Super Dragon Slaughtering System

Chapter 2500: Remember to contact often


Li Xin looked at Ning Qi faintly, silent for a while, then Yan Yan smiled: "Is it just a confidante?"

After a pause, she did not wait for Ning Qi to open her mouth and shifted the topic: "What power did you take from me? Can you tell me now?"

Ning Qi thought that Li Xin couldn't remember this thing. After all, Li Xin's demeanor seemed to awaken another kind of memory. It seems that after she practiced, she remembered the scene.

"The fruit of creation."

Ning Qi said calmly.

"The fruit of creation?"

Li Xin stunned, and then took out the Tianfu, searched on it, but did not find detailed information about the fruit of the creation.

Ning Qi’s eyes fell on the stars and suddenly felt that this thing was very similar to the smartphone on the earth.

"Why do I have a fruit of creation in my body? I remember that I didn't start practicing at that time. It should be just a mortal person."

Li Xin reveals a hint of color.


Ning Qi smiled and shook his head: "If your life is normal, other people's life is more common, you never thought about why you can embark on the path of practice today and become a fairy list. the first?"

"My life? My parents are all ordinary people, my family is not rich and rich, where is the life? You mean..."

Li Xin looked at Ning Qi, and there was a trace of suspicion in his eyes.

"You have a great power in your ancestors, you are pregnant with the blood of this power, so you are not ordinary from the beginning, just, just... this also involves some hatred, you know, maybe there is no benefit."

Ning Qidao.

"I would like to know."

Li Xin looked at Ning Qi seriously.

After Ningqi’s silence, he nodded. “If you want to know, I will tell you, but this matter cannot be passed into the third person’s ear, otherwise it will bring you a big problem.”

"it is good!"

Li Xin looked a little dignified.

"The fairy war, have you heard of it?"

Ning Qidao.

Li Xin has a slight glimpse. Is her life related to the fairy war? But how long ago was this? "I have read ancient books. There are some documents related to the Battle of the Immortals. It is said that the Mozus invaded the fairyland. Later, the ancient immortals betrayed the entire fairyland and paved the way for the Mozu. In the end, the Mozu and the ancient immortals were In the fairy world, some families have been shunned for a long time, this battle, let the fairy world

The immortal sharply reduced by at least 70%, and the death and injury were heavy. Many of the ancestral gates that have passed through hundreds of ancient times have disappeared into the long river of history! ”

Li Xindao.

Speaking of this, Li Xin opened his mouth slightly and looked at Ning Qi: "My ancestors are the Mozu?"

Ning Qi laughed and said nothing.

Li Xin immediately responded. Since her practice, there has never been a vision related to the Mozu in the body. Since it is not a Mozu, Ning Qi asked her about the battle of the demon, then her ancestors...

"Ancient fairy family?"

Li Xin looks a little dazed.

From her arrival to the fairy world, knowing the catastrophe of the demon war, it is a story, never thought that one day will be related to the people in the story!

"Yes, you are pregnant with Laojun."

Ning Qi nodded.


Li Xin thought about a turn and said: "What old gentleman?"


Ning Qi smiled.

Li Xin suddenly had a silence. She had thought about the legends on the earth that would have existed in the fairy world.

However, no matter how she looks through the ancient books, she can't find the slightest traces of clichés, and the records of the ancient immortals in the ancient books are all taken over. So, the legendary figures on the earth will not all belong to the ancient immortals. Right?

"The ancient immortal family, really betrayed the entire fairy world, bringing such terrible catastrophe to the fairy world?"

Li Xin said silently.

"Do you believe it?"

Ning Qi smiled and said: "The king is defeated, this truth, you a college student, will not understand?"

"You know that I am pregnant with the blood of Laojun, and I know that there is a fruit of creation in my body. You are an ancient fairy."

Li Xin looked at Ning Qi and looked at him.

"You can say that."

Ning Qi nodded.

Since he got the ancient fairy ring, the system clearly told him that he is a descendant of ancient immortals. This identity may have been rather unintentional at first, but as he knows more and more, he has already Accepted this identity.

"Then what is your purpose? The ancient immortals have all been killed, it is impossible to appear in this world again. Are you practicing only as an ordinary immortal, or do you want to do something for the ancient immortals?"

Li Xin looks dignified. "Someone once said to me, this world, don't lose again, but I can't remember the things of the last life. I am now too weak and can do something? But it's just drifting along, as long as I can protect my concern. People, it’s enough, maybe some things are already doomed, when that one

When the naive comes, I won’t fight. ”

Ning Qi smiled. "This is the gods of the heavens. I have left my mark on it. You can contact me at any time. I came to the fairy world with me. There is a programmer. For this thousand thousand years, he is a master. With the help, I built a network belonging to the fairy world, called the Tiantian network, the Tiantianfu, which is the mobile phone we used at the time, can access the Internet, there are many interesting things on it, and now only a few people in the circle are using it. Above the ancestral star, except for one in the hands of the two divisions, one in my hand, and one in your hand, perhaps, only Yuqing’s ancestors have one.

I don’t have the rest, but after thousands of years, these heavenly symbols may spread to the whole fairyland. ”

Li Xin suddenly took out a piece of Zhu Tianfu and handed it to Ning Qi. After a brief introduction, she stood up and took a deep look at Ning Qi and turned and left.

Ning Qi held the Tianfu, and watched Li Xin leave.

However, after the three interest rates, a string of words suddenly appeared on the stars.

"I believe that you will not lie to me. Since I am a descendant of Laojun, then I am naturally an ancient fairy, and that day will come, I will not fight!"

This line of words quickly disappeared, and then a line appeared: "Remember to contact, confidante. Manual smile."

"This girl..."

Ning Qi’s mouth was slightly raised, but there was a strange feeling in his heart. Li Xin’s trust in him has not changed for so many years.

After Li Xin left, Ning Qi began to study the hands of the gods. From the material point of view, this is already a great fairy!

Only the monks are used, and the immortals can't bear it.

The structure of the inner lining seems to be a combination of technology on the earth and the means of refining in the fairy world.

"Warning, the Tiantian network is not linked, please confess the blood." There is a line of words on the stars.

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