Super Dragon Slaughtering System

Chapter 3512: Too early to leave

Left a gas machine? No wonder I took a hand on me...

Ning Qi thought about it and saw that the woman was about to leave. He quickly caught up with a few steps. "Predecessors, where is this, how far is it from the Taikoo Star Court?" "Here? With your cultivation, you want to go back and estimate no. It’s too big. The place name is too early. It’s too far away from where you are. With your cultivation, you always fly in that direction. Maybe it’s time to fly too far.

from. ”

The woman pointed in one direction and said.


Ning Qi sucked a bit of cold, so he worked so hard, the woman actually took him so far?

But he also knew for the first time that the area he was in was named too far away, and he also learned a very important message from the woman's words.

The gods are really big...

"Predecessors, can you discuss it and send me back to the Taikoo Star Court? The air machine on my body, you can take it back, and it will be treated as my return."

Ning Qi sincerely said.

He has completed his mission and will return to the Dark Council headquarters to start his promotion to the destiny. If the woman does not take him back, will he be stuck in the cause of death to death?

Unless... there is also a dark council here, but the possibilities may not be high.

Ning Qi does not dare to gamble!

"Jokes, if the people I owe are so easy to go, I am known, what is my face?"

The woman sneered.

"The younger generation does have an urgent need to go back..."

Ning Qi helpless.

"Then let me bite you. If you become a corpse, I may promise you your request. I will give you some strength and send you back."

The woman showed two tiger teeth again.

Ning Qi stunned, and there was a bit of suspiciousness in his eyes. Didn't the other party threaten him with this incident? This is obviously not like repaying, but instead... for some reason, I want him to be a corpse.

Mind here, Ning Qi smiled. "In fact, I am not too anxious to go back. It is better to follow the seniors. When the seniors are free, let me go back and take a trip."

"No, the place I am going to is very dangerous. You can only be my burden when you are with me."

The woman smiled, waved her hand and turned away.

"Right, my name is to leave, remember this name, you will hear it sooner or later."

The woman paused, and she said, she stepped out in one step, and the figure disappeared without a trace.

"You can do it!"

Ning Qi was silent for a while, and his heart snorted, looking around and looking for a direction to gallop.


Floating city.

This is the first city that Ning Qi met after he came to the beginning of the new year. He did not know whether he should be grateful or not. He did not leave him too remote. He only came here after flying for half a month. The floating city seems to belong to a certain large school. There are many masters in the city. Ningqi has seen more than a dozen reincarnations. As for the destiny, the cause and the third step, there are countless monks. The mortal of the floating city

Defining is the first step between the monk and the second step!

It is equal to no ordinary people here, the lowest is the first step!

Ning Qi's purpose is very simple, he just wants to go back too far, as for the beginning of the time, there is no chance, whether it is better than too much, he has no intention to go deep into it.

Going back to the Dark Council headquarters and promoting the destiny of the world is the first thing he has to do now!

"Brother, you are a transmission, can't you go too far?"

Ning Qi asked a few passers-by, and found the transmission array of the floating city all the way.

Since the woman is not willing to send him back, Ning Qi intends to sit back and transfer, but he has to sit back too far, but fortunately he is rich enough to change to an ordinary monk, I am afraid I have already broken this thought. Because the nature of the monk needs to fly a hundred ancient distance, even if it is a transmission array, there is no small hundred years, I am afraid it will not go back, the cost of this period, Ning Qi estimated, it should be around 100 million Where can the ordinary monks

Take out so many fine stone.

"Too away? What is this place? Our transmission array here can only reach seven places, which are... no one is going too far away."

The monk who guarded the transmission array was a cause of nature. He noticed that the atmosphere of Ning Qi was almost the same as that of him. He was quite polite, but his eyes also revealed a trace of doubt.

Too far away?

He has lived so big, how have he never heard of it?

"Then... just go to a place."

Ning Qi has some wrongdoing.

"Although there is no place to go, there is no need to be angry."

The guardian of the guardian transmission screamed in the heart, and received the fine stone of Ning Qi, and sent a place to Ningqi.

In a blink of an eye, decades have passed.

Ning Qi has been turning around for decades, always squatting between the big transmissions. He wants to go too far and still has no traces. Until one day, he saw the separation again.

It was a sunny day. When Ning Qi just came out of the transmission array, he saw a tea stand not far from the squatting, and looked at him with a smile.

Ning Qi walked to the tea stall and sat down, greeted the stall owner and poured a cup of tea, then looked at the smile and said: "It’s a coincidence to be a predecessor."

“It’s a coincidence that for decades, you’ve been looking for a way to go back and find it?”

I smiled when I asked you.

Ning Qi’s eyes twitched a few times, then smiled and said: “I didn’t find it.”

"I have just finished the matter, ready to go back too far, do you want to go back with me?"

I smiled and laughed.

"Predecessors, let's go."

Ning Qi drank the tea.

I don’t know if it’s a conscience discovery, or I really want to go back too far. After she slowly drinks tea, she gently pulls her neck and the two disappear from the tea stand.

After the stall owner smashed a few interest, he suddenly screamed: "What are the two things, it seems that a talent, even the tea money is not paid?"

Once again, I experienced the feeling of being dizzy and wanting to vomit. When Ning Qi blinked again, she found that she had appeared in front of the mountain gate of Taikoo Star Court.

As for the shackles, I have lost sight of it!

"finally come back."

Ning Qi trembled his lips and recited a sentence.

Then he turned and left.

"Ning Shidi?"

A voice suddenly sounded behind Ningqi.

Ning Qi’s body was stiff and turned to the leaves and did not regret the ceremony: “I have seen Ye Shijie.”

"The last time the mission ended, why didn't you come back?"

Ye did not regret a little suspicious look at Ning Qi.

Originally a few decades ago, Ning Qi should return to the Taikoo Star Court, but Xiong Lie and others have returned, but Ning Qi has never disappeared!

"Oh, it was delayed by some small things."

Ning Qi smiled.

"Well, since this is the case, it is just right now. This is the place where I promised your inner disciples."

Ye did not regret to throw a jade card for Ningqi, and a set of blue robes.

"I have also reported your information. From now on, you are a disciple of the Yaoguang Star Palace, and do it well."

Ye does not regret the road.

Ning Qi stunned, and then handed the hand: "Thank you, Master Ye!" became a disciple of the inner door, not far from the core disciples. At that time, you can go to the Star Court to see what the star of the wild is coming. Complete the advanced tasks of the system...

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