Super Dragon Slaughtering System

Chapter 2174: Grand Master! ?

In the battlefield under the imperial city, except for the group of sergeants sent by the sinister squad, there are only a few hundred people who suddenly appear. The most important thing is that these hundreds of people are almost one Each exudes the breath of the innate world!

Hundreds of congenital strong people? Where did this group of people come out? Whether it is God or the Dragon Kingdom, everyone has such doubts in their hearts, but the Tianlong Kingdom is in shock, but there is a hint of joy, because the other party has killed the sergeants of the country. Even the nine first-day masters have not been spared, and they are on the spot.

The other party may be an ally of the Tianlong Kingdom!

"Hundreds of Heavens, how can there be so many innate? Is it the reaction of the Heavenly Kingdom? No reason, the Heavenly Kingdom can not interfere with the following national war, even if it interferes, it will not send hundreds of congenital The warrior, the territory of the Heavenly Kingdom, is there not so many innate?"

"This thing is very strange. Today I am afraid that there will be a fierce battle. I don't know how many heavenly kings can deal with the heavens..." God looked at the generals of the country and looked at each other's eyes. The color, the nine innate people who have just died, is almost the strongest force of God’s country, or the powerful marshal-level figure in the army, or the master of the country’s first-class sect, now their men younger brother

All the faces were pale and I looked at this scene unbelievably.

At this moment, there are only a few congenital warriors left by the kingdom of the country. Compared with the Tianlong Kingdom, they are far from being better. They can only hope to break through to the Jiuyang of the Zongshi. They can force the king to arrogantly and bring this group of people who suddenly appear. All suppression!

"The Lord, they... are you here?"

Above the wall, everyone looked at the emptiness, and there was a hint of anticipation in the eyes.

He was stunned, but when he saw several familiar figures, his heart suddenly burst into a storm, and he was shocked. Then he nodded quietly and said: "They are indeed the helpers of our Tianlong country. ""


Everyone is ecstatic, but the heart is still very curious, in the end, where is the murder of hundreds of congenital warriors!

The whole Tianlong country, counting those who are not closed, there are only one or twenty people in the congenital warrior. God will have more congresses, but the seven great powers will unite, and the number of first-day masters is less than two hundred. At least three hundred congenital masters have emerged!

The top of the mountain in the distance. The three masters of the three masters looked at each other and looked very shocked. Even if it was a big sacred dynasty, it was quite difficult to find more than 300 congenital circumstances, and this group of heavenly worlds was strange. They can't recognize one, and where did the guys emerge?


"Fortunately, there are not many first-order warriors in the first world. If Li Jiuyang can't cope, we will shoot again."


In the sky, Li Jiuyang’s gaze fell on the group of people who suddenly appeared, and there was a trace of suspicion in his eyes.

More than three hundred congenital masters, beyond his cognitive range, he can not figure out, the vain is where to move from the rescue, if these three hundred people join hands, even if he is, he may not be able to play.

"It's him……"

In the middle of the country, the bullet that stood on the front of the horse was suddenly lost.

"Zhang, do you recognize their origins?"

The rest of the people looked at Zhang.

Zhang greeted his face with an ugly nod. "One of them is a dry son, a dry dragon. It seems that everyone else should be a warrior of Zhaofu. I don't think there are more than 300 innate warriors in Zhao. It is really difficult. Confidence!"


What Zhaofu?

Many people have never heard of the existence of Zhaofu. Only those who know how Li Jiuyin died, only guessed something from Zhang’s words, and they took a breath of cold, and some did not believe it. Look at the dry dragon and others.

"There is a mysterious master in the Zhaofu? District, a small family in Baishui City, Lishui County, how can there be hundreds of congenital warriors, this is already a force to build the country, what is their purpose?"

Li Jiuyang’s ear moved slightly and finally knew the origin of this group of people.

"Father, the baby is late."

The dry dragon broke into the air and fell in front of the dry and arched.

The people on the wall only saw the appearance of Xiaolong, and was greatly surprised!


"Big brother?"


A middle-aged woman with a scent of impetuous atmosphere rushed to the front of the dragon. She was surprised and happy after confirming that this person was really her son!

"How can the temper of the prince be so terrible, I feel a little depressed when I wait a little closer?"

The congenital warriors present at the scene were shocked and looked at each other. They felt incredible. They remembered that the training of the dragon was only tenth in the real world.

"These innate warriors are all sent to help?"

Dry road.

"Well, it means the teacher."

Dry dragon nodded.

When he was dry, he smiled and pointed to Li Jiuyang. "Li Jiuyang, today your calculations are going to be lost. This time you will not only fight me, but I will also enter into your godland and avenge those who are innocent!" ”

"Hundreds of innates are just so crazy. Do you really think that this million-strong army is watching?"

Li Jiuyang sneered aloud, and then, under the order, the generals of the Grand Marshals received orders, only a little hesitant, and began to take the sergeants of their respective dynasties to Zhao Zhuo and others to initiate the assault, to see the guilty, and immediately open the city. The door sent a sergeant who was already ready to go!


The two sides suddenly smothered together, but God put the hand on the side of the country because of the scarcity of the innate martial arts, and it was in a weak position. On the other side of the Tianlong Kingdom, morale was arrogant because of the arrival of Zhao Fu and others!

Li Jiuyang no longer waits and sees, but prepares to personally participate in this war. Only in this way can God ensure that the sergeants of the country will not be slaughtered by the hundreds of congenital warriors who suddenly appear.

"Father, the baby is going to help!"

Dry dragon fiercely looked at Li Jiuyang, and confessed with dryness, and then broke up and flew directly toward Li Jiuyang. This scene once again made the two sides feel a horror, even the vain!

"Zong Shijing? Big Brother has become a master of the martial arts?"

The brothers of Ganlong looked incredulously at this scene, even blinked their eyes and thought they were wrong.

The dry and excited lips trembled, and in the mind, the first time a face emerged...


Li Jiuyang stunned. Even more shocking is still behind, I saw that among the three hundred people who thought that they were all congenital warriors, they suddenly flew out five figures, and together with the dry dragon, surrounded Li Jiuyang.

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