Super Dragon Slaughtering System

Chapter 2864: Xuan Ming Yuan

Jiang You and Jiang Hao did not find Ning Qi in the end. They met Meng Dangkong, who followed closely. They knew the purpose of Meng Dangkong, but Meng Dangkong did not know the purpose of the two, thinking that they just happened to meet each other. I will leave.

"That kid may have detoured."

Jiang Hao faint road.

Jiang You’s gnashing teeth with Ning Qi’s hatred, raised a feeling of being played, he and Jiang Haotang Tang Xiandi, but there is no way to take a younger generation, this sense of powerlessness, has not been experienced for a long time.

"What to do next? Just guard here?"

Jiang Hao looked to Jiang You.

"Watch, if this child arrives here earlier than us, we can't hide on the ancestral star for a lifetime. If this child is behind us, meet him, just take it."

Ginger cool channel.

"I think it would be better to ask the three old people directly and solve the matter. He has the heart of the ancestors, and he wants to go with us. We can't take him."

Jiang Haodao.

"No, if the heart of the ancestor is obtained by the three major elders, the benefits will not be able to reach us. This is our chance. I will never give up unless it is a last resort."

Jiang You shook his head and his tone was firm.

"Let's wait."

Jiang Hao sighed.

When his voice just fell, he felt that his body was not right. Jiang You seemed to have noticed this. The two couldn’t help but look at the ancestral star.

Although the two still have a long distance from the ancestral star, as a fairy, the eyes are not good. Soon, the two are paired with one pair of eyes. They can’t help but shudder and turn around. Just fleeing, no hesitation.

Zu Xing.

Xuan Jianzong.

Missing moon peak.

"Master, what are you just looking at?"

Ning Yutian looked curiously at the old man in Qingpao.

The old man in the Qing robes regained his gaze and smirked. "Two small ants, do not get in the way."

"Why don't I come back, Master is so strong, can you help me calculate where I am?"

Ning Haotian looked forward to watching the old man in the Qingpao.

"When it comes back, it will come back."

The old man of Qingpao is faint.

Ning Haotian was somewhat disappointed.



Ning Qi intends to take a look back and find an ancient transmission line that can lead to the ancestral star, so that you don't have to worry about being blocked by Jiang You. But when he was halfway, he suddenly noticed the connection between himself and Xiaoliu. Originally, Xiaoliu had signed a contract with Ningqi. Nowadays, Xiaoliu seems to be calling for help through the contract. This idea is intermittent. Not complete, no clear expression, Ning Qi

I suspect that the place where Xiaoliu is located is too far away from myself. It can only ambiguously point out a direction. It is the Xianxian domain that Xiaoliu went to.

When Ningqi stepped into the fairyland, the idea that Xiaoliu passed through the contract was becoming more and more obvious.

"Qing Xuanfu... Nanyuan Star..."

"Qing Xuanfu, Nanyuan Star? This guy is running out to find Qingxuanfu trouble?" Ningqi brows slightly wrinkled, his eyes reveal a hint of dignified color, he does not understand the fairyland, do not know where he is The planet, how far away from the Nanyuan Star, happened to fly past a few immortals, Ning Qi went up and asked about it, only to know that Nanyuan Star is far from here, there is still a very long

Long distances, if you want to get there, at least a decade or so.

"Small things, hold on."

Ning Qi murmured to himself, his body shape moved slightly, disappeared into the place, he quickly found the starry sky of the planet, and rushed to the south of the star.


Nanyuan Star. This is a seven-level planet among the celestial fields. Since there was a great power in Xiandi here, it was once advanced to the eighth-order planet. Later, the singer was able to die in the battle of the fairy, so And it’s gone, but after all, it’s a fairyland, so many Taiyi gather in the south.

The garden star, the opening of the school, is a submerged here. Compared with the ordinary seven-level planet, there are many bustling and bustling, but there are dozens of Taiyi, let alone the sect of the following flowers. Xuan Ming Yuan, a magical Taoist gate on the South Garden Star, the owner of the Xuan Ming old devil is a great fairy, he has a identity that many people know on the road, one of the Qing Xuanfu gods, but also blue Xuanfu House is the dry son of Qingxuan Zhenren, so Xuan Ming Yuan is on the Nanyuan Star, even those

The sects with the suppression of Taiyi will give them a few thin faces.

"You have killed me, my grandfather!"

In the Xuan Ming Courtyard, there is a place full of **** gas. This is the place where the Xuan Ming Temple used to torture the enemy.

Ten engraved inscriptions on the copper pillars, each tied with ten figures, these figures are there, there are demon, there are demons of fairy, each person is full of blood, the body is covered with wounds. The small six is ​​chained through the limbs and tightly locked on one of the pillars. As soon as he moves, the chains will inspire thunder, and the bombardment on the small six is ​​tormenting his mystery. The disciple of the hospital smiled. "You swear, the more you lick, the deeper you will suffer."

I still have no means to display it. I didn't expect to be able to catch a guy who was smothered by the Qing Xuan House on the Nanyuan Star. This time, our Xuan Ming Hospital will definitely get a big green Xuanyuan. Reward! ”

"I am going to your grandmother!"

Xiaoliuyi spit on the other's face.

The other nine guys on the copper pillar looked subconsciously into the small six, and there was a hint of admiration in their eyes. This is a warrior. It has been twenty years since Guanzhong came to today. These twenty years have been cursing, wind and rain. Unrestrained, never stopped... The disciple of the Xuan Mingyuan was so mad that he almost wanted to shoot the small six, but he resisted and wiped the spit on his face. The other party snorted. "You call it, Qing. Xuanfu House will come to Nanyuan Star to participate in the 100-year Taiyi exchange meeting, so you don’t have to stay in our Xuan Ming.

The hospital, the means of Taiyi's existence, can be much stronger than my little Da Luo, then I will see if you have the strength to call out. ”


Xiaoliu fainted, the other side saw it, laughed loudly, looked at Xiaoliuyi with ridicule, turned and left.

"Don't go, let my grandfather say clearly, Qingxuan, the old man is coming here?" Xiaoliu immediately screamed, full of gas, completely not like being tortured for more than 20 years, that Xuanmingyuan The disciples did not pay attention to Xiaoliu, and soon disappeared at the door. The courtyard door was slowly closed. The rest of the guys locked on the copper pillars persuaded Xiaoliu. Don’t annoy the Xuan Ming Courtyard.

Grind their disciples, lest they suffer.

"You guys have to be locked up here, even if you want to die, you have to look up and die, and advise me?" The other nine people snorted, and immediately recited in their hearts: "Boss, you have to Come faster, or else we won't see it on the last side!!"

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