry dragon? I haven't seen it for many years. I didn't expect it to be so big." Dryness has not yet opened, Li Jiuyin screamed and reached out and touched the head of the dragon.

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