Super Dragon Slaughtering System

Chapter 3345: Mountain river monument

Billion Club?

"I haven't even bought a few of the five billion clubs. You have now sent me 100 billion clubs directly? I want five billion clubs, you can exchange them for me!"

Ning Qi said, walking toward the stairs that are constantly appearing in front, saying so, but he also wants to see what is inside the 100 billion club.

"Only if the host's merits are less than 100 billion, the 5 billion club will be reopened. If the host successfully joins the trillion club, then the 5 billion club will be open to the host at any time."

The system prompts a faint sound.


Ning Qi has a slight glimpse, and suddenly there is a feeling that it is not difficult. He only needs to take a little bit of the star soul stone from the space package, and he can buy many congenital spirit treasures and sell them to the system. The value of the merits will continue to flow. The rise.

After a few quarters of an hour, Ning Qi saw a building suspended in the depths of the universe. There was a plaque at the gate and a hundred billion club!

It seems that I feel that the big customers are coming, and the door opens slowly.

"I hope you don't kill too much."

Ning Qi muttered and walked into the 100 billion club. Like the 5 billion club, there was a small ball floating in the air.

"Four products are innate spirits?" Ning Qi's eyes are slightly moving, and some incredible look around. The golden ball here is much less than the five billion clubs. It is only about a hundred, but he has already seen it. More than a dozen pieces of congenital spirit treasure, the grades are marked

Clear and clear, four products! Before the ingenuity of the five billion clubs, the best grade was only one product. At that time, Ning Qi thought that this was the limit of the system, but never imagined that when his merits reached 100 billion, the system turned out to be Again unexpected

There are four innate spiritual treasures! And there are so many dozens!

"There are no two products, three products are not available, and four products are directly out. If there is a trillion club, will there be seven innate spiritual treasures?"

Ning Qi’s eyes were slightly shocked.

For the innate Lingbao, Ningqi knows a lot, and the three-in-one spiritual treasures like the 斩仙葫芦 can be said to be the most top-notch magic weapon in many big worlds.

Different from the one product and two products, the three products of the innate Lingbao can kill and ask for the perfect existence of the Taoism. What is this concept?

Equivalent to the other side, even if there is a fairy palace, the gods are pinned in it, there is a great chance to directly die, not to give the other side to escape, the opportunity to re-emerge.

Even the land of the gods, which is very close to the gods and the world, is rarely seen in the three spirits.

Which one of the big questions has such a congenital spiritual treasure, the combat power can leap to the top of the same level!

Now, the Billion Club has directly given Ningqi the opportunity to purchase the four-in-one Lingbao. This is a spiritual treasure that can counter the cause of the world. It can fully compensate for the lack of power after the loss of Pangu’s axe projection!

"The Blade of the Soul of the Soul, the four innate spirits, the great damage to the soul, can summon a battle of the English soul in the early days of the Horde!"

Ning Qi’s eyes were swept away, and he was attracted by a knife with a very flamboyant shape, and his property introduction also made Ning Qi’s eyes faint!

A congenital treasure with the ability to summon!

The summoning is still comparable to the early existence of the fruit!

If Ning Qi meets the fourth step of the monk, as long as the other party does not exceed the cause of the situation, they can use this means to fight for their own life, or even kill!

"One hundred billion meritorious value... Buy it is to buy it, but the system, is there any restriction on the use of the soul of the soul? Like me, ask the great perfection monk, will you use it once, then take my fairy palace Are all the forces drained?"

Ning Qi asked.

"With the strength of the host, use the blade of the soul of the soul, can not be reused for a second time in a short time, otherwise it will run out of blood."

The system prompts to sound.

“Short time? How long is it?”

"Unable to determine, depending on the state of the host at the time."

"Although it's a bit limited, it can also be used as a killer..."

Ningqi whispered to himself, but he did not buy the Blade of the Soul on the spot, but turned his attention to other congenital Lingbao. In the dozens of congenital spirits, there is also a spiritual treasure of defensive attributes.

"Shanhe Monument, if the host is in the early stage of the cause of the environment, it can resist a certain range of attacks in the middle of the fruiting environment, and so on, it can resist the attack means of a certain scope due to the great cause of the fruit." "This thing is better than the soul of the soul." The effect of the blade is also cost-effective. The Blade of the Soul can be effective for the early stage of the cause of the fruit. But if I am in the late stage of the fruit, the Shanhe monument can resist the attacking means of the perfection of the fruit, but this is a certain range.

It is a pit. ”

Ning Qi whispered, and his mind was slightly moved. He asked the system: "The system, the interpretation of the mountain river monument is not clear enough, what is the meaning of a certain range? Can it resist? Ten times?"

"A certain range refers to the strongest means of a stage. If there is external force to join, it is not a certain range."

The system explained.

"Oh, for example, if my opponent has a stronger congenital spirit, his strength is beyond the same level, and the attack will exceed a certain range. The mountain river monument cannot resist, right?"

Ning Qi asked.

"It can be understood this way."

The system is faint. Ning Qi has some understanding in his heart. His eyes look at other light balls. If he wants to buy congenital Lingbao, he will choose one from the soul of the soul and the mountain river. The rest of the innate Lingbao is also four products, but this Both are more suitable for the current stage

Ning Qi of the paragraph.

"The refiner materials are not used, such a good material, it is estimated that I am even a problem to melt it."

"The words of medicinal herbs... It’s already a peak. As long as we can’t avoid the direct promotion of the cause of the Holy Land, what kind of medicinal herbs are different for me.”

After watching it for a long time, Ning Qi re-entered the mountain river monument and the soul of the soul of the soul, there is some hesitation in the heart, the mountain river monument only has the effect of defense, if you use it to swear, the attack power must be much weaker than the soul of the soul.

However, the target of the soul of the soul of the soul, only because of the early stage of the fruit, to the presence of a mid-reality, the role of the soul of the soul is very small, and even may be taken away by the other side.

The mountain river monument, as long as Ning Qi's cultivation is constantly enhanced, it can make Ning Qi always use the cause of great perfection...

"The price is 100 billion, if the grade is, although it is all four products, but the Shanhe monument is obviously the quality of the four products is very good, the soul of the soul is general."

Speaking to himself, Ning Qi reached out and wrapped the ball of light on the mountain river monument. "I want to exchange the mountain river monument!" With it, Ning Qi's survivability has greatly increased. With his current strength, he can take advantage of the initial situation. The mountain river monument to block one or two, is not knowing the speed of the Shanhe monument to extract the power of the fairy palace, will it be extremely strong, if it can only resist a few times, it is very pithy.

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