"Only the competition in the outer courtyard?" Zhang Jingtao looked at Peng Wushuang with a smile and smile. "You have just joined the Taikoo Star Court for less than a hundred years. Naturally, you don't understand the competition in the outer courtyard. It is said that the foreign gates compete, actually , that is our two major stars in order to divide the resources for the next century.

Match the game! "Is the remedy you took, is it possible to change from nothing?" This is all based on the competition of the outer gates again and again. The hard-boiled students are taken from other star palaces. Our Taikoo Star Court is not a place for idlers. If there is no enterprising heart,

There won't be any future here. ”

The game of resource allocation?

Peng Wushuang and Di Sina looked at each other and finally understood why the competition of a foreign gate in the district would be so important! "Zhang Shixiong, I still don't understand a little. In the outer gates of the major star palaces, there should be more or less due to the existence of the fruit. Because they are not promoted to the inner disciples, they are always outside disciples. If so Exist in the contest, I wait

How is the monk of the Immortal Palace an opponent? ”

Peng has no double road. "You can rest assured that such a presence will be put together and will not meet with you. You only have to consider how to force the disciples of the Kaiyang Palace. If you show the color, you may have the opportunity to be looked up and fly. I can’t say it to the sky.

. ”

Zhang Jingtao smiled. Everyone heard the words, and there was a flash of excitement in his eyes. Zhang Jingtao said that it is a good thing. If the big guys come to watch the battle, it is indeed a rare opportunity. As long as the performance is good, it will be difficult to be taken care of. If there is a time, Deputy lord

Personally accepting them as disciples, the status is far from being comparable to the inner disciples, at least the core disciples!

It is a pity that the probability is too low. The generations of the coloring have had their affiliation at the beginning of the ancestors. They can be thrown into the outer gates. This is not to be optimistic. I want to be valued by it. It is difficult and difficult!

Suddenly, a figure galloped from a distance. After the figure fell on the 93rd courtyard, all the foreigner disciples went forward.

"I have seen Philo brothers!"

"Fairlow, how can you have a good time today?"

Zhang Jingtao’s eyes flashed a few times, and the smile was on the way.

At this moment, Philo is already full of the atmosphere of the fruit. Although it is only due to the early stage of the fruit, it is a lower level than Zhang Jingtao. However, the two are now inner-door disciples, and their status is quite!

Philo smiled and said: "I heard that the foreign gates are about to start. I will come back here to see. After all, I also walked out from the 93rd Academy. How can I forget this?"

During the speech, his eyes swept over the crowd intentionally or unintentionally, and finally landed on the house where Ningqi lived. "I remember that a couple of people were very crazy about ninety years ago. Is there still no trace of him until now?" Peng Wushuang and Di Sina looked at each other and knew who Philo pointed out, but more people, but they were blind and confused. After trying hard to think about it, they only remembered that figure, but the other party What they look like, they have not remembered

Clear. "Fello, brother, do you still remember that guy? Just when the teacher broke through, I found another story. I have already told her about this, and then she treated this person as a rebel. Information has entered our Yaoguang

The law enforcement hall of the Star Palace, the law enforcement temple monk found in the future, will naturally catch it back, without the need for the younger brother to remember. ”

Zhang Jingtao laughed.

"Is it treated as a rebel class? Hahaha, well, this news is really popular."

Philo had some surprises, and then laughed a few times, leaving some medicinal herbs to the few doglegs that followed him, and then Zhang Jingtao was free to salute, and left.

When he left, the smile in the eyes of Zhang Jingtao was dissipated, and the change was replaced by the meaning of Sen Han.

"On the 10th, you are ready to go, don't run around, I will take you to the Guantian Pavilion."

Zhang Jingtao faintly confessed, then turned and left. Everyone looked at each other and saw the fierce fighting in the other's eyes. Everyone went back to their room with all their muscles. They planned to use their next few days to get their state to the peak and try to compete in the outer courtyard.

To succeed!

the other side.

After Zhang Jingtao left, he did not leave the 93rd House, but came to a remote place where a small house stood alone.

"Mo Xie, the younger brother, this year's foreign gates competition has begun again. Are you ready to go with me to see your core disciples and see how they arrange you this time?"

Although Zhang Jingtao said that he was a younger brother, but in his tone, he was a little dignified and a trace of jealousy. Obviously, he was a little unsatisfied with the existence in the house!

"This session, I will not participate."

Half-sounding, there was a faint response from the room.

"Don't participate?" Zhang Jingtao stunned, and then looked ugly: "We only have a monk in the outer courtyard. If you don't participate, the 93rd home will inevitably become the bottom role, and we will get the practice in the future." Resources, less to

Less than 50%..."

"What about me?"

"..." Zhang Jingtao was blocked by the other party. He almost didn't stop. After he changed his face a few times, he suddenly said: "Mo Xie, brother, don't you want to burn the fruit, I heard that the two main palaces In the bet between the two, there is a burning fruit, if you look at the table

It’s excellent now, maybe...”

The voice did not fall, a figure opened the door and came out. Zhang Jingtao saw it, his face changed suddenly, but he immediately smiled and greeted him.

This is a very ugly person, his face, covered with black scars, like a mountain, crisscrossed on his face!

If Ning Qi is here, I will recognize that this was the first time that the North Emperor was chased and killed, and the last life and death is unknown!

But now, the evil spirit of Mo Xie is completely different from that of the beginning. In the cold, with a trace of magic, it is far more than the realm of Xianjun, even crossed the third step, and has already won the cause of perfection. , and Ning Qi is almost the same!

"What you said, but is it true?"

Mo evil faint road.

Feeling the horrible atmosphere of Mo Xie, Zhang Jingtao gave a strong laugh. "Nature is true. How can I deceive the younger brother?"

Dead metamorphosis!

Zhang Jingtao couldn't help but scream. Because of the nature of the monk, the most fearful of causality, the less the cause and effect, the higher the probability of breaking through the destiny in the future, but the metamorphosis in front of him is completely different. Before entering the Taikoo Star Court, his hands have been contaminated with countless blood and entered the ancient stars. After the cabinet, acting is more arrogant, causality is several times larger than the same level. It is this character that will offend a core disciple and eventually become a foreign disciple!

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