Super Dragon Slaughtering System

Chapter 2502: Nine pictures

Top practice training ground. Li Xin gave Ning Qi's Zhu Tianfu, so that he couldn't put it down, and he also found several in-depth posts from the forums. The things recorded in these posts are related to the ancestral stars, and the history is even longer. However, it is true or false, it is not known, the following reply is also mostly

In doubt, this time, look at the time when the post appeared, it should be after the words of the Xuanzong sect.

After studying Tian Tianfu for a whole month, Ning Qi discovered a special place. The Tiantian coins could not be recharged, but they could be traded privately, and the value of one of the Tiantian coins was as high as a piece of the best stone, that is, one million. Xianshi! For such a high value of the coins, Ning Qi is a bit stunned after being surprised. Unlike other cities and towns, the black market is only in a virtual platform, but the types of items covered are simply all-encompassing. And if you want to buy things in the black market, you can only use the coins. Of course, there are also some people who use other items to trade privately. However, the use of the coins is more convenient and safe, and because there are occasional big days in the forums. Can post a sermon, if you want to see the full post, you have to hand in the coins, so the price of the coins will change.

It’s so high. In order not to waste time, Ningqi deliberately chose to study the Tianfu in the top training field. After he almost studied it, he came to a conclusion. If you want to play around, you need the coins, how to earn There are two channels, one is rude and simple to sell things, offline to sell,

Ask the other party to pay the coins, the other is to post and broadcast!

The former sells their own valuable news, knowledge, experience, and the latter sells their own color... talent.

After knowing this, Ning Qi temporarily put away the Tianfu, and he does not need the functions now. The things of the Tiantian coins can be released for the time being.

The mind was slightly moved. The next moment, a jade slip appeared in the hands of Ningqi. This is the sword of extermination sent to him by the old man of Xuanjian. It is also left by the mysterious old man in the old population of Xuanjian.

Ning Qi didn't have much hesitation, and Shen Shen went to Yu Jian, and then the system sound suddenly sounded.

"The host gets the sword of extermination, can you learn?"


"Because the host is in an advanced mission state, if you learn the sword of extermination, the host will advance to the early days of the fairy, but the previous advanced tasks will be upgraded with difficulty, with timeliness, not completed within the time limit, there will be punishment. Please ask the host to confirm whether or not to learn the sword."

There are no clues about the advanced tasks. If it is not a few hundred years and thousands of years, you can't get the sinus gourd. Ning Qi can only be stuck in the earth and can't advance the fairy.


Ning Qi faint back.

Considering the difficulty of advanced tasks, it is better to break through the bottlenecks at the moment, as to the extent to which the difficulty of the advanced tasks will rise in the future, and it will not be too late to wait until then. The next moment, just like learning the Eighty-nine Xuan Gong, Ning Qi’s mind suddenly has a memory that does not belong to him. These memories are nine pictures, each of which is a virtual shadow sword, except The first one, the remaining eight, no matter how concentrated Ningqi is, can’t see clearly.

The first picture is incomparably clear, except for the appearance of the phantom, how to swing the sword at a glance.

“Congratulations to the host to complete the learning of the swordsmanship mission, gaining rewards to enhance a small realm.”

"Please host the reward within twenty-four hours and obsolete."

The system beep sounds again.

Ning Qi is a bit aggressive.

Is this the sword of extinction?

There is no mysterious and mysterious mouth, and there are no other visions. The moves of the people on the map are also very common.

Ordinary... ordinary...

Ning Qi suddenly whispered and his eyes moved slightly. The old man Xuan Jian did not say that the sword that the old man swung was also very common? Even without a trace of fairy spirit, so ordinary sword, but even after he achieved Da Luo, I feel unable to resist?

Yu Jian, is left by the old man, this sword of evil spirits, will not be the swordsmanship that the old man used to perform? Mind here, Ning Qi’s heart has been a bit of a wave, so swordsmanship, in Ning Qi’s view, is definitely not weaker than any kind of school he is in, whether it is the prison dragon dragon elephant, the nine door armor, the eight nine Xuan Gong Perhaps in front of this swordsmanship, it must be inferior, provided that the old man of Xuanjian has not been ignored.


"To practice a sword, you must have a sword first."

Ning Qi’s thoughts, he got a lot of downswings in the Misty Mountains. There is also a sword of the same quality as the Bohai Sword. After considering it for a while, Ning Qi took a sip. Black flying sword.

Xiao Hei hasn't appeared for a long time. Seeing Ning Qi took it out, and the sword suddenly came up with a feeling of eagerness to try.

"With so many swords, only you look the most 'normal'."

Ning Qi looked at Xiao He and smiled.

Then he stood up and closed his eyes, constantly thinking about the swords in the first picture.


Ning Qi waved a black sword and stabbed it. This sword, Ning Qi did not use any genius of the spirit, so it was a common thorn.

It seems that nothing has happened.

"I don't have the right thing. If you even practice the swordsmanship, you will be enchanted. Is there no reason for this illusion?"

Ning Qi opened his eyes and flashed a strange color in his eyes.

The ancestors of Yuqing are the old monsters of the Xuanxian level. The means of passing through the sky is not a problem. It is such a existence. The practice of destroying the swordsmanship is still ruined, and the Yuqingmen are almost ruined, but Ningqi now There is no trace of vision in the practice of martial arts.

There is a point that Ning Qi did not notice that the ancestors of Yuqing were in the process of practicing the sword of extortion, and they went into flames. When he was awake, he did not actually cultivate the sword of evil spirits. However, at this moment, it is considered to be a successful practice. Otherwise, Where is the mission reward?

After a few hours.

During this period, Ning Qi stabbed a sword and another sword, seemingly fierce, but he knew that the power of his sword was extremely ordinary, and he could not keep up with the destructive power of using the Shanhe Zijin hammer.


Ning Qi put away Xiao Hei, stood in the same place, and fell into meditation. He knew that he would practice like this, and there would be no result. Only by understanding what this sword-killing technique is, it is possible to display its true power!

"Exterminating swordsmanship, is it your own feelings? Or is it the feelings of others?" Time passed by, and unconsciously, the time limit for the expiration of the task reward expired, Ning Qi emptied all the thoughts in his mind, temporarily Forget this evil sword, and say to the system: "I want to receive a reward."

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