Super Dragon Slaughtering System

Chapter 3516: Have more time to read a book

"The origin of each race, that is not to say that there are tens of thousands of ancestors in the gods and gods..."

Ning Qi’s way.

As soon as this statement came out, the **** crying commander and the true spirit face became very weird.

Zhenling gently patted Ning Qi’s shoulder. “Let’s have more time to read a book.” “Ning Xiao Brothers, not every ancestor, has a long life like a corpse, you should know the reincarnation of the world? Shouyuan is limited. When it reaches the level allowed by Wannian reincarnation, it will be ingested and accepted for reincarnation.

The ancestors, including the ancestors, are no exception. Perhaps it is only the members of the Supreme Council that may have reached the seventh step. ”

Blood crying leads the way. "And most of the ancestors could not end well. Basically, they could not live at that time. The game between races was fierce. I can’t clearly understand the level of you and me, but as far as I know, the last appearance. The ancestor, the past is more than eternal, this is the ancient world of the gods, not the small world of the world, some small worlds, the second step monks can live on the ages, but they come to the gods, can live After an era, it’s a problem, some even

Only live for millions of years, you must be invaded by Wannian! ”

The true voice is faint: "So, from the ancestor of the corpse, and in the period of the War of the Great Patriotic War, this matter will have little or no effect on the Dark Council or the Holy Parliament."

Speaking of this, the real spirit suddenly smiled and looked at Ning Qi. "Fortunately, you are using the means to put her out of trouble. So, our dark council has a scent of incense between her and it is estimated that the parliament will give you some more rewards. ""


The qualification for the advanced reincarnation of the destiny is also given.

Ning Qi’s heart snorted, and then there was some doubt about the situation in the eyes of the gods. “The true spirit, according to your statement, is the ancestor of today’s survival, and it is already very few?”

"What I know is indeed this. As for the ancestors in the Holy Parliament, there is no ancestor hiding behind, waiting for opportunities, this is not clear."

The real spirit smiled and nodded.

"You can come in."

The voice of the Secretary-General sounded.

The three saw the situation and pushed the door again.

The Secretary-General smiled and looked at Ning Qi. "The Parliament has decided to give you the qualification to be promoted to heaven, and at the same time, give you two more rewards."

After a pause, he looked at Ning Qi up and down. "Listen to the real spirit and say that you have three burning fruits?"


Ning Qi nodded.

"Three are not enough, you have too many causal factors, I will give you one more."

The secretary-general smiled and waved his hand, and a burning fruit appeared in front of Ningqi.

When Ning Qi saw it, his eyes flashed a hint of joy, so that he could wash away the cause and effect of the body 100%, and he was more confident in the advanced life!

"The second reward, what do you want?"

The Secretary General smiled.

Ning Qi’s eyes moved and he said, “If you can, I want to borrow the Dark Ages...”

"Dark Age?"

The Secretary-General gave a slight glimpse.

The real spirit yelled: "Is the courage fat? Even the Dark Ages dare to borrow? This is..."

"Forget it, lend you three days, but there is a premise, you must be promoted to the destiny before you can borrow. If the promotion fails, this will be done, and your second reward will not be replenished. You choose ""

The Secretary-General’s faint road. The real spirit is slightly shocked. Even if they are secretaries like them, it is extremely difficult to borrow the Dark Ages. It is only possible to come up with enough combat power. It can be seen that either the Secretary-General is extremely optimistic about Ningqi, or on

It is the establishment of Ning Qi!

Knowing the true identity of the desecration is of great help to the Dark Council?

"it is good!"

Ning Qi nodded.

I did not hesitate to agree.

"Go, swallow the fruit of the burning industry. If your strength is enough to induce the thunder, the parliament will arrange for you to rob."

The Secretary-General waved his hand.

When the real spirit saw it, he took a gift with Ningqi and others and retired.

There is a place dedicated to people to rob the Darkness Headquarters. When the true spirit came with Ningqi, there was also one person who was robbing, and it was also promoted to the destiny because of the fruit!

It is similar to a canyon. There are countless monks standing at the entrance of the canyon. They are all watching the eyes. Most of these monks are due to the nature and ask the world. They have a hint of envy and a hint of envy.

The inside of the canyon is a mess, not only the traces of the current thunder, but also the breath of the previous thunder.

There is hardly a place in the vast canyon, and it is conceivable that there are many monks in the Dark Parliament headquarters.

Ning Qi’s eyes fell on the monk’s monk, and his appearance was ordinary, but his eyes were extremely determined. Even though he had many wounds on his body, he still stood in the void and looked at the thunder without fear.

Like Ning Qi, this person is also a human race! "When Chen came to our headquarters, the qualifications were so inferior, and it was tens of thousands of years to get promoted and asked for a perfect time. At that time, I was already a mid-term monk. I didn’t expect that now, he is To be promoted to heaven,

And I was able to reach the cause of great perfection..." "Hey, remember that when I was enemies with him, it was obviously a late monk who asked the way, but it didn't slip through the autumn. Every time he wanted to teach him a meal, he could resolve it. It’s now more than I’m too much, so the achievements of the monks are not 100% dependent.

Qualifications, such as his garbage qualifications, as long as there is enough opportunity to be able to die, there is a chance to surpass many peers! ”

"However, the qualifications represent how far the end of this road is. Perhaps, the destiny is his end."

"This person should be a class of monks who are particularly good at air transport."

Ning Qi’s heart whispered.

This is the judgment he made through the news from the whispering discussions of the surrounding monks.


The last thunder robbery fell.

Chen Fan blocked it. There was a burst of brilliance in his body, and the white light continued from the beginning of the smashing to the later glare. It continued for a dozen times of interest. When the white light dissipated, the smell of Chen Fan’s body has undergone great changes, causing it. Perfect,

More than ten times stronger!

"Congratulations to Chen Xiong!"

"He Xi Chen brother is in the advanced world!"

When Chen Fan walked out of the canyon, many monks clashed with joy.

Chen Fan nodded faintly, his eyes suddenly fell on the real spirit, and he quickly bowed his hand: "The younger generation has seen the real spirit."

"Do you recognize me?"

The true spirit smiled.

"The true spirit is the secretary of the fifth district, and the younger generation naturally recognizes it."

Chen Fan whispered.

Everyone heard the words, and there was a hint of surprise in their eyes, and they all bowed to the true spirit.

"You go in."

The real spirit took a shot of Ning Qi’s shoulder.

Ning Qi nodded, and Chen Fan passed by and walked into the canyon. Chen Fan glimpsed a little, turned to look forward to the Ning Qi, deep in the eye, flashing a glimpse of the color of the people.

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