Super Dragon Slaughtering System

Chapter 3052: Leading the monarch

When Ning Qi first appeared, Xing Taichu and others were really nervous. Especially when someone discovered Ning Qi’s identity, he thought he was coming to ransack. I didn’t expect Apricot Yu Wei to know him, and look at this situation. It’s not like the guy who shot in secret during this time.

"The method is very simple, it is to introduce the monarch."

Ning Qi smiled.

Leading the monarch?

Everyone gave a slight glimpse. I thought that Ning Qi had any special way to catch that person, but I didn’t expect it to be this.

Xing Taichao smiled bitterly: "Ning Daoyou, this method, we have used it, and also released a fake news, but the other party did not mean to be fooled..."

Apricot Yuwei suddenly said: "Ning brother, what do you say is the introduction of the monarch, how to implement it?"

"Use your number in the forums to send a message to the black market to sell a few herbs."

Ning Qi smiled.

"that's it?"

Apricot Yu Wei has a slight glimpse.

At this time, a senior executive of the Tai Chi Chamber of Commerce looked suspiciously at Ning Qi. "We have deliberately released fake news and come up with all kinds of rare resources. The other party is not fooled. Come over?"

"It seems that this Ningbei Xuan brain is not too good. It is too simple to look at the other side. One has successively ransacked several major chambers of commerce, the mysterious existence of dozens of forces, and where it will be so easy..."

Apricot thought of the beginning of the heart.

"That's the amount of resources you have taken out."

Ning Qi smiled.

Not enough weight?

The look of everyone is more and more weird. The resources they have at the beginning of the Chamber of Commerce are so huge. Is there a shortage of Taiyi dare to say that it is not enough?

If the resources of the Taishang Chamber of Commerce are brought together, even if it is the home of Xianjun, it may not be better than it!

Although everyone in Ningqi's cultivation is high and strong, he did not say anything, but in the eyes, it is inevitable to flash a contemptuous color.

At this time, Ning Qi's palm turned over, and suddenly a majestic scent of the spirits, swept out of the mighty, filled the entire hall full of Dangdang!

"This is?" Apricot Taichu waited for a cold breath, his big brother Xingyin Yin, the Xuanxian Grand Consummation of the early Shang Dynasty Chamber of Commerce, a sublime stepped forward to Ningqi, some shocked to see the things in his hands, He is the first appraiser of the Chamber of Commerce in the early days, and he has studied a lot of rare treasures in the fairy world.

At a glance, I recognized the things in Ningqi’s hands very extraordinary!

In the palm of Ning Qi’s palm, there was a dead wood.

It is less than a foot of dead wood, but it is such a plain firewood that looks ordinary, but it constantly rushes out the horrible aura, almost increasing the concentration of aura around the hall by hundreds of times!

"This, this...will not be the root of the yin spirit?? Such a majestic aura, the year is at least an old!!"

Apricot Taiyin has some unbelievable words, and wants to touch it with his hands, but he is afraid of being shot by Ning Qi.

"It's a bit of a eye, but the year is wrong. This is at least the root of the ghosts of the past three or more."

Ning Qi faint road.

There are many spiritual materials like this in his space package. At that time, the emperors were not white, and every Xiandi’s body was extremely horrible. It was hard for ordinary people to imagine!


Apricot Taiyin sucked a cold breath, and Apricot Taichu and others were also shocked. The value of the ancient Yinling roots is too high!

Apricot has a flash of hot color in her eyes, and she resists the urge to buy directly.

"Da Bo, what is the root of the Yin Ling tree? Can this thing lead the guy out? Are we too early in the Chamber of Commerce?"

Apricot Yu Lei asked subconsciously.

Apricot was too hated and ironed, and he looked at him. This son, who didn’t learn nothing, didn’t even know the treasures of the sacred roots. He couldn’t wait to slap him to death!

"The root of the yin tree is one of the essential medicines for refining the medicinal remedy. Even if it is directly swallowed, it can make the Taiyi Zhenxian have a surge and its repair year is equivalent! If it is made into 'Tianjun Dan ', can enhance the chances of Taiyi Zhenxian's perfect existence of advanced Xianjun!"

Apricot Taiyin’s voice is a little trembling. “It’s just that since the fairy magic war, the roots of the Yinling tree are in the fairy world. It’s extremely rare and difficult to see. Even if there is, I’m afraid it’s taken by the Tiandao family. Otherwise, you think the Tiandao family. Why are there so many immortals?"

"Can you improve the chances of Taiyi's advanced Xianjun?"

Apricot rain is stunned.

In my heart, I finally understand the preciousness of this yingering root. With this effect alone, I am afraid that there will be many Taiyi’s ruined products and they will be snapped up!

Not to mention that it can also add more skill to Taiyi than its vintage. If you scrape the powder and give it to him, it will be enough to match any panacea!

"This thing is enough to lead the way!"

Apricot Yuwei has some sighs.

"Not enough. Since he is going to lead him, he will naturally have more chips." Ning Qi shook his head with a smile, and then he took out two kinds of spiritual things, which are the treasures that existed in the emperor's territory. Gao, watching everyone's eyes are hot, my heart is extremely shocked by Ning Qi's body, such a spiritual thing is taken out, then in the end, there are many


Mind here, Xing Taichu and others have changed the senses of Ningqi again. This is not only a sacred arrogance, but also an old monster with a long history than those who have grown up for a long time. It is completely possible to crush the Chamber of Commerce!

Next, Apricot Yuhua took out his own Tianfu, took these artifacts and uploaded them directly to the black market.

Apricot Yuwei did not introduce the effect of the spirit. At the beginning, there were very few posts in the post, but after only one hour or so, the post immediately had more than a dozen purchase information, and these people sent to Apricot Yuwei. friend request.

"Ning brother, a lot of people want to ask for a purchase, do you think that there are those guys in these people?"

Apricot Yuwei is standing next to Ningqi. From this angle, Ningqi can clearly see the names of those who send friends to apply.

Suddenly, Ning Qi’s eyes moved and a name suddenly fell into his field of vision.

Heavenly book.

Isn't this the name of Luo Hanguo, the name of his master in the forum?

Mindful of this, Ning Qi’s mouth rose slightly. “I agree to the friend’s application and the price he can’t afford.”

Apricot Yu Wei stunned, and subconsciously glanced at the guy named Tianshu. In his heart, is this person secretly robbing the bandits of the major chambers of commerce?

"It can't be him. He is the second best disciple under the White Emperor's seat. I also have his good friends." At this time, Apricot looked up and shook his head.

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