Super Dragon Slaughtering System

Chapter 2671: Wu Zhixin

In the face of the blame of the two people, the person who is known as Wu Zhixin’s bow smiled and said, “The two brothers, you are living longer and more timid. Just the kid is obviously looking at the hand jade, is When you are most distracted, this opportunity is not to be shot, what time to wait? And, you

Don't you want to help Bai Shengxue to avenge early? You must know that he is the disciple of the teacher. Even if they are masters, they should be jealous of the points. If you don’t do anything beautiful, how do you go back? ”

The two heard each other and then looked angry.

One of them said coldly: "You want to show the limelight, we don't care, but this time we are three people coming together, the mission failed, we both will be implicated by you, you have not killed the mission goal, but you are scared, you What do you say?" Wu Zhixin smiled and said: "The next time I shot again, this time he was lucky and escaped my arrow. Next time, it was not so lucky, let's go, short time There is no chance in it, just look at whether he will be a tortoise, and stay in the Xuan Jianzong for a lifetime. If so, say no.

I am going to go to Xuan Jianzong to go on! ”

"It is best not to have a guardianship in the Xuanjian sect. We must join hands to break at least. This time, enough Yuqing ancestors came to us."

The other two sneered, then turned and left. Wu Zhixin was unheard of, and looked at the direction of Chao Ningqi. Some pity said to himself: "If someone is protecting you, I really want to see the means of seeing you. One arrow shoots Jiang Wei, a sword Killing Daluo, now I have passed thirteen celestial bones, oh, this kind of arrogance, I am

Never killed, don't know your blood, sweet and not sweet? ”

After licking his lips, Wu Zhixin turned and smiled and chased him in the direction of the two.


The moon is missing, the main hall of the lord.

This time only Ying Zhen and Li Xin were present. The two women saw Ning Qi’s blood on his shoulders and his look was shocked.

"I am coming from a teacher?"

Li Xin looked up at Ning Qi's wound and frowned. The power of the avenue contained in this arrow is very horrible. Ning Qi judges that the other party is at least a mysterious fairy, and judging by the speed of the golden light, it is probably not a fairy, but a bow. The grade should be a middle product. Tao, for this, Ning Qi has a good grasp of 80%, after all, he has

There is a Shangpin 诛 弓 弓 bow, the breath between the two, it is very similar!

A Xuanxian, full force to promote the middle of the road, the destructive power is extremely terrible, with Ning Qi's physical strength, this wound will take at least a few days to recover, for the ordinary Jin Xian, may not be alive at this moment Even if you can survive, you should be seriously injured!

"I don't know if it is your master, or it may be Qing Xuan."

Ning Qi smiled and said: "But you don't have to worry, they don't even dare to kill me. They can only put cold arrows in the dark. I don't die this arrow. They will have to take a good look at it next time. It should be safe in a short time."

"Big brother, you will stay in the missing moon peak during this time. If they dare to come in, they will open the guardian squad, and they can be dragged to Yuqing ancestors anyway."

There should be some fears.

"I also want to, but after you succeed the Sovereign Grand Ceremony, I have to go to a place, oh... When someone comes to Xuan Jianzong to find me, I still sit in a special magic weapon, you remember to help me. Entertain them."

Ning Qi smiled. When he used the fifth-order advent technique to transfer the medicinal herbs to Fang-Chengshan, he also transferred the route to the ancestral star. However, I don’t know why, Ningqi’s return to the ancestral star did not encounter Han Tiansheng and others. But as long as they don’t meet the delay halfway, Ning Qi believes in them.

Will find Xuan Jianzong.

"Who is it? Big brother, your friend?"

I should be really curious to ask.

Ning Qi glanced at Li Xin, and some smiled awkwardly. "Probably my wife."


She should have been really stunned. Although she has heard that Ning Qi has admitted to her family, she has not seen it for so many years, so there is still a trace of thought in her heart. Now, I heard that Ning Qi’s wife may come to Xuan. Jianzong, I don’t know why I have some pain in my heart.

Li Xin's look changed a few times, and finally a smile appeared on her face. She looked at Ning Qi like a smile: "I am not afraid of saying bad things about you?"

"Do you know?"

Ning Qi smiled.


Li Xin smiled and then got up and stretched. "Some tired, I am going to rest, you talk."

The words are not waiting for Ning Qi and Ying Zhen to speak, Li Xin will go straight out of the main hall.

I should really look at the back of Li Xin, quietly stunned Ning Qi, seeing Ning Qi face and smile, my heart suddenly affirmed.

"Big brother, sister Li Xin is also very good, are you..."

"Children don't worry about this, think about what clothes you wear in a few days."

Ning Qi got up and took a look at the real head, and strode away.

I should have looked at Ning Qi’s back without any words. Then I thought of Ning Qi’s words. It was a bit embarrassing. Her usual dress was very common. I don’t know which clothes to wear when the ceremony begins. At least not rude to others.

......... At this moment, there is still a long distance from the ancestral star. The nickname is constantly jumping in the universe. The speed is much faster than that of Ningqi’s return to the earth when she was riding the nickname. It’s a very long distance, but this time there’s a female nickname

The figure has been followed, and every time the female nickname jumps away, the figure can always catch up at a very fast speed.

Inside the nickname, the cold day shrine sits on an oversized sofa in the cockpit, and Ning Haotian snuggles in her arms.

Li Mozhen, Fox Orange, Fangqin Fangshu, and Xiaoyue, Zuo Linger and others are sitting on both sides of the cold day. On both sides, they stand on the Eastern Holocaust, Li Mingqi, Wang Lin and so on. Snake music, Zun handsome, Niu Dazhuang, etc.

At this moment, everyone's look is a little dignified looking at a virtual screen.

In this screen, there is a figure that is galloping in the void.

The son-in-law stood in front of the screen, helplessly said to the crowd: "Through my precise calculation, this person's cultivation is likely to reach the land of the great Luo Jinxian, which the owner said, and want to get rid of him at the speed of the female nickname now. I am afraid that it is very difficult!"

Everyone heard the words, and the look was more dignified.

The cold day Shenglu calmly said: "What is the chance that he will catch up with the nickname?"

"Five percent." The son-in-law apparently calculated in advance and replied immediately.

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