Super Dragon Slaughtering System

Chapter 2228: Come one after another

"This power..."

Zhang Zicheng clenched his fists and could feel the power of his body had skyrocketed. He had never felt this way. This feeling is really... too comfortable!

"Zhang Zicheng, how can you repair it... Is this the iron ring?"

The two looked at Zhang Zicheng with a stunned look.

They just got the top grade flying sword and the top grade armor, and Zhang Zicheng seems to have gotten something from the broken palace!

"Maybe, this is the power of the Mahayana period, I am already a Mahayana monk!"

Zhang Zicheng smiled slightly.

"The Mahayana period... How is this possible? You have just been in the Yuan Ying period. How can you suddenly cross the period of the gods, the period of integration, the period of the robbery? Didn't see you have a robbery!"

The two did not believe it.

"There are still many impossible things in this world. Why can't I become a Mahayana period? As for the thunder, I am afraid it is not going to fall! Hahaha!"

Zhang Zicheng screamed, and the two felt only a fierce temper, and took a few steps back and forth, and looked at Zhang Zicheng with some horror.

"There is something special about this temple. At this moment, the sectarian monks guarding the temple do not allow others to enter, I am afraid they want to be swallowed!"

Zhang Zicheng looked up at the sky.

The next moment, his mouth rose slightly. "But now I am also a Mahayana monk, who is already qualified to enter this game!"

"Zhang Zicheng, no, Zhang Qiang, can you bring me?"

After the two responded, they quickly tried to look at Zhang Zicheng.

"Reassured, you and I have thousands of years of friendship, how can I forget you? I will follow my Zhang Zicheng in the future."

Zhang Zicheng smiled and his eyes suddenly turned to the direction of Liulishan. When he made clear the secrets in the temple, and then confirmed the power of the iron ring on his neck, Zhang Zicheng was ready to go to the Liuli Villa, with his current cultivation. I don’t have the courage to reject him when I want to come to the glass fairy!


Liuli Mountain Villa.

Ning Qi was watching the broken palace, and suddenly he felt a little in the direction of Zhang Zicheng.

"Is that a fairy? Is there this effect? ​​Interesting..."

"What kind of fairy? Bei Xuan predecessor, do you find anything?"

Duo looked curiously at Ning Qi.

"It's nothing."

Ning Qi smiled. "Seven nights can come back recently?" Everyone heard the words, and the face was a little weird. Ouyang Kedi smiled and said: "Since I started retreating last time, I haven’t returned for two hundred years in seven nights? But we Occasionally I can hear his news. I heard that his current repairs are already in the Golden Age. He also killed a lot of devils and left a lot of names. It seems that there is a nickname called 'The Devil's Son.' However, in addition to killing the magician monk, seven nights also killed a lot of righteous monks, we thought that the Tiandao sect would deal with him, and did not expect those who were after the monks to be colluded with the magic road, or made some injuries

However, the seven nights now seem to be unchecked by the righteous monks..."

"It is normal."

Ning Qi smiled.

There is a **** token in the body, and the seven-night road is destined to be alone. Like Ning Qi, Ning Qi came along. Although there are friends and wives, for various reasons, he can’t be like a normal monk in one place. Retreat for hundreds of thousands of years and even stay for millions of years.

"Bei Xuan's predecessor, this palace has been blocked by Tiandaozong, but I think that the three magic roads will not easily let Tiandao Zong succeed, and I am afraid there will be a fierce battle."

The glass fairy opens.

"Don't be afraid, we have a teacher in the Liuli Villa, and they can't reach us here!"

Ouyang Ke’s enemy smiled.

In this way, time passed by around a month, just one day after a month, a black cloud suddenly floated on the horizon, and the cloud was like a black smoke, which swept over and stood with a black figure on it. All are monks in black robes.

"Dream! I saw the monk of the Dream Road!"

"Not only the dreams, the madness, the monks of the evil spirits have come, but also with the many magical roads under the vassal of them, the devil! I am afraid there are hundreds of thousands of magic monks here?"

"The three magical roads come together! Today is a bad battle!"

The monks who saw this scene showed a hint of worry on their faces, but when their eyes fell on Tiandaozong, their hearts settled a few minutes. Since the Heavenly Taoists, the confrontation between the three magicians and the righteous monks Never got the upper hand.

"The old guys are coming."

Shi Tian looked at the black cloud, and the corner of his mouth sneered.

The other two Mahayana monks in Tiandaozong stood behind Shi Tian, ​​in addition to the other three Mahayana monks with them.

This is the right-handed ancestor of the name of the Mahayana period. As for the no-family sacred period, there is no appearance at the moment, but hiding in the dark.

In the six Mahayana period of the right path, the four Mahayana periods of the three magic roads, after thinking about this point, the monks who were scared by the scenes of the three magic roads gradually calmed down.

"Shi Tian, ​​this palace, you Tiandao Zong intends to swallow it alone?" The tumultuous black clouds gradually stopped at a distance far from the number of monks and monks, and the minimum breath of each monk was the Yuan Ying period. The strongest is the four Mahayana monks, such as Tibetan dreams. This kind of strength makes it really difficult for some to understand the three magical forces.

The righteous monk feels frightened and scared, and some of the great wishes, the young monks who have to be removed from the devil's way of life, have become pale and white at the moment. These three magical ways, they don't say a lifetime, they will not kill in ten lifetimes. Light……

The magic road is talking about the real dream of the dream, the demon master of the dream, as well as the monks and monks of the other two great magic roads, all looking at Shi Tian and others, but when you look closely, you can find their attention. Force is actually in the palace of heaven!

"Hidden dreams, what qualifications do you have... Oh, you have also taken the last step."

Shi Tian looked at his dreams with a smile and smiled. His eyes showed a hint of ridicule, but the five Mahayana monks behind him changed his face.

In the Mahayana period, there are still many realms. In addition to the initial, middle, late, and final steps, it can be said that it is a great consummation. At this point, it is really waiting for Chengxian.

In addition to Shi Tian, ​​Tian Da Zong is the latter part of the Mahayana. As for the other three, it is weaker. Some are early and some are medium. On the other side of the three magical roads, in addition to the great masters of the Mahayana, which is comparable to Shi Tianxiu, including the dreams of real people, they are all masters of the Mahayana. Nowadays, the dreams of real people have made great perfection. In fact, it is definitely not good news.

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