"In this case, Ning brother, we will say goodbye here for the time being!"

Xiong Lie arched.

Zhang Jingtao and Philo looked at Ning Qi with some ‘not sad’. “When are we gathered here?”

"According to Xiong Lie’s younger brother, starting today, eight years later, I will gather here."

Ning Qi smiled.

Everyone confessed to each other and then acted separately.

Xiong Lie and others flew for a little while, and confirmed that Ning Qi did not follow behind, and then stopped and looked at each other.

"It’s a good thing for us to be able to split up with that guy this time."

Philo Road.

"Not bad." Zhang Jingtao nodded. "We are special envoys. Whether it is a lost city or a land of gods, the major forces have seen us. Where are the reasons for not paying tribute? If such a fat difference is to work with him. I’m afraid we haven’t had to drink even the soup.

"Since he is so interested, I will not say anything. Before you come, can you do your homework?"

Xiong Lie’s mouth rose.

"Nature is done, let's follow the order of the other special envoys, go to the nearest sect in this place."

Zhang Jingtao smiled, and there was a trace of greed in his eyes. Obviously, he had already known how to search for oil from this mission!

at the same time.

The direction that Ning Qi went is exactly the Chaoyin Pavilion. The owner of the Chaoyin Pavilion gave him the Titan Zhuguo. This kind of person is to pay back.

After ten days.

Ning Qi’s eyes suddenly moved, hidden in the void, and in front of him, two groups of people were confronting in the air.

"Elders of winter geese, don't run away, there is Lin Zongzhu, you are not able to fly in this place, it is better to surrender, when I let the old sorcerer fall from the position of the lord, let You are my double monk, can you?"

The person who spoke was the elder of the Chaoyin Pavilion, Qiu Changsheng.

His son Qiu Yuanqing and some of his brethren are standing behind him, and not far away, standing side by side with him, a middle-aged man in a robes.

It has a mid-temporal atmosphere and is the strongest presence in the field. On the side of the elders of winter geese, except that she is a monk of the Immortal Palace, the rest of the people are asking about the early and late stages of the Tao. At this moment, they all look at Qiu Changsheng with angry eyes, and Jushi Ruya is also among them. For more than a century, it seems that there is

Being refined, it is already asking the late monks!

"Qiu Changsheng, you are the elder of Chaoyin Pavilion, and even linked to the demon family, aiming to subvert our Chaoyin Pavilion? Not only betray the Zongmen, but also betray the Terran! You know how much your crime will be subject to the owner. Severe punishment?"

Winter geese sighed. "Jokes, what is the old enchantress in front of Lin Zongzhu? What was it for the newly raised elders of a district? I deprived my son of the golden dragon fruit. Why did she put me in the eye? Since the old enchantress looked down on me, I Why do you want to sell her life!

Elder Elder Goose, you are a smart person, do you know what the time is for Junjie? ”

Qiu Changsheng sneered.

Qiu Yuanqing behind him was also sneer at this moment, watching the eyes of Dong Yan, and the depth of his eyes was flashing a trace of greed.

"Longevity, a woman in a district, waiting for me to kill the Chaoyin Pavilion, such a beautiful woman, how much do you want me to give you."

Confucian robes are a faint way for middle-aged people.

Look closely, you can find that his pupil is different from the human race, is a triangle, the pupils are constantly turning, very surprised!

"Lin Zongzhu, since you have said this, then it will not force her, and please ask Lin Zongzhu to kill this woman!"

Qiu Changsheng's face suddenly brought a trace of respectful color, arched.

"Yeah." Lin Zongzhu nodded faintly, then gently reached out to the elders of the winter geese, a force far beyond the power of the fairy palace, instantly wrapped in the elders of winter geese, her body can not move, the eyebrows are hidden Some kind of fruit shape is slowly

Condensed. The land abandoned by God is not recognized by the Holy Assembly, so there is no possibility of robbery. Because the nature monks are not afraid of how much cause and effect they are infected with, they have never thought that they can be promoted to heaven, so the cause and effect of the land abandoned by God. Monk,

Most people like to swallow human cause and effect, to grow themselves.

"Elder Goose!" In the eyes of Jupiter Noah, there was a flash of anxious color, and the subconsciously punched and punched, trying to break the power of causality of Lin Zongzhu, but his power, in the face of these causal forces, is like 蚍蜉In an instant, it was eliminated, even a trace of 涟漪

Can't beat it!

The rest of the Chaoyin Pavilion disciples have also shot, this scene, falling in the eyes of Qiu Changsheng, can only add some jokes.

"Get up!"

Lin Zongzhuo gave a low drink. The next moment, a purple fruit suddenly emerged from the elders of the winter geese, and Lin Zong’s eyes flashed a smile. Just as he was preparing for the next move, one hand fell gently on the purple fruit. It slammed back, with

At the same time, Lin Zongzhu wrapped the cause and effect of the elders of the winter geese, but also quietly scattered.


Lin Zongzhu received a lot of shocks, a blood spurted out, and some horrified look at the man in white with a purple mask and a purple mask!

The elders of winter geese suddenly felt that they had regained control of their bodies. They quickly confessed to Ningqi: "Thank you for helping the seniors!" She knew that if Ningqi suddenly appeared, her cause and effect would be swallowed up by the other party. Even if her fairy palace is not destroyed, the gods will not be destroyed, and because of the loss of all cause and effect, they will be erased from this world, and there will be no reincarnation in the world.

Her traces exist!

After reading this, Dong Yan’s heart was scared for a while, and he was more grateful for the appearance of Ning Qi!

“Thank you for your predecessors!”

Jupiter Noah and others smashed, and immediately responded, excited to thank.

"Who is he?"

Qiu Changsheng's eyes were so alarmed that they gradually became dignified.

"Who is you, why do you want to intervene between the bones and the Chaoyin Pavilion?"

Lin Zong’s face is ugly.

"You are not qualified to know who I am."

Ning Qi faint road.

After a pause, his eyes swept away on Qiu Changsheng and others. "All of them squat."

Along with the voice exit, the atmosphere of the perfection of the fruit was directly swept out. When Qiu Changsheng and others couldn’t respond, they fell to the ground, and they slammed down and kicked their knees deep into the ground...

Only Lin Zongzhu, because it is due to the mid-reality, is still struggling to resist the terrible atmosphere of Ningqi, just falling to the ground, no majesty.

"Who is your lord! I am relying on the Tianhui Pavilion, and the Heavenly Demon Supreme is a perfect life. You..."


Ning Qi's body shape appeared directly in front of the other party, and his palm shot his Tianling cover. Lin Zongzhu's head suddenly penetrated the chest and abdomen, rushed out from the lower body, and broke into the ground deeply... Qiu Changsheng and others saw this. In one scene, tens of thousands of pores, oozing cold sweat!

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